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35. "I do," said the witness promptly.

36. "And you signed it with your own hand as witness at the time?":

37. "I did," he answered.

38. "What is the date of the will?"

39. "June 18, 1830."

40. "When did Henshaw die?"

41. "June 22, 1830."

42. "Were you living in the village. where he died at the time?"

43. "I was."

44. "How long had you lived there?"

45. "About four years, I believe."

46. Here Loudon handed the judge a paper, which he unfolded and laid before him on the bench. "Was that village

a large or a small one?" continued he to the witness.

47. "Not very large, perhaps fifty houses."

48. "You knew all these houses well, I presume?"

49. "I did."

50. "Was the house in which Henshaw died one story or two?"

51. "Two, I believe."

Was he in the lower

52. "But you know, don't you? story, or in the chamber, when you went to witness the deed?" 53. Here the witness tried to catch the eye of Snapall; but Loudon very civilly held him to the point. At length he said, "In the chamber."

54. "Will you inform the court what the color of the house was?"

55. "I think feel sure it was not painted; but did n't take particular notice."

56. "But you saw it every day for four years, and don't you know?"

57. "It was not painted."

58. "On which side of the street did it stand?"

59. "I can't remember."

60. "Can you recollect which way the street ran ?

61. "It ran east and west."

62. "The street ran east and west, the house two stories and unpainted, and Henshaw was in the chamber when you witnessed the deed. Well, I have but two things more which I will request you to do. The first is to take that pen and write your name on that piece of paper on the table.”

63. The witness demurred; and so did Snapall. But Loudon insisted upon it. "I can't, - my hand trembles so," said the witness.

64. "Indeed! but you wrote a bold, powerful hand when you signed that will. Come, you must try, just to oblige me."

65. After much haggling and bravado, it was ascertained that he could not write, and never learned, and that he had requested Brown to sign the will for him!

66. "O ho!" said Loudon ; "I thought you swore that you signed it yourself. Now, one thing more, and I have done with you. Just let me take your pocket-book; I will open it here before the court, and neither steal nor lose a paper."

67. Again the witness refused, and appealed to Snapall; but that worthy man only ground his teeth, and muttered something about the witness being a fool.

68. The pocket-book was produced, and in it was a regular discharge of the bearer, John Ordin, from four years' imprisonment in the Pennsylvania Penitentiary, and dated June 15, 1831, and signed by Mr. Wood, the worthy warden!

69. The young advocate now took the paper which he had handed to the judge, and showed the jury that the house in which Mr. Henshaw died was situated in a street running north and south, that it was a one-story house, that it was red, and the only red house in the village.

70. There was a moment's silence, and then a stifled mur、 mur of joy all over the room. Brown's eyes looked bloodshot; the witness looked sullen and dogged; and Snapall tried to look very indifferent. He made no defence. The work was

done. A very brief, decided charge was given by the judge; and, without leaving their seats, the jury pronounced the will a forgery!

71. "That young lawyer is keen, any how!" said Snapall. 72. "When his conscience tells him he is on the side of justice," said Loudon, overhearing the remark.

QUESTIONS.-1. Who next applied to the young lawyer? 2-10. Relate the circumstances of the interview. 12. What did she at first think of him? 17. Did she finally intrust the case to him? 18. What had been Mr. Henshaw's business? 19. What was his character? 19, 20. What is said of his affairs? 19, 20. What became of his property at his death? 21. Who returned about four years after? 22. What did he say? 22, 23. What claim did he present? 23. Was it established? 24. What becamo of Mrs. Henshaw? 25. Why did she return? 25. What was the suit she brought against Brown? 28-69. Give a general account of the trial. 70. What was the general feeling in the room? 70. Did Loudon succeed in getting the case? 71. What did Snapall say? 72. What answer did Loudon make? What commendable trait of character is illustrated by the young lawyer? - What is the character of the composition of this and the preceding lesson? Point out the examples which illustrate any of the elocutionary rules, and tell how they should be read.


1. SPECTA-CLES, glasses to assist the sight. | 2. BAL'ANCE, to make equal.

1. DIS-PUTE', controversy, quarrel.

2. AR'GU-ED, discussed, debated.

2. CHIEF JUSTICE, the presiding judge.

2. DIS-CERN'ING, justly discriminating.

5. VISAGE, face, the countenance.
8. DE-CI'SIVE, final, conclusive.

ERRORS. Strange for stränge; speks for spec'ta-cles; larn'in for learn'ing; bal unce for bal'ance; de-cern'ing for dis-cern'ing; a-gin' for a-gain' (a-gen'); be-haf' for be-hälf.


1. BETWEEN Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose,
The spectacles set them unhappily wrong;
The point in dispute was, as all the world knows,
To which the said spectacles ought to belong?

2. So Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the cause, With a great deal of skill, and a wig-full of learning,*

* Wig-full of learning. In England the lawyers are required by the rules of their profession to wear a certain professional dress when they plead in court. The wig, which forms part of this dress, is very large and bushy, flowing down over the shoulders..

While Chief-Justice Ear sat to balance the laws,
So famed for his talent in nicely discerning.

3. "In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear,
And your Honor," he said, “will undoubtedly find,
That the Nose has had spectacles always in wear,
Which amounts to possession, time out of mind.”

4. Then, holding the spectacles up to the court,

"Your Honor observes they are made with a straddle, As wide as the ridge of the Nose is; in short,

Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle.

5. "Again, would your Honor a moment suppose, ("T is a case that has happened and may be again,) That the visage or countenance had not a nose,

Pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?

6. "On the whole it appears, and my argument shows,

With a reasoning the court sure will never condemn, That the spectacles plainly were made for the Nose,

And the Nose was as plainly intended for them.”

7. Then, shifting his side, (as a lawyer knows how,)
He pleaded again in behalf of the Eyes;
But what were his arguments few people know,

For the court did not think they were equally wise.

8. So his Honor decreed, with a grave, solemn tone, Decisive and clear, without one if or but,

That, whenever the Nose put his spectacles on,

By daylight or candle-light, Eyes should be shut.*

QUESTIONS.-1. Who are the parties to this law-case? 2. Who is the lawyer? 2. Who, the Chief-Justice? What is meant by "wig-full of learning"? 3-6. What are the arguments in behalf of the Nose? 7. What, in behalf of the Eyes? 8. What was his Honor's decision? What is the evident design of this piece? - What general rule is applicable in reading this kind of composition?

* This piece is a good-natured satire upon the uncertainties of the law.


1. NERVOUS, easily agitated, disturbed.
1. LEIS URE, freedom from business.
2. ES-TATE', property, especially land.
5. PURCHASE, to buy.

5. STUB'BORN, obstinate, unyielding.
7. SUMPT'U-OUS, costly, magnificent.
7. RE-GALE', a rich entertainment.
8. PHIZ, the face.

ERRORS. Gen'tle-mun for gen'tle-man; shue for shoe; thump'in for thump'ing spile'ed for spoil'ed; a-mens' for a-mends'.


1. A NERVOUs old gentleman, tired of trade,

By which though, it seems, he a fortune had made,
Took a house 'twixt two sheds, at the skirts of the town,
Which he meant, at his leisure, to buy and pull down.

2. This thought struck his mind when he viewed the estate; But, alas! when he entered, he found it too late;

For in each dwelt a smith,

a more hard-working two Never doctored a patient or put on a shoe.

3. At six in the morning, their anvils at work
Awoke our good squire, who raged like a Turk! *
"These fellows," he cried, "such a clattering keep,
That I never can get above eight hours of sleep."

4. From morning till night they kept thumping away,-
No sound but the anvil the whole of the day;
His afternoon's nap, and his daughter's new song,
Were banished and spoiled by their hammers' ding-dong!

5. He offered each Vulcan,† to purchase his shop;

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But, no! they were stubborn, determined to stop.

At length, both his spirits and health to improve,
He cried, "I'll give each fifty guineas to move!"

Turk, a native-born citizen of Turkey.

† Vul'can, a name given to these smiths, in allusion to a fabled heathen deity, who was supposed to preside over fire, and to be the patron of all artists who worked in iron and other metals.

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