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Mr. Bolton and Mr. Dix.

70. Dix. Well, neighbor, I hope you have thought better of the matter about which we were talking a short time since. 71. Bol. Do you mean Halpin's right of way through my farm?

72. Dix. Yes; I hope you have concluded to re-open the gate, and let things remain as they have been, at least for the present. These offensive measures only provoke anger, and never do any good.

73. Bol. He has no right to trespass on my premises!

74. Dix. As to the matter of right, I think the general opinion will be against you. By attempting to carry out your present purpose, you will incur much odium which every man ought to avoid if possible. And, if the matter goes to court, the decision will surely be against you; and you will be compelled to pay costs of suit, and such damages as may be brought against you for expense and trouble occasioned Mr. Halpin. Now let me counsel you to avoid all these consequences if possible.

75. Bol. O, you need n't suppose all this array of consequences will frighten me. I don't know what fear is! I generally try to do right, and then, like Crockett, "go ahead."

76. Dix. Still, Mr. Bolton, don't you think it would be wiser and better to see Mr. Halpin first, and explain to him how you are disappointed at finding a right of way for another farm across the one you have purchased? I am sure some arrangement, satisfactory to both, can be made.

77. Mr. Halpin, if you take him right, is not an unreasonable man. He will do almost any thing to oblige another. But he is very stubborn if you attempt to drive him. If he comes home to-night and finds things as they now are, he will feel exceedingly outraged; and you will become enemies instead of friends.

78. Bol. It can not be helped now. What's done is done.

79. Dix. It is not too late to undo the work.

80. Bol. Yes, it is. I'm not the man "to make backtracks." Good-day, Mr. Dix. [Mr. Dix goes away.] 81. Bol. [Alone.] Ah me! morning before I acted once. cipitate; but I was provoked to think that any one claimed the right to make a public road through my farm. If I had only known that Mr. Halpin was brother-in-law to Judge Caldwell! That makes the matter so much the worse.

I wish I had thought twice this
I need n't have been so pre-

[Enter Mr. Halpin.]

82. Hal. Mr. Bolton, I believe? 83. Bol. That is my name, sir.

84. Hal. And mine is Halpin. I have often heard my brother-in-law, Judge Caldwell, speak of you and your lady. We promise ourselves much pleasure in having you for neighbors. Mrs. Halpin and I will take a very early opportunity to call upon you. How are all of your family?

85. Bol. [Half averting his face.] Quite well, I thank you. 86. Hal.

We have had a beautiful day.

87. Bol. Yes; very beautiful.

88. Hal. You have a choice farm. It is one of the finest in the neighborhood.

89. Bol. I think it is excellent land.

90. Hal. The place has been a little neglected since the last occupant left. And since your purchase of it, some evildisposed persons have trespassed on the premises. A few days before you moved here, as I was passing along the lower edge of your farm, I saw a man deliberately break a large branch from a choice young plum-tree, in full blossom, near your house.

91. I was very much vexed about it, and rode up to remonstrate with him. At first, he seemed disposed to resent my interference with his right to destroy my neighbor's property; but, seeing that I was not in a temper to be trifled with, he took himself off.

92. I then went back home, and sent one of my boys over, in company with a couple of good dogs, and put the property in their charge; and when I returned in the evening, I found all safe.

93. Bol.


[Feeling much rebuked.] It was kind in you,- very

94. Hal. It was no trouble; I had to pass that way; for you know that, through some ill-contrivance, my right of way to the public road is across the south edge of your farm. It is not a good arrangement at all, and must be annoying to you. I shall make some proposition before long about purchasing a narrow strip, and fencing it in as a road. But I have not time to talk about that now, as I have been to the city since early this morning, and must hurry home.

95. Bol. [Much agitated.] About that right of way,-I-I— 96. Hal. O, we won't speak of that now. Let us get better acquainted first. [Going.]

97. Bol. But, Mr. Halpin,-I—I—

98. Hal. Good-day! Mrs. Halpin and I will call over very soon;-perhaps this evening, if nothing prevents. If we come, we shall do so without any ceremony. Give my compliments, if you please, to Mrs. Bolton. [Goes out.]

99. Bol. Thank you! Yes, yes! Mr. Halpin, -I-I

Let me speak a—a— [Alone.] Well, I am in a fine social fix for a man of my reputation. O, why did I act with such folly and mad haste! I have forfeited his high opinion of me forever!

100. Dix. [Enters unperceived.] Have I done right?

101. Bol. [Starts suddenly, and looks round.] Right? What have you done?

102. Dix. I have undone what your man, John, did this morning, and have hung the gate again! 103. Bol. Yes'; you have done right! and from my heart I thank you. You have saved me from the consequences of a hasty, ill-judged, and ill-natured act, consequences that would have been most painful. Oblige me still further, Mr.

Dix, by keeping this matter a profound secret, at least for the present. Before it comes to the ears of Mr. Halpin, I wish to let him see some better points in my character. 104. Dix. You need not fear an exposure from me; for I love a quiet neighborhood too well for that.

[Enter Halpin.]

105. Hal. Mr. Bolton, I finally concluded to call ́over at once, and see if you will sell me a narrow strip on the south edge of your farm. It would be more convenient for both of us to have a road fenced off; and I am willing to pay you a good price for the land.

106. Bol. No, Mr. Halpin, I will not sell you the land; but, as it is of little or no value to me, I will cheerfully give it for a road, if you are willing to run the fence.

107. Thus was settled, most amicably, a matter which bade fair, in the beginning, to result in a long and angry disputation, involving loss of money, time, and friendly relations.

108. Ever after, when disposed to act from a first angry impulse, Mr. Bolton's thoughts would turn to this right-of-way question; and he would become cool and rational in a moment.

109. The amiable and noble conduct of Mr. Dix, in thus timely and judiciously interposing to prevent contention and ill-will between neighbors, can not be too highly commended. Far better is it to be a peacemaker among men, than a promoter of strife.

QUESTIONS. What is meant by a right of way? 1. What had Mr Bolton just done? 1. What had he observed? 7. What did he say? 11-20. What did he tell John to do? 21. What did he think when he was returning home? 32. What did Mr. Dix say to John? 35. What did Mr. Bolton tell John to say to him? Was that a proper order? 54. What did Mrs. Bolton wish her husband to do? 59. What did Mr. Bolton say about his appetite? Can you think why it was not good? 74. What advice did Mr. Dix give Mr. Bolton? 76. What was his reply? 81. What does Mr. Bolton wish he had done? 90-92. What kind act did Mr. Halpin do for Mr. Bolton? 93. How did Mr. Bolton feel on hearing this, and what did he say? 106. What did he say he would give Mr. Halpin? 109. What is said of the conduct of Mr. Dix?Which kind of dialogue is this? What are the characters of the speakers, and how should the language of each be read?


1. VA'RI-A-BLE, changeable, fickle.
1. PER MA-NENT, durable, lasting.

1. IM-MU'TA-BLE, unchangeable, unalterable.
2. UN-SUL'LI-ED, not stained, not tarnished.
B. REC'TI-TUDE, right principles or practice.
1. EX-ER'TION, effort, a striving.
4. AP-PEND'AGE, something added.


7. TREACH'ER-OUS, betraying a trust.
8. IN-HER'IT-ED, received from ancestors.
8. IN-EF-FI'CIENT, effecting little or noth-
ing, not active.

9. CRITIC-AL, important, decisive.
10. RE-TRIEVE', to recover, to restore.
13. VIG'I-LANCE, watchfulness.

ERRORS.- - Va'ra-ble for va'ri-a-ble; pop'e-lar for pop'u-lar; con-siss' for con-sists'; ig'no-runce for ig'no-rance; in'trest-in for in'ter-est-ing; in-ef-fi'shunt for in-ef-fi'ciev


1. THAT good name which "is rather to be chosen than great riches," does not depend on the variable, shifting breath of popular opinion. It is based on permanent excellence, and is as immutable as virtue and truth.


2. It consists in a fair, unsullied reputation, a reputation formed under the influence of virtuous principles, and awarded to us, not by the ignorant and vicious, but by the intelligent and good, on account of our good qualities and good conduct.

3. In such a name we look, first of all, for integrity, or an unbending regard to rectitude; we look for independence, or an habitual determination to act in accordance with the convictions of truth and duty; for benevolence also, or a spirit of kindness and good-will to men; and, though last, not least, for piety towards God, or a reverent regard for his will and his glory.

4. Now it is ever to be kept in mind, that this good name is in all cases the fruit of personal exertion. It is not inherited from parents. It is not created by external advantages; it is no necessary appendage of birth, or wealth, or talents, or station; but the result of one's own endeavors, the fruit and reward of good principles, manifested in a course of vir tuous and honorable action.

5. The attainment of a good name, therefore, whatever may be your external circumstances, is entirely within your own power. You have only to fix your eye upon the prize, and press toward it in a course of virtuous and useful con

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