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Being the 2d after Bissextile or Leap Year, and 66 of Am. Independence.
Fitted to the city of Boston, but will answer for the adjoining States.
Containing, besides the large number of Astronomical Calculations,
and the Farmer's Calendar for every month in the year,
as great a variety as any other Almanack of


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"TIME whirls round, his years roll away,
The child in his cradle minds little its


And youth spurns its buds for its thorn-hidden bloom,
Manhood seeks bright phantoms-finds Age and a tomb."



Sold, also, by most Booksellers and Traders throughout the New England States. Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1841, by Charies J. Hendee, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts.)


It is just fifty years, Friends and Patrons, old and new-we know not which are the most numerous, or the most kind, you who have gone hand in hand with us for half a century, or you who have known us but a few short summers-it is just fifty years since we started our unpretending, but, as we trust, useful annual! Fifty years! It is a life by itself!-In that time how many millions, who were, half a century ago, living, breathing and moving, full of hope, of young life, of energy and of vigor, have gone down to the silent grave! In that time what countless millions of the human race have been called "to sleep the sleep that knows no waking!" It is now but a little over fifty years since the immortal Franklin, author of that quaint, but time-honored work, "Poor Richard's Almanac," died; he who " wrested the lightning from the heavens, and the sceptre from the tyrant." Fifty years since, and the high and pure-souled Washington, one of the noblest characters that our country, ay! or any country has produced, was alive, directing with his wisdom, and giving, by his presence and counsels, new vigor to those energies which the people of these United States hardly dared to hope that they possessed!

Within fifty years, while we have gone on, in the even tenor of our way, our blessed country has stretched upward, from the lithe and pliant sapling, to the strong and mighty tree, spreading abroad her majestic branches, giving shade and protection to all who have sought her shelter, and firmly establishing herself among the other nations of the earth, with a population increased, during that time, from hardly four millions to seventeen millions.

Fifty years ago, and cities, now full of thousands of souls, were the hunting-ground of the Indian, and covered only by the forest or the swamp. Fifty years ago, and the city of New York contained but about 33,000 inhabitants; it has now 312,000. Boston then about 18,000, now 93,000. Philadelphia then about 40,000, now 260,000. Baltimore, which then had but about 13,000, has now 100,000.

Fifty years ago, and we had nothing of the gigantic wonders of steam; we had no boiling cauldrons traversing the land and water, puffing and groaning, and pulling or pushing enormous masses with fury along, now here, now there, as the master spirit which controlled them might dictate. Fifty years ago, the worthy fathers and mo. thers of the present generation were willing to dress in their own homespun; the busy wheel was whirring by the kitchen fireside, the knitting-needles were plied, and the wool woven in the house, and the finer fabrics dressed at the fulling-mill, which has given away to the spacious factory. The waterfall and steam engine, the improved spindles and other machines, manufacture now millions of yards, where fifty years since only hundreds were made, and that by the industrious and thrifty hands of the mothers and daughters of the hardy farmers of those days.

With all the changes that have been going on in the great world, the course of our America has been onward and upward." We have had as presidents, our Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, father and son, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, and now Tyler. England has had her Georges III. and IV., her William IV., and now has her Victoria. France has had more changes, has been the scene of more violence and more exciting and terrible commotions, than almost any other part of the civilized world, and from which, thanks to a kind Providence, we have been measurably exempt. Within fifty years Russia and all the countries of the old world have had their changes, some natural, others startling and impressive. The South Sea Islander has become converted to the gospel-the whole continent of New Holland, fifty years since a barren wilderness, has been partly peopled. The Turk has recognized the Jew'as a human being and a brother; he has exchanged dress with the Christian.

Within the past fifty years science has done wonders for the human race; she has by her discoveries, the facilities she has created, the powers she has developed, added to the wealth and happiness of almost every class in our land. The farmer, among others, is indebted to her for his well constructed ploughs, his improved breeds of cattle and swine, new varieties of seeds and grain, as well as trees, shrubs, and vines, and his improved implements of every kind, from the simple apple-peeler to the steam threshing machine. Domestic economy too has been indebted to science for implements to add to our convenience and comfort. Within the past fifty years, com merce has made brethren and friends of the remote inhabitants of the earth, the cause of Peace has, as we trust, been progressing, that of Philanthropy and Temperance is rapidly advancing, and we trust as nations grow wiser, better acquainted, more civilized, that vice and ignorance will give place to virtue and knowledge, and the horrors of war to the quiet blessings of peace and good fellowship.


Though we have now accomplished what has seldom been done in this or any other country, as we believe, the getting up and publication for half a century of a manual, edited by the same person, even as unpretending as our modest and homely annual, we do not mean to rest here; should we be spared, we shall go on, as we trust, to " good old age," and though we may not reach the 100th number of the "OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC," yet we shall endeavor to improve as we progress, and continue to unfold our yearly budget to our patrons as long as Providence permits, hoping always to meet them with a smiling face, and that they will not be disposed to cut our acquaintance, as a modern dandy would a rusty cousin from the backwoods, because we look, as we pride ourselves in looking, a little old-fashioned, a little too independent to hange our dress for each "new-fangled notion"-a little "t'other side of fifty."

Friends and Patrons! The form of the editor who has jogged along side by side with the older ones of you for fifty years, will, with many other forms now full of life and vigor, before another half century, be crumbling in the dust! The world that now seems so joyous will ere that time have passed away from many millions now alive, it may be from the reader as well as from us; and if so, may we receive the reward of the pure in heart, may our sins be forgiven us, and may our virtues be held in fond remembrance by those who have best known us on earth, and may we pass to our final account as those

66 * *** who wrap the drapery of their couch
About them, and lie down to pleasant dreams!"

Arte & Promos.


There will be five Eclipses this year, three of the Sun, and two of the Moon. I. The first will be an annular of the Sun, January, 11th day, near 12h. in the morning, invisible in the United States, but visible in the Southern ocean.

II. The second will be a partial eclipse of the Moon, January 26th, near 12h. at noon, invisible to all in North America.

III. The third will be a total eclipse of the Sun, July 8th, near 2h. in the morning, invisible.

IV. The fourth will be a partial eclipse of the Moon, July 22d, 6h. in the morning, invisible in New England.

V. The fifth will be an annular eclipse of the Sun, December 31st, invisible in North America, but visible and central in South America.


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The Julian Year, introduced by Julius Cæsar, 45 years B. C., made every fourt year, without exception, a leap year. This was an over correction; an error of 7 days in 900 years. As early as the year 1414, it was perceived that the equinoxes were gradually moving from the 21st of March and September, where they ought always to have fallen had the Julian year been exact. A new reform of the calendar was thus required; and it took place under the popedom of Gregory XIII. by the omission of 10 nominal days after the 4th of October, 1582, so that the next day was called the 15th, and not the 5th. This change was immediately adopted in all Roman Catholic countries, but tardily in the countries of Protestantism.

In England, THE CHANGE OF STYLE, as it was called, took place after the 2d day of September, 1752, eleven nominal days being then struck out; so that the last day of Old Style being the 2d, the first of New Style, (the next day,) was called the 14th, instead of the 3d. The same legislative enactment which established the Gregorian year in England, in 1752, shortened the preceding year, 1751, by a full quarter. Previous to that time, the year was held to begin with the 25th of March, and the year 1751 accordingly did so; but that year was not suffered to run out, being supplanted on the 1st of January by the year 1752, which it was enacted should commence on that day. Russia is now the only country in Europe in which the old style is still adhered to, and the difference between the European and Russian dates amounts, at present, to about two weeks.

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