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Talleyrand, X. Y. Z. despatches,
356, 358.

Tariff, beginning of the, 315;

Jefferson's views on the, 495.
Tarleton, Sir Bannastre, in the
South, 205, 210; battle of Cow-
pens, 212; raid on Virginia,

Tazewell Hall, home of the Ran-
dolphs, 293.

Tea-Party, Boston, 104, 147.
Tea tax, the, 60, 65, 70.
Tennessee, beginnings of, 10.
Tithes in Virginia, work of Jef-

ferson to abolish, 166.
Tories, as a political party, 330.
Trenton, battle of, 190.
Tripoli, negotiations with, 247;
war with, 418, 479.
Tryon, William, Governor of
North Carolina, 73.

University of Virginia, 114, 486.

Valley Forge, Washington at,

Charles Gravier,
French aid to colonists, 287.
Vincennes, George Rogers Clark
at, 228; retaken by the Brit-
ish, 229.

Virginia, first settlement of, 279;
resolutions against the Stamp
Act, 40; resolutions of 1765,
effect of, 60; adoption of the
Constitution, 299.
Virginia courts, the, 280.

Waddell, Hugh, 83.

War of 1812, 401, 445, 470.
Washington, George, xi, 129;

character, 148; bravery, 191;
education, 2; marriage, 153;
as a soldier, 150; land sur-
veyor, 150; in Virginia House
of Burgesses, 63; service with
Braddock, 9, 154; First Conti-
nental Congress, 109; Henry's
march on Williamsburg, 84,
124; made Commander-in-
chief, 147, 187; at Yorktown,
215; lays down commission,
238; Annapolis Convention,
292, 295; Constitutional Con-
vention, 297; President, 307,
430; Cabinet officers, 310, 332;
negotiations with Morocco,
251; the Genet episode, 326;
feeling toward the French
Revolution, 265; letter in re-
gard to Jefferson's resignation,
334; last years of his adminis-
tration, 346; Mazzei and Nich-
olas letters, 346; threatened
war with France, 356; death,
Washington, William, at Cow-
pens, 213.

Washington city, 318; British

raid on, 476.
Watson, Thomas, 135.
Wayles, John, father of Jeffer-

son's wife, 88; death, 91.
Wayne, Anthony, takes Stony
Point, 190.

Webster, Daniel, on the North-
western Territories, 409.
Wesley, John, on American Inde-
pendence, 131.

West Point, Military Academy
at, 403.

Whigs, as a political party, 330.
Whisky Rebellion, 292, 345.
Whitney, Eli, inventor of cotton-
gin, 338.

Wilkinson, James the Burr.con-

spiracy, 448.

William and Mary College, 14.
Williamsburg, social life in, in
colonial days, 14.

Wirt, William, 57; trial of

Aaron Burr, 452; War of
1812, 476.

Wolcott, Oliver, in Adams's Cab-
inet, 377; the Jefferson-Burr
contest, 385.

Woodford, Colonel, skirmish near
Norfolk, 140.

Wright, Sir James, Governor of
Georgia, 133; returns to Eng-
land, 139.

Wyoming Valley, dispute over
the, 291.

Wythe, George, Jefferson's pre-
ceptor in the law, 18, 20; the
Virginia Resolutions, 49; re-
vision of the Virginia laws,

X. Y. Z. despatches, 356.

Yazoo frauds, the, 425.
Yorktown, founded, 1; siege of,



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