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of the charity funds, under the direction of the trustees, annually or otherwise as they shall think fit, they being at liberty from time to time to make such alterations in such clothing as to them shall seem proper.

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Twenty-seventhly, That the trustees shall be at liberty, Medicalman when it shall appear to them requisite, to employ a medical ployed. man to attend any of the inmates of the said almshouses, and they are to be allowed what they may pay such medical man in their yearly accounts, so as that such allowance do not in any one year exceed the sum of 201.

for school

Twenty-eighthly, That the house in the parish of Goring, Residence which has been hitherto used by the trustees of the charity for mistress. their meetings, shall in future be appropriated and used for the residence of a schoolmistress and for a school for girls.

Twenty-ninthly, That a schoolmistress shall be from time to time chosen and appointed, and a salary not exceeding the annual sum of 201. allotted to her by the trustees; that the trustees for the time being shall elect and choose such a number of girls, to be instructed in such school, as it shall appear to them can fairly and properly be taught by such schoolmistress, therein giving a preference to girls of the five parishes in the said will mentioned, and to such as are the children of the most deserving poor persons in such parishes; but in case the full number cannot be obtained therefrom, the trustees are to be at liberty to elect and choose girls, the children of deserving poor persons of the parish of W., part of which is immediately adjoining to Goring heath.


Thirtiethly, That a general meeting of the trustees shall be Meetings of holden once in every quarter of a year, or oftener if the trustees or either of them shall deem it expedient, for the purpose of receiving applications, and of determining on proper objects on whom the benefits of the said charity may be bestowed; and also for the purpose of inquiring into the conduct of the inmates of the almshouses, and the conduct and progress of the boys in the school, and of receiving and considering reports as to repairs of the respective buildings, and for the general management of the affairs of the charity.

Thirty-firstly, That if, at any such meeting, two trustees only shall be present, they shall be competent to act in all matters relating to the trust.

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Thirty-secondly, That if at any time hereafter it shall Power to appear to the trustees for the time being that, in consequence of tional almsthe increase of the funds of the charity, and consistently with houses. a due regard to the different existing branches and objects thereof, it will be for the benefit of the poor in the several parishes of [named in the will] that an increased number of almshouses should be erected, and poor men placed therein, or that any other mode of extending the benefit of the charity,


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in accordance with the intentions of the said testator, should be adopted; the said trustees shall be at liberty from time to time, under the provisions of the order of the court of chancery, to be made on the hearing of the cause, Attorney General v. Morland, for further directions, or of any other order to be obtained in that cause for that purpose, to lay proposals before the master to whom the said cause may be transferred for his consideration and opinion, and for the purpose of obtaining the direction of the court thereon.

Thirty-thirdly, That the rents, profits and income of the charity estates shall be, from time to time, under this scheme expended by the trustees in manner hereinafter mentioned, (viz). In the repairs of the charity estates, and in insuring the buildings thereon against loss by fire. In payment of the surveyors and receivers' salaries and allowances, and in the other necessary expenses attending the management of the said estates, and the execution of the trust. In payment to the bailiff or woodward of the said charity, for his services in such charity, any wages not exceeding the yearly sum of 307. In applying the yearly sum of 1207. towards the discharge of poor prisoners out of the Marshalsea prison, in the borough of Southwark, whose release can be effected for a sum not exceeding 157. for each, the trustees taking the best care they can that the most deserving of the prisoners have the benefit of this branch of the charity. In payment of a weekly stipend of such amount as the trustees in their discretion shall think fit to each of the almsmen residing in the almshouse, so as the stipend to each almsman shall not exceed seven shillings weekly; the trustees having the power at any time, when it shall appear to them expedient, by reason of the bodily or mental infirmity of any of the almsmen, to cause them to be supplied with articles of food or other necessaries to the amount of their respective stipends in lieu of payment thereof in money. In payment of a yearly sum of 51. by quarterly payments to one of such almsmen, to be selected by the trustees from time to time, for officiating as clerk in the chapel, and reading prayers to the other inmates of the said almshouse every morning and evening except on such occasions when divine service is performed in the chapel by the chaplain. In payment of the wages of a proper person to act as nurse to the almsmen, so as such wages do not exceed the yearly sum of 251. In providing clothing for the almsmen and nurse, and for so many of the boys in the school at Goring, not exceeding thirty in number, annually or otherwise in such manner and of such description as the trustees shall see fit. In payment for a dinner for the almsmen and such others as the trustees may direct yearly on a meeting of the trustees, such dinner to be in commemoration of the

founder, so as the expenses thereof do not at any time exceed the sum of 201. In payment of a medical attendant for his services in attending any such persons in the said almshouse when his attendance shall be required by the trustees or the chaplain, any sum not exceeding 201. in any one year. In payment of a yearly stipend to the chaplain and schoolmaster of an amount not exceeding 1007. for his services as chaplain officiating in the chapel of the almshouse regularly every Sunday, and performing the duties of schoolmaster in instructing the boys in reading, writing, and the first rules of arithmetic, and superintending the affairs of the charity in the absence of the trustees, the trustees permitting the said chaplain to live in and enjoy the dwelling house and premises at present assigned to the chaplain, free of rent, and also free from taxes and rates, which are to be paid out of the charity funds. In payment of an assistant to the schoolmaster whenever the trustees shall deem it expedient that one should be appointed, of a yearly stipend of an amount not exceeding 501. a-year, for his care and pains to be bestowed in assisting in teaching the boys reading and the first rules of arithmetic. In payment to a schoolmistress of a yearly stipend of an amount not exceeding 251. for her care and pains to be bestowed in teaching the girls in the school to be established as aforesaid. In payment to each of the said schoolmasters in the parishes of C. and J. such respective sums, not exceeding 107. each yearly, as the trustees shall deem proper for the services of such respective masters in teaching such number of children of those parishes respectively, and in such learning as the trustees shall from time to time direct and appoint. In retaining to themselves the said trustees the sum of 107. each, and in payment to each of the auditors of the sum of 21. 2s. to indemnify the said trustees and auditors for any expense they may be put to in travelling from their respective residences to the almshouse or other part of the charity estates, in the affairs of the charity, and in promotion of the welfare thereof. In retaining the annual sum of 30l. to be invested in the purchase of stock in the public funds in the names of the three trustees, so that the said annual sum and the dividends of the stock, to be from time to time purchased, may be accumulated, and may form a reserved fund to be applied, when occasion may require, in the rebuilding or extraordinary repairs of the almshouse, chapel, houses, and buildings belonging to the charity estates, provided that when by the means aforesaid such reserved fund shall amount to the sum of 500., and so long as the same shall continue unreduced by such extraordinary expenditure as aforesaid below that amount, the trustees for the time being shall be at liberty, if they think fit, to reduce the said annual sum of 301., wholly to refrain from making any addition to such reserved


fund, except by the investment of the dividends thereon. And in applying the residue in payment of premiums on apprenticing poor children of inhabitants of the several parishes of [those mentioned in the testator's will] or in providing clothes for each child on his or her being apprenticed to some trade or calling, or partly in payment of premiums and partly in providing clothes, the amount of premiums to be paid, or sums to be expended, and the times and proportions at and in which such premiums shall be paid, or sums expended, being in each case to be determined by the trustees at one of their meetings to be holden as hereinbefore directed (e).

SCHEME for the Regulation of a School.

In the matter of the Preston School, in the Town and
Parish of Stokesley, in the County of York.

IN PURSUANCE of an order, bearing date the seventh day of August, 1833, made in this matter upon a petition of [names], being seven of the trustees and overseers of the said charity school, I have been attended by the solicitors for all the trustees of the said charity, and have proceeded in the matters referred to me by the said order, with respect to which matters the affidavits after mentioned have been laid before me; (that is to say,) an affidavit of the Rev. L. V. H., rector of Stokesley aforesaid, sworn in this matter on the thirtieth day of January, 1834, and an affidavit of, &c., sworn by them respectively in this matter on the thirteenth day of February, 1834, and an affidavit of, &c.; and I find that the sum of 271. 13s. 3d., over and above the sum of 1607. 9s. in the said petition mentioned, has been properly laid out in and about the erecting and building the Preston school; and I certify, that in my opinion it is fit and proper that the above-named petitioner R. H. should continue a trustee of the charity funds in the said petition mentioned; and I further certify, that having under the said order considered a proposal laid before me on behalf of the said L. V. H. (who, in his character of rector of the said parish of Stokesley is, under the founder's will, perpetual trustee of the said charity,) and another proposal laid before me on behalf of the petitioners in this matter here. inbefore respectively named; and having, with reference to the said affidavits, revised the scheme approved of by me in and by my former report, bearing date the fifteenth day of March, 1831, I have thought fit to make certain alterations in and additions to the said scheme, and finally have approved of the altered and amended scheme set forth by way of schedule to this my report. All which, &c.

(e) Attorney General v. Morland, Reg. lib. A. 1833, fol. 277.

The Schedule referred to by the foregoing Report. Rule 1st. That this charity shall henceforth be designated "The Preston School."

2nd. That the entire direction and management of the school shall be vested in the rector, the churchwardens, and the overseers of the poor of the township of Stokesley for the time being, together with the trustees in whose names the funds of the charity shall for the time being be invested.

3rd. That the several persons so appointed to manage the school shall be styled trustees and overseers of the said school, and shall form a committee invested with full authority to establish such rules and regulations as may appear to them most likely to benefit the school, provided they do not contravene those which shall or may have received the sanction of the lord chancellor.

4th. That the committee be empowered at their next general meeting, to be held in January, 1835, to appoint two trustees of the charity funds in addition to the three trustees already appointed, and upon the death, resignation, or disqualification of any one or more of the trustees already appointed or to be appointed, the committee for the time being shall have power, at the general meetings to be held in January in each year, to appoint another trustee or other trustees in his or their stead, such trustees not at any time to exceed five or to be fewer than three in number, and of whom the lord of the manor of Stokesley for the time being shall be one, unless he should object thereto.

5th. That in case of a difference of opinion, all questions shall be determined by the major part of those present at the meeting, and if they are equally divided, the chairman shall give a casting vote.

6th. That if a convenient opportunity should occur of purchasing a house as a residence for the master of the school, the committee shall have the power of applying to the lord chancellor in respect thereof as they may be advised, and of appropriating to such purchase such part of the funds of the charity as his lordship may think fit to order for that purpose. 7th. That there shall be a master qualified for teaching the classics, mathematics, reading, writing, and arithmetic, and an under master or usher qualified to teach the three latter branches of education (ƒ).

(ƒ) The following will apply in some cases of grammar schools: That in addition to the learned languages, the master shall be at liberty to teach in the said school, writing, arithmetic, and the elements of mathematics to such of the scholars

and at such times as he may deem convenient, but so as the same scholars be not thereby left insufficiently instructed in the Latin and Greek, to the prejudice of the establishment as a classical school.

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