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8. Much might be written concerning the power of brothers' and sisters' influence over each other, and many facts might be cited by way of illustration. We quote only the following. "That man," said a keen observer of human nature, pointing to a stranger in the crowd, "has been brought up in the society of intelligent and virtuous sisters."

9. "Whence do you infer that?" said the person addressed. He replied, "Because he exhibits that gentleness and delicacy of feeling, which result only from the influence of intelligent and virtuous sisters."

10. The gifted Irving* says: "Often have I lamented that Providence denied me the companionship of sisters. Often have I thought, had I been thus favored, I should have been a better man."

11. Though the above testimony relates only to a sister's influence, yet the remarks would be equally appropriate if spoken with reference to a brother. Strong attachment between brothers and sisters ought to exist as the fruit of natural ties; but if nature can not love, then let them love from principle.

12. John Angell James† says: "One of the most delightful sights in our world, where there is so much of moral deformity to disgust, and so much unkindness to distress, is a domestic circle, where the parents are surrounded by their children, the daughters being employed in some elegant or useful work, while the elder brother is reading some instructive and improving volume for the benefit or entertainment of the whole."


QUESTIONS.-1. What example of filial duty does sacred history furnish? is it recorded? 2. How was Joseph treated? 3. What spirit did he manifest? 4-7. How did he treat his brothers? Where, and what, is Egypt? 8, 9. What fact is here related? 10. What did Irving say? What is said of him? 12. What does John Angell James say? Who is he?

* Ir'ving, (Washington,) a distinguished American author, was born in the city of New York, April, 1783.

† James, (John Angell,) a clergyman and writer of distinction in England

* BB


1. TORRENTS, violent, rapid streams.

1. TOR-NA'DO, a furious tempest.

3. SHOCKED, struck as with horror.

3. E-MA'CI-A-TED, reduced to leanness.

4. IR-RE-PRESS'I-BLE, not to be repressed.

5. DE-LIR'I-OUS, wild, not rational.
6. IN-AR-TIC'U-LATE, not distinct.

8. PLACID, calm, tranquil.

9. DIRGE, a mournful song.

10. GI-GAN'TIC, of extraordinary size

ERRORS. - Swep for swept; roots for roots; măs'ter for mås'ter; oc-ca'sion-ly for oc-ca'sion-al-ly; ab-sawb'ed for ab-sorb'ed.


1. THE night of the 4th of May, 1821, dark, cheerless, and tempestuous, enveloped St. Helena † in even unwonted gloom. The rain fell in torrents. A tornado of frightful violence swept the bleak rocks. Every tree which Napoleon had cherished was torn up by the roots, and laid prostrate in the mud. 2. The dying Emperor, unconscious of every thing which was passing around him, tossed restlessly upon his pillow; and now occurred the most affecting scene which had yet been witnessed in this chamber of suffering. The children of the family were introduced to look, for the last time, upon their friend, now insensible, and breathing heavily in death. They had not seen him for more than a month.

3. Shocked at the change which had taken place in that countenance, which had ever been accustomed to contemplate them with so much benignity and affection, they for a moment gazed upon the pallid and emaciated features with hesitation and terror. Then, with flooded eyes and loud sobbings, they rushed to the bedside, seized the hands of the Emperor, and covered them with kisses and with tears.

* Bo'na-parte (Na-po'le-on) was born at Ajaccio, in the island of Corsica, August 15th, 1769. He was one of the greatest generals that ever lived. He usurped the government of France at the age of thirty, was crowned emperor at thirty-five, from which time he was the idol of France, and the terror of the other nations of Europe, until he was conquered by the allied powers, in 1815, when he was sent into exile in St. Helena, where he died in 1821.

† St. Hel-e 'na, an island of the South Atlantic Ocean, belonging to the British. It contains 47 square miles, and is celebrated as the place of Bonaparte's banishment and death.

4. All present were overpowered with emotion; and the heavy breathing of the dying man was drowned in the irrepressible lamentations of the mourners. Young Napoleon Bertrand* was so overcome by the heart-rending scene that he fainted, and fell senseless upon the floor.

5. In the midst of this death-drama, one of the servants, who had been sick for forty-eight days, rose from his bed, and, emaciate, pallid, delirious, and with disordered dress, entered the room. In fevered dreams he imagined that the Emperor was in trouble, and had called to him for help.

6. The delirious and dying servant stood tottering by the side of his delirious and dying master, wildly exclaiming, "I will not leave the Emperor,-I will fight and perish with him!" The dying hours lingered slowly away, during which inarticulate murmurs were occasionally heard from the lips of the illustrious sufferer.

7. "Twice I thought," says Montholon,† "that I distinguished the unconnected words, 'France-army- head of the army-Josephine."" This was at six o'clock in the morning. During the rest of the day, until six o'clock in the evening, he lay upon his back, with his right hand out of the bed.

8. With his eyes intently fixed, he seemed to be absorbed in deep meditation; and without any appearance of suffering. A pleasant and placid expression was spread over his features, as if he were sweetly sleeping.

9. A dark and tempestuous night succeeded the stormy day! The gale, with increasing fury, swept the ocean and the black rocks, and wailed as mournful a dirge as could fall on mortal ears!

10. The very island seemed to shake before the gigantic

* Na-po'le-on Bertrand, probably son of Count Henry Bertrand, who was one of Napoleon's most distinguished generals, and his companion in exile.

↑ Mon-tho-lon', Count de, a French general under Bonaparte, who followed him, with his family, into exile.

Jo'seph-ine, the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, and empress of France, was Porn at Martinique, 1763, and died in May, 1814.

billows, which were hurled against its craggy cliffs by the spirit of the storm! In the midnight darkness of that terrific elemental war, the spirit of Napoleon passed the earthly vail, and entered the eternal world.

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11. "Isle of Elba* - Napoleon," were the last words of the gentle and loving Josephine. "France-the armyJosephine," were the last images which lingered in the heart, and the last words which trembled upon the lips, of the dying Emperor.

QUESTIONS. What is said of Bonaparte? 1. What took place at St. Helena on the night of the 4th of May, 1821? What, and where, is St. Helena? 2, 3. What is said of the dying Emperor? 4. How were those present affected? Who was Napoleon Bertrand? 7. What did Montholon say? Who was he? 9. What succeeded the stormy day? 10. What were its effects? 11. What were the last words of Josephine? Who was she? What, and where, is Elba? 11. What were the last words of Bonaparte? -How should this lesson be read? Why? See Rule 4, page 78.


1 VICTIMS, persons destroyed.
1. UP'RIGHT-NESS, honesty of life.

2. PAR-TIC'I-PA-TED, shared with others.
3. EX'E-CU-TED, put to death, something
done or finished.

3. COM-MIS-ER-A'TION, pity, compassion.


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4. IN-TER-CED'ED, petitioned, interposed. 5. CON-STER-NA'TION, excessive terror. 10. BOUND'A-RY, the end, or limit. 13. TRANS-FIX'ED, pierced through. 14. IN-CES'SANT-LY, without ceasing. 14. IN-SANE', crazy, distracted in mind.

Sen'ti-munse for sen'ti-ments; uv-ent' for e-vent'; mis'ry for mis'e-ry; ac-comp'ny for ac-com'pa-ny; gal'lões for gal'lows (gal'lus).


1. Among the distinguished men who fell victims in the war of the American Revolution † was Colonel Isaac Hayne,‡

* Isle of El'ba, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, noted as the temporary residence of Bonaparte when first dethroned.

† American Revolution. See note, page 205.

I'saac Hayne, a native of South Carolina, and one of her bravest patriots in the Revolutionary war. At the surrender of Charleston, in 1780, he was taken prisoner. Ile subscribed allegiance to Great Britain, on condition that he should not take arms against his own country. But in 1781 he was ordered to join the British army. This order he refused to obey; and he repaired at once to the American camp. He was shortly after taken prisoner, and ordered by Lord Rawdon to be hanged, which sen. tence was executed, August 4th, 1781.

of South Carolina.* He was a man who, by his amiability of character, and high sentiments of honor and uprightness, had secured the good-will and affection of all who knew him. 2. He had a wife and six small children; the eldest, a boy thirteen years of age. His wife, to whom he was tenderly attached, fell a victim to disease, an event, hastened not improbably by the inconveniences and sufferings incident to a state of war, in which the whole family largely participated.

3. Colonel Hayne himself was taken prisoner by the English forces, and, in a short time, was executed on the gallows, under circumstances calculated to excite the deepest commiseration.

4. A great number of persons, both English and Amer~ ican, interceded for his life; the ladies of Charleston † signed a petition in his behalf; his motherless children were presented on their bended knees as humble petitioners for the life of their beloved father; but all in vain.

5. During the imprisonment of the father, his eldest son was permitted to stay with him in the prison. Beholding his only surviving parent, for whom he felt the deepest affection, loaded with irons and condemned to die, he was overwhelmed with consternation and sorrow.

6. The wretched father endeavored to console him, by re minding him, that the unavailing grief of his son tended only to increase his own misery; that we came into this world to prepare for a better one; and he could even rejoice that his troubles were so near at an end.

7. "To-morrow," said he, "I set out for immortality; you will accompany me to the place of my execution; and when I am dead, take my body, and bury it by the side of your mother."

* South Car-o-li'na, one of the original thirteen States of the North American Confederacy, was settled by the English, at Port Royal, in 1670.

† Charles'ton, the largest city of South Carolina, is situated just above the junction of Cooper and Ashley Rivers, seven miles from the ocean. Its population, in 1850 was nearly 43,000.

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