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APRIL hath 30 days.


D. M.


1 Sa.

[blocks in formation]

5 W. 6 Th.

Returning spring invites to toil,
And hope inspires us now,
To fence the field, prepare the soil,
And use the spade and plough.

Courts, Aspects, Holidays,
Weather, &c.

All-Fools day. 6 D?

S4th Sun. in Lent.

Jefferson b, 1743.6 D ¥ h



Farmer's Calendar.

Implements, &c.

What a gazing there would be,

Statlecl.inv. Quite if our great-grandfathers could C. P. Barnat. & Bost. G. high various improvements in farming come back again, and see the tides. utensils! The ploughs, in parMuch ticular, would excite wonder. In

[ocr errors]

Lenox. Harrison d.,

State elec. R. Island.

7 s s. 10h. 49m. eve.

stat. h stat.

has not been altered for the better

7 Fr. 69 ho in fact, there is scarcely a tool that 8 Sa. Dr. high. 6 Dfiner, in some way or other, besides 9A. S5th Sun. 69D2 Mid. a great many new inventions. Mo.with frequent tides. There is the cultivator, the horse11 Tu. 8.J.C.Low. C.C.Barn showers. rake, the straw-cutter, cornshel

[blocks in formation]

ler, threshing-machine, and the scraper, and then how much better are our hoes, shovels, and rough, with high tides. forks of various kinds! Surely, 15 Sa. winds and some snow. "every age grows wiser and Palm Sun. Quite fine wiser," in these respects. Housewifery, too, has received great Bat. Cerro Gordo, or Sierra Gorda, (Mex.) 1847. again. benefit by these means. The S. J. C. Wore. Greenf. Din ap. spirit of invention stops nowhere Bat C15. High Mid. with the Americans. This is cerAbernethey winds, other-tainly very true, friend SpringGood Frid. Bat. tides. wise sharp, and now let us see what

17 Mo.

18 Tu.

19 W.

20 Th.

21 Fr.

22 Sa. 23 A.

C. C. Dedham.


d., 1831.

St. Jacinto,'36.

taken, 1817. Easter

can be done with some of these'

Xalapa (Mex) Disa. h ring. implements. Yoke up, and go at Dr. low. very fine it, with your fine, active team. But 24 Mo.C. P. Dedham, then, there is something to attend Cromw. b., 1599. for the


25 Tu. 8. J. C. North'p.. St. Mark. to in this matter. Have you ex

[blocks in formation]

27 Th. 7*s s. 8h. 24m. eve. you had better let it alone at

[blocks in formation]

A farmer must be very busy this month, if he wants his

barn well filled in the Fall.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

New Moon; 3d day, 2h. 31m. morning.

> First Quarter, 9th day, 10h. 13m. evening.
Full Moon, 18th day, 1h. 58m. morning.
Last Quarter, 25th day, 7h. 3m. evening.

Days of

Length DAY'S Full Sea, D's

the Week. Rises. Sets. of Days. INC. h. m.h. m. h. m.h.

454 6 5914

h. m.


D Dsou. s.h. m.

4 11 10 27


328 9 43 head

2 Tues. 4 537

014 75


329 10 34 neck

4 49 11 23

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

6 20 belly

1 20 7 35

[blocks in formation]

12 Frid. 4 427 10 14 285 24
13 Satur. 4 41 7 11 14 30 5 26
14 SUN. 4 40 7 12 14 325 28
15 Mon. 439 7 13 14 345 30
16 Tues. 4 38 7 14 14 365 32
17 Wed. 4 37 7 15 14 385 34
18 Thur. 4 36 7 16 14 405 36
19 Frid. 436 7 17 14 415 37
20 Satur. 4 35 7 18 14 435 39
21 SUN. 4 34 7 19 14 455 41
22 Mon. 433 7 20 14 475 43
23 Tues. 4 327 21 14 495 45
24 Wed. 431 7 22 14 515 47
25 Thur. 4 307 23 14 535 49
26 Frid. 429 7 24 14 555 51
27 Satur. 4 29 7 25 14 575 53
28 SUN.4 28 7 26 14 585 54
29 Mon. 427 7 27 15
30 Tues. 426 7 27 15
31 Wed. 4 26 7 28 15

4 12 10 15 reins
413 10 55 sec.
41411 30 sec.
4 Omorn.thighs
416 0 3thighs
417 0 35 thighs
418 1 9 knees
419 1 43 knees
2 18 legs

3 48 11 11 4 20 11 56 Oris. morn. 8 41 0 43 9 31 1 31 10 9 2 20 11 4 3 0


11 44 4 1

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

D. M.

D. W.

We will be cheerful, sow or plant,
Or do what else we may;
Our duty done, distressing want
We know will flee away.

Courts, Aspects, Holidays,
Weather, &c.

1 Mo. St. Phil. &
St. James May-day. Mid.
2 Tu.. J. C. Ips. & Spring.
R. Isl. leg. meets at Prov.
Conn. leg. stat.



4 Th.

5 Fr. J. Pickering d., '46, ag. 69.

6 Sa. Dr. high.





Farmer's Calendar.



tides. No matter how much you have Grows to do, if you only preserve order, Quite killeth the foolish man, and repinand keep your temper. rain. ing consumes the weak man," said high Eliphaz, the Temanite; and he 7A. {2d Sun. p. 66 tides. spoke very true; for what signi8Mo. Am. Bible Soc. fies being in a fret and a passion, formed, 1818. fine again for even if you may have a dozen 9 Tu... 7s s. 7h. 52m. calling at each elbow? You never Maine legis planting. Mid. should move a step in business Look out for tides. without system. How can a Set. of Jamesfrosts at farmer get along in a helter-skelter mode. Look now at Tom '46. Sirius 8. 8h. 15m. ev. Slatterly's work. His corn-rows 3d S. p. East. night. are as meandering as a meadow

10 W.

11 Th. 12 Fr.

13 Sa. 14 A.


town, 1607.
War dec. to exist with Mex.,

15 Mo.. P. crim.) Springf.

[blocks in formation]

D. O'Connell d.. 1847. Din aph. brook; his farming tools lie scatSometered here and there all over his thistles and thorns have premises; taken possession of his door-yard; rain. and whoever approaches it, if he in sup. 6 Otides. takes no heed to his ways, may Sa.Columb. d., 1526. Dr. low. be tripped up by a houseless

17W. 18 Th. 19 Fr.


21 A.

22 Mo.


Lafay. d. 1834.

4th Sun.

P. East. in perih. Fine grunter. Such was the sad mishap of one of Tom's neighbors, nearest settled who made him an evening call. 23 Tu. weather for a few days. But, look here, we must keep 24 W. J. Randolph d., 1833. moving and take care of number 25 Th. 7*s r. 4h. 12m. m. Low one. Tom's old breachy cow, 26 Fr. he ought to have put into the Signs of more rain. meat tub long ago, has broke into tides. the mowing. Call the dog, Caleb, with

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's Declination.



JUNE, sixth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days.d. m Days.d. m. Days.d.

m.Days.d. m.

22 N. 7 7 22 48 13 23 15 19 23 27 25 23 24


[blocks in formation]

Days of

New Moon, 1st day, 9h. 56m. morning.
First Quarter, 8th day, Oh. 32m. evening.
O Full Moon, 16th day, 4h. 14m. evening.
Last Quarter, 24th day, 1h. 43m. morning.
New Moon, 30th day, 5h. 35m. evening.

[blocks in formation]

7 2

[blocks in formation]




4 36 belly

morn. 6 16


[blocks in formation]

0 23 7 0


[blocks in formation]

7 Wed. 4 227 33 15 11 6 8Thur. 4 227 3415 12 6

9 Frid. 4 227 35 15 13 6 10 Satur. 4 227 35 15 13 6 11 SUN. 4 227 36 15 146 10 12 Mon. 4 227 37 15 156 11 13 Tues. 4 227 37 15 16 6 12 14 Wed. 4 227 38 15 16 6 12 15 Thur. 4 227 38 15 16 6 12 16 Frid. 4 227 38 15 16 6 12 17 Satur. 4 22 7 38 15 166 12 18 SUN.4 237 39 15 16 6 12 19 Mon. 4 237 39 15 16 6 12 20 Tues. 4 237 39 15 166 12 21 Wed. 4 237 3915 166 12 22 Thur. 4 237 39 15 16 6 12 23 Frid. 423 7 40 15 176 13 24 Satur. 4 247 40 15 16 DEC.

8 41 sec.
012 9 38 sec.
0 13 10 22 thighs
S. 14 11 3 thighs
0011 38thighs
0 16 morn. knees
117 0 16 knees
0 53 knees


151 9 S 2 22 9 53 3 4210 39 4 22 11 27 Oris. morn. 8 18 0 16 9417

9 45 1 58

[blocks in formation]

JUNE hath 30 days.


[blocks in formation]


3 Sa.


Fair summer smiles, and we should smile,

The farmer most of all;

For birds and flowers his toil beguile,

And dew-drops round him fall.

Courts, Aspects, Holidays,
Weather, &c.

(Gr. earth. in N.E., 1638. High

{Holy Thurs.

ani Nant.

Farmer's Calendar.

Cut Worms.

2 Fr. Dr. high. 6D Very Wind a husk around the stem ¿h fine again, tides. of your cabbage-plant, to keep off this, depredator, says one; and S. P. Asc. 6D with another says, Put birch bark 5 Mo. C. P. North. { more signs of around your little peach and 6 Tu. C. C. Concord. showers. cherry trees, to protect them. The 7W. N. H. Legis. meets. 8Th. 7*s r. 2h. 33m. m. Low 9 Fr. Chol. com. Am., 1832. 10 Sa. Buckm. d., 1810. tides. 11A. Whit Sun.

16 Fr.

17 Sa.

Spring'd, Conc.

and North.

S Trin. Sunday.


editor of the Ploughman thinks
that some railing of the kind may
prove cheaper than making war
on the bodies of the grubs."
have been told, also, that if we put
ashes around our plants, as soon
as the rascal smells it he will

12 Mo. C. P. N. Bedford. Din apo.« cut and run." Another way is 13 Tu. C. C. Greenf. Changeable, to get up early in the morning, 14 W. Siri. s. 6h. 6m., ev. with and look after these night-walking 15 Th. h a high winds. gentry. Note where the missing runs low. Agreeable plants were, and, an inch or so, Bat. B. Hill. Mid. tides. lanous assassin; then serve him as under ground, you will find the vilO the French pedler said must be 19 Mo.C. P. Ipswich and Worc. weather for done with another tormenting in20 Tu.C.C. { Worc. 6 vegetation. sect. Said Monsieur, "Ven you catch skeeto, you must crush gr.elon. Uncommonly him, an e bitem na moore." 22 Th. Corpus Christ. fine for A word or two about ploughing 23 Fr. 6 Dh Long'st day. Low among corn and potatoes, if you 24 Sa. Midsum. D. & ing the please.


21 W.

Sta. Fe (Mex.) tak., $46.

P. (crim.) Conc.

The cultivator is the choice of some for this purpose,

25 A. 1st Sun. p. Trin. in 6D and a plough is used by others. 26 Mo. C. P. Lenox C. in Aph. Now which is best, I think, de27 Tu. 7s r.1h.37m.m. { and Ded. pends on what sort of a soil you 28 W. Din per. season. Tides have to deal with. If it be stiff and hard, then take a plough. 29 Th. Dr. high. Now look out is of The cultivator, which 30 Fr. for showers. inc. modern invention, use on greenCultivate the Farmer that you may bet-sward, for it will not disturb the ter cultivate the Farm.-Palfrey's Add. furrow.

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