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6. "Agreed!" said the pair; "that will make us amends.' "Then come to my house, and let us part friends.

You shall dine; and we'll drink on this joyful occasion,
That each may live long in his new habitation."

7. He gave the two blacksmiths a sumptuous regale;
He spared not provisions, his wine, nor his ale;
So much was he pleased with the thought that each guest
Would take from him noise, and restore to him rest.

8. "And now," said he, "tell me where mean you to move? I hope to some spot where your trade will improve." "Why, sir," replied one, with a grin on his phiz,

"Frank Forge moves to my shop; and I move to his!"

QUESTIONS. 1. What did the old gentleman do? 1. What did he mean to do at his leisure? 2. Who dwelt in them? 3. What did the old man say? 4. What did they do? 5. What did he offer each Vulcan? Why were they called Vulcans? 6. Did they accept his offer? 7. What did he give them? 8. Where did each move? Which kind of poetry is this? How should it be read?

1. TRANQUIL, quiet, calm.


1. IN-TER-SECT'ED, divided or crossed.
2. FOR MI-DA-BLE, adapted to excite fear.
3. PREC'I-PIC-ES, abrupt declivities.
3. GLA'CIERS, large fields of ice.

4. PHE-NOM'E-NA, appearances.

4. GORG'ES, deep, narrow passes between hills or mountains.

6. A-MAZ'ING, wonderful, astonishing. 7. O-VER-WHELM'ED, buried or crushed. 13. EX'CA-VA-TED, dug, made hollow. 16. DE-POS'IT-ED, laid down.

ERRORS. Glazhurs for glaciers (gla'seers); mong for a-mong'; fiels for fields; maz'in for a-maz'ing; o-ver-whel'um-ed for o-ver-whelm'ed; fort'nit for fort'night.


1. SWITZERLAND is a land of wonders. Its lofty mountains, some of which are capped with everlasting snow, rise over deep, tranquil valleys, intersected by rushing streams, and often presenting the most charming lakes.

* Switzer-land, a small republic of Central Europe.

2. Mont Blanc, the loftiest peak of the Alps,* is a sort of Goliah among the mountains.

most formidable of all.

It is the best known and the Lake Leman is at once the fairest

and the most celebrated of its lakes.

3. It would seem that a country so broken into ridges and precipices, and so covered with glaciers, could hardly be inhabited. Yet Switzerland has a population of more than two millions of people; and they seem as much attached to their wild country, as if it were the fairest and the most fruitful spot on earth.

4. Among the wonderful phenomena of this region are the avalanches, huge masses of snow and ice which rush, from their foundations, and plunge into the valleys and gorges beneath.

Some are masses of drifting some, heaps of snow rolling

5. They are of several kinds. snow, set in motion by the wind; over and over, and increasing in size as they descend. Some consist of large fields of snow sliding in one mass from their bed; and some are enormous bodies of ice, either rolling or sliding from their foundations.

6. Travelers, who have been in Switzerland and have witnessed these amazing operations of nature, describe them as at once terrific and sublime. They often descend with a noise like the report of artillery, and not unfrequently bury whole villages beneath their stupendous masses.

7. Sometimes a valley is buried thirty or forty feet deep in snow, which does not disappear till late in the following summer. Travelers are thus often overtaken and overwhelmed. Herds of cattle, houses, and their inhabitants are buried and often destroyed.

8. A few years ago, a single house, standing at the foot of

* Alps, the highest ridge of mountains in Europe. The loftiest peaks are in Savoy and Switzerland. Thence they diverge in all directions, forming a connection with nearly all the mountains of Europe.

† Go-li'ah, an ancient Philistine of giant stature, being nearly twelve feet in height. Mont Blanc is so called here from its great height as compared with the surrounding peaks.


a steep mountain, was suddenly overwhelmed by an avalanche of snow, and buried to the depth of thirty feet. The family heard the crashing of the inass, as it broke from its bed, and descended from cliff to cliff above them.

9. Startled by the ominous sound, they rushed from the house, leaving an infant in the cradle. They were all separated in their flight, and buried apart from one another.

10. The snow, however, was light; and they were able to breathe. The man worked his way back to the house; and although fourteen hours elapsed before he reached it, yet he found the infant safe in the cradle!

11. He then began to seek for the other members of his family. Having found a shovel, he was able to work rapidly and to advantage. At a distance of seventy feet he found his wife still alive; but she was faint from the want of food, hav-. ing been in the snow nearly two days.

12. All the other members of the family were found, except a boy about four years of age. After intense labor for ten days, they gave, up the search, concluding that he was dead; for if he had not perished from cold, he must have died from starvation.

13. They excavated passages from the house to the stable in which they found their two cows; and they also discovered three goats, after they had been buried for nearly a fortnight. These were found standing together; and, in order to subsist, they had eaten off all the hair from one another!

14. Beneath this mass of snow, the family lived till spring. They made galleries from one place to another like the streets of a city; and they were not delivered from their prison till the month of May. Even then, the snow lay in masses of eight or ten feet in depth.

15. It was, however, so solid, as to permit them to walk upon it. They now went to find their neighbors who lived in a valley immediately below them. They found them stillalive, and, to their unspeakable joy, discovered their missing child!

16. The child had been borne away by the snow of the avalanche, and deposited near the door of this cottage in the val ley. He was unhurt, though benumbed with cold. He was soon restored, however, and remained with his new friends till his parents found him as related above.


Where is Switzerland? 1. What is said of it? 2. What, of Mont Blanc? What, of the Alps? Of Goliah? 3. What is the population of Switzerland? 4. What phenomena occur in this region? 5. Of what are they composed? 7. What sometimes happens? 8-13. Give an account of the event which took place there a few years ago.. 14. How long were the family under the snow? 15, 16. What did they then do?


1. PROV-O-CA'TION, cause, incitement.
2. IN-FLICT'ED, laid on, perpetrated.
3. MA LIG'NANT, disposed to injure.
3. FIEND'ISH, like a fiend, malicious.
3. RE-TAL'I-A-TING, returning like for like.


5. PA-THETIC, exciting tender emotions. 6. IM'PULS-ES, emotions, feelings. 7. SU-PER'LA-TIVE, in the highest degree. 10. LA-MENT'ED, bewailed, mourned for. 12. DE-FORM'I-TY, distortion, ugliness.

ERRORS. His'try for his'to-ry; Jo'siph for Jo'seph; cru'el-ties for cruel-ties; uu'mun for hu'man.


1. SACRED history furnishes an eminent example of devotion to fraternal duties. It is the familiar instance of Joseph.* If a brother ever had a provocation to disregard the ties of kindred, and harden his heart against those of his father's household, Joseph had.

2. Greater injuries were never inflicted upon a brother, and seldom upon a stranger. First seized when abroad upon an errand of kindness, with the intention of murdering him outright; then plunged into a pit to die a horrible death; and finally, to avoid the guilt of murder, sold as a slave, without any hope of ever being delivered from perpetual bondage,— this was the hard usage which Joseph experienced at the hands of his wicked brothers.

*Joseph. See his interesting history in Genesis, thirty-seventh chapter, and onward to the end of the book.

3. We can scarcely conceive of wrongs more terrible to be inflicted or endured. The spirit which prompted so great cruelties must have been malignant and fiendish in the extreme. Yet, through the whole, how amiable and gentle was the youthful sufferer! How meek, how lovely, how affectionate, how forgiving! How little like the retaliating, revengeful multitude of the human family!

4. And after a long experience of hardships in the land of bondage, an experience calculated to make him more keenly alive to his injuries, how lovely, affectionate, and forgiving still! When the guilty brothers, driven by the pressure of famine, sought relief at his hands, after a kind Providence had made him ruler of Egypt,* how true and faithful, how generous-hearted!

5. Who can read, without deep emotion, the story of that pathetic interview? - Joseph melted to tears, receiving to his embrace his murderous brethren, assuring them that he cherishes all the feelings of a brother, still loading them with provisions to carry back to their native land, and parting with them as lovingly as if they had never attempted to sever the fraternal tie, who, I ask, can read this without a more exalted opinion of a faithful brother?

6. When he had the offenders within his power, and might have condemned them to hopeless bondage or imprisonment, his noble heart was moved with the impulses of natural affection, to forgive their awful crime, and receive them to his bosom.

7. There is nothing upon the pages of fact or fiction, that is more ennobling and glorious than this. It awakens the sentiment of approval in every breast, however untrue itself, to the demands of the fraternal relation. It imparts superlative luster to the character of Joseph, as similar fidelity will certainly do to that of any brother on the face of the earth.

Egypt, a country in the northeastern part of Africa, remarkable alike for its physical peculiarities and for its historical interest; and it still retains in its wonderful monuments the earliest records of civilization. It is now under the Turkish government.

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