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3. He procures stone for the foundation and the steps, and various other purposes. He provides glass for the windows, paper for the walls, and paints of various colors. Besides these, many other things must be collected to complete the building. And, then, how many things are required to furnish the house after it is built!

4. Now the house that your spirit lives in, the body, with all its variety of furniture, is made of only one material, the blood. And it is also kept in repair with the same material.

5. You can see how wonderful this is, if you observe how many different things there are in the frame-work of the body. Think a moment about this. Look at the outside of the body. There we see the skin, the hair, and the nails. How different these are from one another! But they are all made out of the same material, the blood.

6. You would think it very wonderful, if a man could make bricks, and boards, and nails out of the same thing. If a man should say that he could do it, you would set him down as a crazy person.

7. But bricks, and boards, and nails are not so much unlike one another, as your hair, skin, and finger-nails are. And how entirely different these are from the blood out of which they are made! ·

. 8. Look now at the eye. How different it is from the parts of which I have been speaking! But it is made out of the same blood with them. Look at the various parts of this beautiful organ. See the firm, white eyeball. Then see in front what a clear, thin, round window is set into this bull, like a crystal in the face of a watch.

9. Look in at this window, and see the delicate iris, which has so many different colors in different persons. Then there are parts which you can not see. There are three different fluids inside of the eye.

10. There is a nerve which spreads out its little, fine fiber all over the back part of the eye inside. There are muscles also, that move the eye about so quickly.

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11. Then, too, there is the tear-factory, or gland, thai reeps the eye moist. Is it not wonderful that all these parts, so different from one another,—the eyeball, the window, the iris, the three fluids, the nerves, the muscles, the tear-gland and its tears, - should be made out of the same thing, and that, too, a thing which is not like any of them?

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12. Look now at the mouth. Would you suppose that those hard teeth are made out of the same material with the clear window in the eye, and the delicate iris, and the soft tears?

13. It is even so. See how different the gums are from the teeth. It seems almost impossible that they are both made out of the blood.

14. Then, inside of the body, out of sight, are a great many different structures, such as the bones, the red muscles, the white, silk-like,.shining tendons, the glands, the firm liver, the spongy lungs, the stomach, and all the various fluids, as the saliva, the tears, the bile,—all are made from the blood.

15. Even the very vessels that carry the blood, and the heart.that pumps it into them, are made out of the blood itself! This is no less wonderful than it would be to have the walls of a canal or an aqueduct made out of the water that runs through it.

16. But you will want to know how the blood is converted into so many different substances, and who the workmen are that do it. It is not the arteries. They only serve to carry the materials everywhere. They are the common carriers of the body.

17. Through these, the heart, as it pumps away seventy times a minute, sends the blood to every part of the system. And in every part, there are multitudes of workmen, that take this material, thus brought to their very doors, and use it to manufacture various things. Some are bone-makers, some nerve-makers, some muscle-makers, some makers of teeth, some eye-manufacturers, and so on.

18. All the workmen work in separate companies, and very

seldom interfere with one another, though they may be in the same neighborhood. The bone-makers, for instance, that make the socket of the eye, never get mixed up with the eyemanufacturers.

19. Once in a while, however, the bone-makers get to work in the wrong place, or rather, some workmen that ought to make something else go to making bone. But this does not often happen. If it does happen, it always produces deformity; and sometimes destroys life.

20. The workmen all work so well together, that it would seem as if they must understand one another, and agree together just as men do, about the way of doing their work.

21. But we know that they do not understand any thing; and how it is that they work together so well is a mystery to us. But I have not told you who, or what, these little workmen are, that are so busy in using the blood for the growth and the repair of our frame.

22. All that we know of them is, that they are very small vessels between the very smallest of the arteries and the very smallest of the veins. The blood comes to them in the arteries, and they use what they want of it, and then it passes into the veins, by which it is returned to the heart.

23. What can be more wonderful than the formation, the growth, and the repair of the human body! How strange that the simple red fluid which we call blood should be formed from such a variety of substances as we eat, and that out of it should be made such a variety of organs and structures as compose the human body! Who can contemplate the mechanism of his own body, and not admire and adore the wisdom of the Creator?

QUESTIONS.-1. To what is the human body often compared? 1-3. What are some of the materials necessary to make a house? 4. What is the house the spirit lives in ? 4. Of what is it made, and how is it kept in repair? 5-12. What parts of the body can you name which are made of blood? 14, 15. What parts that are inside, out of sight? 17. What organ sends the blood to every part of the system? .17. What is the occupation of some of these little workmen? 21. What do we know about them? 23. What should we admire in the mechanism of our bodies?-Point out the silent 'etters in the first paragraph. In the second, &c.


1. BEAUTY, harmonic grace.

1. ALL-PER-VAD'ING, pervading every place. 3. TEN'ANTS, occupants, inhabitants.

4. EN-DOW'MENT, gift of nature.

4. PRI-VA'TION, loss, want.

5. COURT'ED, solicited.

5. MORAL, relating to the affections.
6. CHARM, magic spell.

ERRORS.-Number-liss for num'ber-less; en-com'puss-ed for en-com'pass-ed; ten'. der-ist for ten'der-est; grand'er for grand'eur (grand'yur); voy'la-ted for vi'o-la-ted.


1. BEAUTY is an all-pervading presence. It unfolds in the numberless flowers of spring. It waves in the branches of the trees, and the green blades of grass. It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea, and gleams out shell and the precious stone.

in the hues of the

2. And not only these minute objects, but the ocean, the mountains, the clouds, the heavens, the

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all overflow with beauty.

stars, the rising and

setting sun, The universe is its temple; and those men who are alive to it can not lift their eyes without feeling encompassed with it on every side.

3. Now this beauty is so precious, the enjoyments it gives are so refined and pure, so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings, and so akin to worship, that it is painful to think of the multitude of men as living in the midst of it, and living almost as blind to it as if, instead of this fair earth and glorious sky, they were tenants of a dungeon.

4. An almost infinite joy is lost to the world by the want of culture of this spiritual endowment. Suppose that I were to visit a cottage, and to see its walls lined with the choicest pictures of Raphael,* and every spare nook filled with statues of the most exquisite workmanship; and were I to learn that neither man, woman, nor child ever casts an eye on these miracles of art, how should I feel their privation!

5. How should I want to open their eyes, and to help them

*Ra'pha-el, the greatest painter of the modern, or, as he is considered by many, the ast of the ancient school of art, was born in 1483. He died in 1520.

to comprehend and feel the loveliness and grandeur which in vain courted their notice! But every husbandman is living in sight of the works of a diviner Artist, and how much would his existence be elevated, could he see the glory which shines forth in their forms, hues, proportions, and moral expressions!

6. I have spoken only of the beauty of nature; but how much of this mysterious charm is found in the elegant arts, and especially in literature! The best books have most beauty. The greatest truths are violated if not linked with beauty; and they win their way most surely and deeply into the soul when arrayed in this, their natural and fit attire.

QUESTIONS.-1, 2. What is said of beauty? 3. What, of the enjoyments it gives? 4. Why is so much of the joy of life lost by many? What is said of Raphael? 5. How might the existence of the husbandman be much elevated? 6. Where may beauty be found besides in nature? 6. When do great truths most surely find their way to the soul? Should we cultivate a love of what is beautiful? - Point out the examples of the pause of suspension in this piece, and give the rule for reading them?


8. AP-PRE'CI-ATE, to estimate properly.
3. FLO'RAL, pertaining to flowers.
3. EF-FEM'I-NATE, weak, feminine.
5. Nor'sOME, offensive, unwholesome.

5. IN-E-RAD'I-CA-BLE, not to be destroyed.

7. UN-COUTH', rough, unsightly.
9. CHAL'ICE, a cup or bowl.
10. REC'OG-NIZE, to regard, perceive.
11. IM-PER'TI-NENT, rude, obtrusive.
11. TRAN'SIENT, of short duration.

ERRORS.-Rally for re'al-ly; bline'niss for blind'ness; wile'ly for wildly; shet fo shut; gifs for gifts.


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1. BLESSED be he who really loves flowers! - who loves them for their own sakes, for their beauty, their associations, the joy they have given, and always will give; so that he would sit down among them as friends and companions, if there were no one else on earth to admire and praise them!

2. But such persons need no blessing of mine. They are blessed of God! Did he not make the world for them? Are they not clearly the owners of the world, and the richest of all mankind?

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