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Timber includes all kinds of felled and seasoned wood. Of all the different kinds known, oak is considered the most valuable for building, and even when it lies exposed to air and water, there is none equal to it. goodness of timber not only depends on the soil and situation in which it stands, but likewise on the season in which it is felled. People disagree very much in this; some are for having it felled as soon as the fruit is ripe ; others, in the spring season, and many in the autumn. As the sap and moisture of timber is certainly the cause that it perishes much sooner than it otherwise would do, it seems evident that timber should be felled when there is the least sap in it, or when the sap is most fusible or in a liquid


The ancients chiefly regarded the age of the moon in felling timber: their rule was to fell it in the wane, or four days after the new. An Amherst, Massachusetts, cooper states, that he formerly furnished three oil mills in that vicinity with casks made from oak felled in June; because, he says, timber felled in winter, being more porous, would not contain oil; and oak and walnut cut in June would not powder-post. That the moon has influence on the sap, no one who has paid attention has occasion to doubt: the liber or inner bark is less adhesive at this stage of the moon, the ligneous or woody matter being in a more fluid state. It has been ascertained by various experiments, that the woody part of oak in full vegetation is only four-tenths of the whole: air constitutes one-fourth of it, and the rest consists in sap. Light woods have still a much less quantity of solid matter; but the season of the year and age of the tree occasion considerable variation. Timber should be cut when of a proper age, for when it is either too young or too old, it will not be so durable. They should be cut in their prime, when almost fully grown, and before they begin to decay; and this will depend upon the dryness and moistness of the soil where the timber grows. The time of its commencement to decay, or when it is going past its prime, is when the concentric circles are less and less, as may be seen in the oak, beech, walnut, &c. These circles yearly enlarge the trunk by the formation of a new alburnum or soft wood, which the next succeeding year becomes the lignum or hard wood. The wood of the north side of all trees which grow in this climate is the weakest, and that of the south side is the strongest. The heart of a tree is never in its centre, but always nearer to the north side, and the concentric circles, or annual coats of wood, are thinner on that side. In conformity with this, it is the general opinion of carpenters, that timber is strongest whose annual plates are thickest. The air vessels makes the visible separation between the annual plates. Therefore, when these plates are thickest they contain a greater proportion of the woody fibre.

Timber, after being felled and sawed, must be seasoned not by standing upright, but lie one piece upon another, only kept apart by blocks or small sticks interposed to prevent a certain mouldiness which they will contract in sweating on one another. Some advise plank or other timber to lie in water a few days, in order to extract the sap, and afterwards to dry in the air: by this means they will be prevented from cracking or chapping. Some scorch and season them in the fire, such as piles, posts, &c., which are to stand in water or earth. They are charred and seasoned by burning them round in a strong, violent flame, until a black, coaly crust is formed; the internal part of the wood is thereby so hardened, that neither earth nor water can damage it for a long time afterwards. An excellent preservation of wood by charcoal, especially applied to eave-troughs and water-spouts, is, first to lay on a coat of drying oil, then immediately dust it over with a thick layer of charcoal, finely powdered, and contained in a muslin bag. After two or three days, when the oil is thoroughly dried, brush off the loose particles of charcoal, and cover that which adheres with a coat of paint, and in a few days after, a second; the whole will become a fine solid crust, and is said to preserve the wood sound for many years.

Some advise to season the timber before it is cut down, by taking off the bark a year before it is cut: the sap is expelled, and the alburnum is converted into wood in the course of the year. Sills and sleepers for out-buildings should have a free circulation of air to save them from decay.-S. W.J. -Alb. Cultivator.


The following is the result of an experiment made in planting corn the past season. Having seen statements of the benefits derived from steeping in a solution of the sulphate of iron, (copperas,) as securing it against the ravages of birds and the cut-worns, I resolved upon giving it a trial. Mr. J. K. (with whose crop the experiment was tried) procured a few ounces, dissolved it in hot water, and poured over the corn. After remaining in the solution from six to eight hours, the corn was taken out, rolled thoroughly in plaster, and planted. And rows of the same kind of corn were planted in the middle of the field, without steeping the seed, but just as it came from the cob. The field was likewise planted with pumpkin-seeds, also without preparation. After the corn and pumpkins had come up, I observed that man of the latter were cut off by the worms, but could not see a single stalk of disturbed, until I examined the rows (for I had marked them) the seed of which had not been prepared. Here I found the worms at work, nearly a tenth part of which they had destroyed: the birds had likewise taken some. The steeped corn was of a greener and more healthy color than the other, grew faster, with stouter stalks, while that from the unprepared seed could readily be pointed out by its more yellow and dwindling appearance; neither was the yield so great as the other.

Now, whether this difference in yield is to be attributed to the copperas or to the plaster, or to both, I have yet to learn; but think the copperas prevented the birds and worms from committing depredations, as we have frequently rolled seed corn in plaster, but have never found that a security against either birds or worms.-The above is at your service: you will please to pardon errors in composition, as my province is behind the plough and not the pen.-R. FOSTER.-Alb. Cultivator.


Addressed to the Editor of the Farmer's Monthly Visiter.

DEAR SIR-Believing ruta haga to be of great value to the stock farmers, and as the season (May 5th) for sowing is at hand, I send you an extract from my farm journal, relative to my mode of culture the first year, though, as it was ry first experiment, I am far from thinking it to be the best mode. However, as I was pretty accurate, it may be of use to my brother farmers, by inducing some one, better acquainted with its culture than myself, to point out the errors in my process.

In the fall of 1836, I broke up three acres of green sward, the soil a stiff loam; and in 1837 planted with potatoes, there being nothing peculiar in the management, or extraordinary in the crop. In the spring of 1938, I carted on sixty loads of well-rotted manure, which I ploughed in so soon as the ground was sufficiently dry, and on the 27th of May I again ploughed, harrowed, and after rolling smooth, marked it into squares of 18 inches, and planted by dropping two or three seeds in each intersection, which was done by taking the seed from a box, with a single hole in the top. I sowed from the 1st to the 4th of June; on the 23d began to weed, thinning out where the plants were too crowded, and setting out where deficient, which I continued to do occasionally when other work did not press, till the 28th July On the 26th October, I began to pull and cut, finishing on the 9th of November. They were pulled by hand, the plants last pulled as uninjured as the first, although they had been exposed to frost. When pulled, two plants were struck together to shake off the dirt; the tops were then twisted off and carted. The root was handled three times over; they went into the cellar in a tolerably clean state. Having heard of their not keeping well in cellars, I stored in one cellar 1500 bushels without injury; I have now (May 5th) more than 100 bushels, as fair as when placed there. The cellar was 30 feet square; 8 inch timbers were placed, covered with plank. The whole was divided into two bins, with one foot between the bins, and one between the bins and wall. I fed out my 1200 bushels to my sheep, 650 horned cat

tle, and the remainder to my horses. them to potatoes. For my horses and spade; for the sheep, they were passed whole weight was seventy-seven tons. Claremont, N. H., May, 1839.

They all ate with avidity, preferring cattle, they were merely cut with a through a vegetable cutter. The Respectfully yours, L. J.


Addressed to the Editor of the Genesee Farmer.

MESSRS. EDITORS-A correspondent in the fourth number of the Farmer wishes to know the best method of raising the grape. My way is to trim those vines that have been growing some years in the winter, so as to prevent the sap from running in the spring, which is apt to retard their growth. When the buds begin to start, I rub all from the old part, leaving those on the last year's growth only which will produce grapes. After they have grown to the size of shot, I clip the ends of the vines, and free them from branches, to prevent them from having too large a quantity of wood, leaving a few of the thriftiest, which I keep free from branches, so that in the fall I have a number to raise a crop from the next season. By the middle of August I take the leaves from the vines that have grapes on, and ty this means get them ripe before the frost takes them. If the buds have not been taken off when they first started, the surplus branches of the present year's growth may be clipped off in the fore part of June. By pursuing this course, my grapes ripen without being frozen.

Port Gib., N. Y.


MILKING COWS.-Good cows need milking regularly three times every twenty-four hours. In fact, if this practice were adopted, our farmers would have more good cows than they now do. We see it stated that a gentleman near Philadelphia, who has adopted the practice of milking thrice a day, has a short-horned Durham cow that yielded an average of 334 quarts a day during the first week in June.

A TABLE OF INTEREST PER DAY, at 6 per cent.,
On any number of Dollars from One to Twelve Thousand.
Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.
Dol. d. c. m. Dol. d. c.

Prin. Int. Prin. Int. Prin. Interest.






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d. c. m.
808 73
822 74


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N. B. Many persons do not readily understand the above Table; we give the fol

lowing Examples.

What is the interest on 735 dollars for one day at 6 per cent?

[blocks in formation]

Twenty-four dols. sixteen cts. and 4 mills 24,16,400 answer.

A TIN TRUNK PEDLER. SCENE:-A Parlor; Mother and three daughters seming--a loud rap is heard at the door-enters a pedler with two tin trunks-without further ceremony he displays their contents.

"Oh, ma'am!" says a daughter, "this is a beautiful ring!" "What handsome gold ear-rings!" cries another. "Buy me them beads!" cries the third. "Silence, girls, and let me examine the articles first." After putting on her spectacles, the following conversation ensues.

Mrs. Sharp. Is this ere ring goold? Pedler. Yes, ma'am, it is the real jewellers' goold.

Mrs. S. Don't know any thing about your jewellers' goold-is it the real goold? Pedler. Yes, ma'am-I will warrant it the best kind.

Mrs. S. Will you warrant it? that's enough;-what do you ask?

Pedler. Why, I generally get two dollars; but you may have it for one dollar three quarters.

Mrs. S. I can get 'm cheaper than that at the stores--they don't ask but a dollar for the same kind.

Pedler. It's impossible-they cannot be real goold; but I am a great way from home, and want to sell; you may take it,

but it cost me more.

Mrs. S. No, I'll give you seventyfive cents.

Pedler. O! that's too cheap-it cost me exactly that; say eighty cents-I want to make a little profit.

Mrs. S. No, seventy-five cents is the most I can, and I don't at that price, unless you'll take some old silver spoons. Pedler. Silver, you know, is very low now-but if I can make a trade with you, I'll take what you have.

Mrs. S. Well, here is some good thick ones; what will you give for them, and pay me in your articles?

Pedler. (Taking them in his hand.) Here is about seven ounces; new silver is

worth half a dollar an ounce-but old is not worth near so much. I suppose I can allow you about two dollars for the lot, but that is a great price for such kind of silver.

(Enter Farmer Sharp.) Farmer S. Wife, what does this fellow want?

Mrs. S. Don't speak so harsh, my dear; you will offend the gentleman: he is purchasing these old spoons-they are of no use to us, you know.

Farmer S. Have I not told you to keep clear of these prowling miscreants? Fellow! pack up your trumpery and be off; and beware how I catch you within my territories again.

Pedler and trumpery vanish-the girls skulk-the Farmer looks sourDame Sharp throws the spoons into cupboard, and the door is closed upon visages black as thunder.-Eve. Tran.

[blocks in formation]

"Why so?"

"Because, I have made a promise-a promise, not to pay a five dollar note, which I should blush to break-but a promise of my very self to one I do not love." "Why don't you break it then?"

"Ah, ah, Mr. Cashier, there's the rub. Unlike your bank, I have no charter, and should be sued for breach of promise, and heavily fined."-Chi. Dem.

WHY AND WHEREFORE. A Quaker, as it is recounted, Was always on a good steed mounted; But getting married, he was seen His wife being seated by his side, Upon a nag more dull and leanA neighbor meeting him one day, Upon the horse he used to ride. Said, John, my friend, inform me, pray, Should always ride the better horse?" Why she, who weaker is of course, "Friend," quoth the Quaker, "why and wherefore

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Would take too long to tell thee-there


Do thou get married, and ne'er doubt it, Thou 'It know at once, friend, all about


THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED. Out of every dollar you get, save one half if you can, certainly one third.

If you hope for independence, keep out of debt. The honor, the reputation, and the liberty of the debtor lies at the mercy of the creditor.

Be just before you are generous: never waste, nor get into debt to make entertain ments. "Fools make feasts and wise men eat them."

Plenty is but a degree short of profusion. Decent frugality is the best method to attain the confidence of wise men.

Never be in bed at six in the morning, or out of it at ten at night. The early riser is always in time with business,

while the sluggard runs after it all the day, and never can overtake it.

Credit is often a dangerous temptation, and the means of destroying itself. Like health, it is only to be preserved by prudence and moderation.

SINGLE BLESSEDNESS. Let no repugnance to a single state Lead to a union with a worthless mate, Although 't is true you'll find full many a fool

Would make old maids the butt of ridicule;

A single lady, though advanced in life, Is much more happy than an ill-match'd wife.

Lion.-A young upstart once boasted in company that he was the lion of the day. "You must acknowledge," said one present, "that you are not yet old enough to be the lion; but we are all willing to allow that you are a whelp.”

Gold. He who loves gold is a fool; he who fears it, a slave; he who adores it, an idolater; he who hoards it up, a dunce; he who uses it, is the wise man.

"I owe my success in business chiefly to you," said a stationer to a paper-maker, ast ey were settling a large account; "but let me ask how a man of your caution came to give credit freely to a beginner with my slender means?" "Because," replied the paper-maker, "at whatever hours in the morning I passed to my business, I always observed you without your coat at yours."

THE FARMER.-A SONG. A farmer's life is the life for me, I own I love it dearly; And every season, full of glee, I take its labor cheerlyTo plough or sow,

To reap or mow,

Or in the barn to thrash, sir

All's one to me;"

I plainly see,

""T will bring me health and cash, sir." The lawyer leads a harass'd life,

Much like (that of) a hunted otter, And 'tween his own and others' strife, He's always in hot water

For a foe or friend,
A cause defend,
However wrong, must he, sir-
In reason's spite
Maintain it's right-
And dearly earn his fee, sir.
The doctor's styled a gentleman,
But this I hold but humming,
For, like a tavern waiting man,
To every call "he's coming.'
Now here, now there,
Must he repair,

Or starve, sir, by denying;
Like death himself,
Unhappy elf,

He lives by others' dying.

A farmer's life, then, let me live,
Obtaining, while I lead it,

Enough for self, and some to give
To such poor souls as need it.
I'll drain and fence,

Nor grudge expense

To give my land good dressing-
I'll plough and sow,
Or drill in row,

And hope from Heaven a blessing.
Alex. Mess.

Confession. A female, confessing hɛ. sins, among other things, acknowledged that she were rouge. (Painted.) "For what purpose?" asked the priest. "To make me appear more captivating," was the answer. "But does it make you look more beautiful?" At least, holy confessor, I think it does!" The priest took the penitent out of the confessional, into light, and gazing steadfastly at her, exclaimed, "Madam, you may paint without offence, for you are still very ugly.”

"Milk is so dear," exclaimed a young widow to her milk-man, "I wish I could afford to keep a cow of my own." "Wouldn't it be cheaper, ma," replied her little daughter, archly, "to keep a milk-man of our own?"

Somebody asked Baron Rothschild (the "No!" said the Jew) to take venison. Baron, "I never eatsh venshon; I don't think it ish coot ash mutton." "Oh !" said the Baron's friend, "I wonder of your saying so; if mutton were better than venison, why does venison cost so much more?" "Vy," replied the Baron, "I vill tell you vy-in dish world do peoples alvaysh prefer vat ish deer to vat ish sheep."

The man who lives in vain, lives worse than in vain. He who lives to no purpose, lives to a bad purpose.


Curious thing it is indeed,
Hundred thousands chew a weed,
Egregious filthy-still how sweet;
With some, a quid 's a precious treat.
I do not think it-tell you why,
No swine will chew it-wet or dry!
Great folks may eat it—but not I.

'Tis not an evil thing I know,
Only me in your mouth to stow-
But puff and burn me, reason knows,
As well as put me up one's nose,
Cuts 'cross the grain-dear me, forbear!
Chew'd, burnt and snuff'd, I do declare,
One is too much-but three-O dear.
Osto. Obser.

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