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2. VE'HI-CLE, a carriage.


25. COM'PE-TENT, fully qualified.
40. AV'E NUE, entrance, way, road.
41. LICENSE, permission or right.
46. GUAR-AN-TEED', warranted, secured.
49. CON-CES'SION, a grant.

53. VA'CATE, to quit possession of.

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53. THOR'OUGH-FARE, a much-frequented


74. O'DI-UM, disgrace, hatred.
77. OUT'RAG-ED, insulted, abused.

81. PRE-CIP'I-TATE, very hasty.

91. RE-MON'STRATE, to expostulate.
94 AN-NOY'ING, troublesome, vexing.

ERRORS. A-crost for a-cross'; num'rous for nu'mer-ous; sar'tin-ly for certain-ly; pr-voke for pro-voke'; gen'ral-ly for gener-al-ly; ar-rănj'ment for ar-range'ment.

[blocks in formation]

1. Mr. Edward Bolton had just taken possession of a farm which he had recently purchased. Once, while examining the premises before deciding to buy, he had observed a light wagon moving along on the extreme south edge of the tract of land included in the farm; but it had occasioned no remark.

2. It was late in the afternoon when he arrived with his family at their new home. The next morning, as he stood conversing with a farm-hand, who had been on the place under a former owner, he observed the same vehicle passing across the portion of land referred to.

3. Bolton. Whose wagon is that, John?

4. John. It is Mr. Halpin's, sir.

5. Bol. Halpin, that owns the next farm? 6. John. Yes, sir.

7. Bol. He takes a liberty with my premises, which I would not like to take with his; and there he is himself, now, riding over my field as coolly as if it belonged to him!

8. John. They always go across there; at least, they have done so ever since I have worked on the farm. I think I once heard Mr. Jenkins, of whom you bought, say that Mr. Halpin's farm had the right of way across this one.

* Right of Way, a right, secured by law, of a road or passage from one place to another.

9. Bol. The right of way across my farm! We'll see about that!. Come with me; I want to take a look at that part of my farm.

10. Mr. Bolton examined the narrow strip over which Mr. Halpin had just passed. The gate, opening upon his prem ises, was at one end; and now, for the first time, he discovered that there was a gate at the other end, opening from his farm to that of Mr. Halpin, while the ground was cut up with numerous wheel-tracks.

11. Bol. Upon my word, this is all very fine. The right of way across my farm! We'll see about that! John, get four good rails, and put them firmly into the gate-posts on Mr. Ha'pin's side, and throw the gate over into his field.

12. John. [Surprised.] Do you really mean it?

13. Bol. Don't you understand me?

14. John. Yes, sir; but

15. Bol. But what?

16. John. There's no other way for Mr. Halpin to get to the public road.

17. Bol. That's none of my business.

They have no right to make a public highway of these premises. You heard what I said?

18. John. Yes, sir.

19. Bol. Then let it be done.

20. John. [Aside, muttering.] Obey orders if you break owners. But if there is n't a nice tea-party somewhere about these premises before to-morrow morning my name is n't John Johnson.

21. Before reaching his house, Mr. Bolton's excitement had cooled a little; and he thought that possibly he might have acted rather hastily. But the order had been given; and he was not the man to "make back-tracks" in any thing.

22. Mrs. Bolton. [Pointing to a pitcher of cream, and some fresh butter.] Do you see that, husband? Mrs. Halpin sent these over with her compliments this morning; is n't it kind in her? I always heard that she was a neighborly, good woman.

23. Bol. I don't think much of her husband! [Enter John.] Have you done as I directed?

24. John. Yes, sir.

25. Bol. What did you do with the gate?

26. John. I threw it into the field, as you told me.

27. Bol. You did n't break it, did you?

28. John.

No, sir; but there'll be trouble, Mr. Bolton.

29. Bol. How do you know that?

30. John. Mr. Halpin is a very determined man.

31. Bol. So am I!

32. John. Mr. Dix says the right of way belongs to Mr. Halpin, and no mistake.

33. Bol. When did he say so?

34. John. Just now.

He came down from his house

when he saw me at work, and asked me what I was doing; and when I told him, he said you were wrong, and would only get yourself into trouble;. for Mr. Halpin's farm had the right of way through yours.

35. Bol. Tell Mr. Dix, when you see him again, not to meddle in my affairs. I am entirely competent to manage them myself; and I want no assistance. [Mr. Dix is seen coming toward them.] I want none of his interference.

36. Dix. You will excuse me for a liberty I am about to take. I saw your man, a little while ago, closing up the gate that opens from your farm into Mr. Halpin's.

37. Bol. Well, I ordered him to do so.

38. Dix. Are you aware that his farm has the right of way through yours?

39. Bol. I am aware of no such thing!

40. Dix. Such, however, let me assure you, is the case. Mr. Halpin has no other avenue to the public road.

41. Bol. That's his misfortune; but it gives him no license to trespass on my property.

42. Dix. It is not a trespass, Mr. Bolton. He only uses a right, purchased when he bought his farm, and one that he can and will sustain in the courts against you.

43. Bol. Let him go to court, then. I bought this farm for my own private use, not as a highway. No such reserve is embraced in the deed. The land is mine; and no one shall trespass upon it.

44. Dix. But, Mr. Bolton, in purchasing, you secured an outlet to the public road.

45. Bol. Certainly I did, but not through your farm, nor that of any one else.

46. Dix. Halpin was not so fortunate.

In' buying his farm, he had to take it with a guaranteed right of way across There was no other outlet.

this one.

47. Bol. It was not a guarantee against my ownership.

48. Dix. Pardon me for saying that in this you are in error. Originally both farms were in one; and that was subsequently sold with a right of way across this.

49. Bol. There is no such concession in the deed I hold. 50. Dix. If you will take the trouble to make an examination in the clerk's office, you will find it to be as I state. 51. Bol. No matter how it was originally. I look only to how it is now. This is my farm; I bought it with no such concessions; and I will not yield it unless by compulsion. 52. Dix. That little strip of ground, which is of but trifling value, might be fenced off as a road. This would take away all necessity for entering your ground.

53. Bol. What! vacate the property I have bought and paid for? I am not quite so generous as that. If Mr. Halpin must have a right of way, let him obtain his right by purchase. I'll sell him a strip wide enough for a road, if that will suit him; but he shall not use one inch of my property as a common thoroughfare.


Mr. Bolton and his Wife at the Dinner-table.

54. Mrs. B.

55. Mr. B.

56. Mrs. B.

Just try some of that butter. It is delicious!
I don't care about butter at dinner.

But just try some of this. I want you to

taste it. Its flavor is delightful! I must go over, and see Mrs. Halpin's dairy. [Bolton tastes of it.] Now try it on a piece of bread. I declare! You act as if you were afraid of the butter! What's the matter with you u? Isn't it very fine? Yes, it is good butter,—very good butter.

57. Mr. B. 58. Mrs. B. It is more than very good. Why, what has come over you? But wait a little while, and I'll give you something to quicken your palate. I've made some of those curds you are so fond of. If you don't praise the sweet cream Mrs. Halpin so kindly sent over this morning when you come to eat the curds, I shall think - I don't know what I shall think. [Pours some cream into a saucer of curds, and hands it to her husband.] Is n't that beautiful?

59. Mr. B. Yes, I must acknowledge they are very good; but I haven't much appetite for them.

60. Mrs. B. By the way, I promise myself much pleasure in having so good neighbors. Mrs. Halpin I've always heard spoken of in the highest terms. She is a sister of Judge Caldwell, with whose family we were so intimate at Haddington.

61. Mr. B. [With surprise.] You must be in error about that. 62. Mrs. B. No; Mrs. Caldwell often spoke to me about her, and said that she had written to her sister that we talked of buying this farm. `

63. Mr. B.

64. Mrs. B.

I never knew this before.

Did n't you? I thought I had mentioned it. Well, it is true. And, moreover, Mrs. Caldwell told me before we left, that she had received a letter from her sister, in which she spoke of us, and mentioned that her husband had often heard you spoken of by the Judge, and promised himself great pleasure in your society.

65. Mr. B.

66. John.

67. Mr. B.

68. Mrs. B.

69. Mr. B.

start early.

[Leaving the table.] Is my horse ready, John? Yes, sir.

Very well,- bring him round.

Are you going now?

Yes; I wish to be home early; so I must

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