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Baker 1-2-41 41805


The two Treatises, which form this Work, were begun when a report became prevalent that the Vatican Council would probably enter on the question of the Papal prerogatives, and consider especially the Infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiff. Before they were completed, that rumour had become a certainty; but they were placed in the hands of the Publisher before any specific decree had been passed or promulgated. The absence, however, of the head of the Firm, caused a delay in their publication, until the decision of the Ecumenical Council had become known. Upon this, the Work was at once withdrawn ; partly because, though it had been written under different circumstances, and was a mere collection of evidence, the omission of any specific notice of the great question of Pontifical infallibility might possibly have been misconstrued, especially by a portion of our Press; and partly, though in a less degree, because, after the final and irrevocable

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decree of the Council, it seemed comparatively useless to adduce authorities, which, great as their value may be to the student, sink into insignificance when contrasted with the overwhelming and unerring decision of the Church. There was still, however, an intention to publish the Treatises, should any attempt be made, by any writer of eminence, to assail the Patristic evidence. This was thought very possible, or even likely; but the attack was looked for from a very different quarter from that which has now induced me to return the work to the Publisher.

It, at first, occurred to me to recast the Work, and to limit it to the nature of the Appeal made to his Archbishop by an eminent scholar, whose learning and writings have, as a whole, always been regarded by me with respect and admiration. But this would, in the first place, have lowered the work to that of a mere piece of personal controversy; have given it probably a purely ephemeral character; and, seeming written solely for a purpose, would naturally be open to the suspicion of onesidedness, which attaches more or less to attempts of that kind. It would, in fact, have completely abandoned and changed the object which I had in view in writing, which will be found fully stated in the original Preface. Fur

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