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flag, and, for the first time in his life, rested beneath the ensign of an unquestioned republic. From that moment he became our guest.

3. The liberated exile is now at our gates. Sir, we can not do things by halves; and the hospitalities thus under the auspices of Congress begun, must under the auspices of Congress be continued. The hearts of the people are open to receive him; and Congress can not turn its back upon him.

4. But I would join in this welcome, not merely because it is essential to complete and crown the work of the last Congress, but because our guest deserves it at our hands. The distinction is great, I know; but it is not so great as his deserts.

5. He deserves it as the early, constant, and incorruptible champion of liberty, who, while yet young, with unconscious power, girded himself for the contest, and by a series of masterly labors, with voice and pen, in parliamentary debates, and in the discussions of the press, breathed into his country the breath of life.

6. He deserves it by the great principles of true democracy, which he caused to be recognized, representation of the people without distinction of rank or birth, and equality before the law.. He deserves it by the trials he has undergone, in prison and exile. He deserves it by the precious truth which he now so eloquently proclaims, the fraternity of nations.


7. As I regard his course, I am filled with reverence and I see in him, more than in any other living man, the power which may be exerted by a single, earnest, honest soul In himself, he is more than a whole cabinet,

in a noble cause.

more than a whole army.

8. I watch him in Hungary while he "organizes victory"; I follow him in exile, and there find him, with only a scanty band of attendants, in weakness and confinement, still the dread of despots; and I sympathize with him in his happy release.

9. And now, as he comes more within the sphere of our

immediate observation, amazement fills us all in the contem plation of his career while he proceeds from land to land, from city to city, and, with words of matchless power, seems at times the fiery sword of freedom, and then the trumpet of resurrection to the nations. Such a character, thus grandly historic, deserves our homage.

10. Nor am I tempted to ask if there is any precedent for the resolution now under consideration. There is a time for all things; and the time has come for us to make a precedent in harmony with his unprecedented career. The occasion is fit; the hero is near; let us speak our welcome.

11. It is true that, unlike Lafayette,* he has never directly served our country; but, like Lafayette, he has served the cause of freedom; and whosoever serves this cause, wheresoever he may be, in whatever land, is entitled, according to his works, to the gratitude of every true American bosom, — ot every true lover of mankind.

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QUESTIONS. Who is Kossuth? Where, and by whom, was this speech delivered? 2. Where did Kossuth first come under the protection of our national flag? What is meant by Hungarian, and what, and where, is Hungary? 3-7. What are the arguments in favor of Kossuth's welcome? 7-10. What further is said of him? 11. With whom is he compared?


1. GLEAM'ING, shining with a faint light. 1. RAMPARTS, walls of defense, bulwarks. 1. ROCK'ET, an artificial fire-work.

1. BOMBS, iron shells filled with powder.



1. BAN'NER, a flag, a military standard.
3. VAUNT'ING-LY, boastingly.

3. HAV'OC, slaughter, destruction.
3. POL-LUTION, defilement.

ERRORS. — Bän'ner for bän'ner; rock'it for rock'et; miss for mists; vaunt'ing-ly for yäunt'ing-ly; vic'try for vic'to-ry; hum for home.


1. O SAY, can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

La-fay-ette'. See note, page 206.

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there;

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

2. On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses ?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam ;
Its full glory reflected now shines on the stream;
"Tis the star-spangled banner! O, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

8. And where is the band who so vauntingly swore,

'Mid the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country they'd leave us no more?
Their blood hath washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

4. O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand

Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made, and preserved us a nation
Then conquer we must; for our cause it is just;

And this be our motto, "In God is our trust ";

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

QUESTIONS. - What is the subject of this lesson? 1. What is said of it in the first stanza? 2. What, in the second? 3. Who are here meant by "the band "? 3. What is said of them? 4. What should this land ever do? 4. What should be our motto - What general rule is applicable in reading such composition as this?

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1. Emma. O the fresh morning! Heaven's kind messenger, That never empty-handed comes to those

Who will best use its gifts. Praise be to Him
Who loads it still, and bids it constant run
The errand of his bounty! Praise be to Him!
[Enter Albert.]

2. Albert. My mother!

3. Em. Albert! Bless thee!

How early were you up?

4. Alb. Before the sun.

5. Em. Ay, strive with him. He never lies in bed When it is time to rise. Be like the sun.

6. Alb. What you would have me like, I'll be like,

As far as will to labor joined can make me.

7. Em. Well said, my boy! Knelt you when you got up To-day?

8. Alb. I did, and do so every day.

9. Em. I know you do;

And think you when you kneel

To whom you kneel?

10. Alb.

To Him who made me, mother.

11. Em. And in whose name?

12. Alb. In the name of Him who died

For me and all men, that all men and I
Might live.

* William Tell, a Swiss peasant, celebrated for his resistance to the tyranny of Ges ler, the Austrian governor who ruled over several districts in Switzerland.

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13. Em. That's right!

Forget all things but that,

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Remember that, my son ; — remember that!

"Tis more than friends or fortune, clothing, food,

All things of earth, yea, life itself. It is

To live, when these are gone where they are naught,
My son, remember that!

With God!

14. Alb. I will!

15. Em. I'm glad you mind the things you 're taught. That is the lesson of content, my son;

He who finds which, has all,

who misses, nothing!

16. Alb. Content is a good thing.
17. Em. A thing the good
Alone can profit by.

18. Alb. My father's good.
19. Em. What sayest thou, boy?
20. Alb. I say my father's good.
21. Em. Yes he is good! what then?

22. Alb. I do not think

He is content, I'm sure he's not content;

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Nor would I be content were I a man,

And Gesler seated on the rock of Altorf! *

A man may lack content, and yet be good.

23. Em. I did not say all good men found content. I would be busy; leave me.


24. Alb. You are not angry!

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The time will come when you 'll not ask your mother

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29. Em. Not when you're a man?

30. Alb. I'll never be a man to see that time!

I'd rather die now, when I am a child,

Than live to be a man, and not love you!

* Altorf, a town of Switzerland, near the southern extremity of Lake Lucerne.

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