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25. The beautiful ship, obedient to her government, threw her bows up gracefully toward the wind again, and, as her sails were trimmed, moved out from amongst the dangerous shoals in which she had been embayed, as steadily and swiftly as she had approached them.

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QUESTIONS.—Which is the first example in this exercise that illustrates the rule? What is the character of the language? With what inflection should it be read? Point out other examples of the same kind which are marked, &c., &c. Point out some that are not marked. What example in the first part of the eighth paragraph! What is the character of the language, &c ? Point out other examples of this kind which are marked. Point out some which are not marked, &c., &c.


RULE 7. The emphatic succession of particulars, and emphatic repetition, require the falling inflection.

NOTE.-In the emphatic succession of particulars, the last pause but one, for the sake of variety and harmony, generally has the rising inflection.


Succession of Particulars.

1. If you ask why the blind are miserable and dejected, I turn you to the plentiful valleys; to the fields, bringing forth their increase; to the freshness and flowers of the earth; to the endless variety of its còlors; to the grace, the symmetry, the shape of all it chérishes, and all it beàrs.

2. I have done my duty; I stand acquitted to my conscience and my country; I have opposed this measure throughòut; and I now protest against it, as harsh, opprèssive, uncalled for, and unjùst.

Emphatic Repetition.

1. The people, the people, if we are true to them, will carry us, and will carry themselves, gloriously through the struggle.

2. You wròng me every way, you wròng me, Brutus.


What is the rule for the emphatic succession of particulars, and emphatic repetition? What is the note? Give an example of succession of particulars Give an example of emphatic repetition.

3. O, but you "regretted the partition of Poland"!* Yes, re gretted! You regretted the violence, and that is all you did. 4. O earth, eàrth, eàrth, hear the word of the Lord! 5. Ròme!† Republican Ròme! Where, and what is she?



[In studying or reading this exercise, the class may point out the examples of emphatic succession of particulars, of emphatic repetition, and also the most obvious illustrations of the pause of suspension, and tell how each one should be read.]

1. To become wiser and more intellectual beings; to know more and more of all that our Creator has given us the power to know, of nature, of the mind, of the eternal principles of truth and virtue; to add continually to the stock of just and valuable ideas, and to the power of just reasoning upon them; to cultivate all our faculties throughout the whole of life, as if it were a school to fit us for a nobler action and a higher advancement in some loftier sphere, these should be the objects in reading.

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2. We presume that we lay down the law of all intellectual, and also of all moral improvement, when we say, to this end the powers of our nature must be tasked, - more than amused, more than employed; they must be tasked. heart, in its progress, must overcome temptation; the mind must overcome difficulties.


3. To do what we did yesterday, is only to confirm ourselves in the position then taken. To advance, we must do more than we did yesterday. There must be a grappling with new

QUESTIONS. What is said of Poland? Of Rome?

* Poland, [kingdom of,] an extensive country of Central Europe, which, for several centuries, existed as an independent and powerful state; but it is now divided be tween Austria, Prussia, and Russia, and incorporated with them.

† Rome, the capital of Italy, viewed both as ancient and modern, in respect to its power, its literature, and its arts, is one of the most renowned cities in the world.

thoughts, and new forms of thought, in order to become intellectual, and to grow strong in intellect.

4. There must be something studied; something searched oùt which is not at first òbvious; something investigated which will task the powers of reasoning; something on which the mind will feel that it must pause, and concentrate its utmost èfforts.

5. To throw one's self into the current of an all-absorbing tale; to be borne in dreary listlessness or with hurried speed upon its bosom; to make no other intellectual excursions than these, becoming no wiser at the end than at the beginning, and making no progress in thought, and becoming no better prepared for the duties either of this life or another, this is a folly and a sin, against which we would loudly protest.

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6. It is but one step from that absorption in card-playing and other games, which occupied so many hours in the social and domestic circles of the last century. The objection to excess in all these cases is the same. It is, that time and talents are wàsted, not merely taken up with recreation when recreation is fit, but wasted when they might be devoted to nobler purposes.

7. It is for the young, to whom we have already had reference, that we most feel, concerning the importance of this subject; and we can not help regarding it as eminently deserving the attention of all. Much is said at this day about the great advantages that are enjoyed for education; and nothing is more frequently pointed to, in proof of this, than the children's book-shelves.

8. Now, we confess that we look upon this multiplication of books, or, to speak more accurately, upon the use which is made of them, with more distrust and doubt than upon any other department of early discipline. Discipline did we say? These books are the very foes of discipline. They are, most of them, nòvels, and nothing but novels. The reading of them, as we have said, is novel-reading.

9. Alas for those whose parents, instead of offering any

counteraction to this mighty power of the press, resolve that their children shall have nothing but ease and gratification; that they shall be urged to no tàsks; and that they shall be led into none but inviting and flòwery paths to the heights of knowledge and power!

10. It is a mistake, an utter mistake. There are no steps to those heights but rugged steps; there is no way of intellectual advancement except in the way of strenuous effort and patient toil.

11. The subject has wider bearings. It concerns the national character, that a healthful and manly taste be cultivated. It concerns the national literature. Authors write to be read; and if nothing will be read but what is easy and amusing; or if the prevailing and craving demand is for that species of composition; if learned disquisition be distasteful to the people; if all science must be brought within the compass of "Libraries of Entertaining Knowledge"; if the deeper meditations of genius must give place to the light and flashy productions of extemporaneous wit and fancy,— it is not difficult to predict the result.

12. We shall have a light and trifling literature. We shall become excessively afraid of good sense, and account that dull, which is, if it can be understood, the grand and predominant quality of real genius.

13. Heaven avert the plague from our young and rising literature! The truth is, the same law which governs all other success prevails in the cultivation of the mind, the law of labor. Woe to the young man who thinks to rise to the heights of intellectual power by any easy flight!

14. All the noblest efforts of the mind are intense, laborious, patient efforts. All real genius, all true originality, all lofty poetry, all powerful writing and speaking, consist in these, and in nothing else.

15. And the young man, the professional man in particular, who spends most of his time in reading reviews and romances, and abhors every severe task, though he may be a re

›le man, yet he never can be much more, let his talents at they may.

QUESTIONS.-What is required of the class in studying or reading this exercise? Which is the first example of emphatic repetition in this exercise! How should it be read? Point out other examples of emphatic repetition, whether marked or unmarked, &c. Which is the first most obvious example of a succession of particulars? How should it be read? Point out other examples which are marked, &c. Point out one that is not marked, &c. Which paragraphs in this exercise illustrate the pause of suspension? With what inflection should they be read? (See Rule 4.) What valuable instruction is contained in this exercise?


RULE 8. Whenever the sense is complete, whether at the close or any other part of the sentence, the falling slide should generally be employed.


1. History amuses the imagination: it interests the pàssions: it improves the understanding: it strengthens the sentiments of virtue and piety.

2. There were seen monuments of every art and science; the astonishing effects of còmmerce; opulence and independence reigning among all clàsses; the diffusion of knowledge; the reign of science, freedom, and plenty.

EXCEPTION. When strong emphasis with the falling inflection comes near the end of a sentence, as when the introductory member of any antithesis or comparison requires the falling inflection, the close, or last member of the sentence, takes the rising inflection, or slight circumflex.


1. Liberality consists rather in giving sèasonably, than múch. 2. Falsehood could do but little mischief, if it did not gain the credit of trúth.

3. Be temperate and regular in your hàbits, and do no violence to nature, if you wish to avoid physicians.

QUESTIONS.- - What is the rule when the sense is complete? Read the examples. Where does the falling infliction occur? Why? What is the exception to this rule? Read the examples. What inflections are employed? Why?

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