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the painful ordeal of envy and jealousy! Linnæus was not permitted to give lectures on the science he had so fully investigated, or the natural objects he had collected.

10. Faust, the first printer, was obliged to appear before the parliament at Paris, and only escaped with his life by giving a most detailed account of his invention. Galileo, § the illustrious Florentine, was doomed to a gloomy prison, and an old age of sorrow and persecution, for having said, or rather demonstrated, that our earth moves.

11. Jenner, who introduced the system of vaccination, was the subject of the most contemptuous opprobrium. When such has been the spirit in which society has treated its benefactors, it is not surprising that Arkwright should have experienced some of the same prejudice and injustice.

12. No sooner did his machine prove successful, than his claim to be the inventor was questioned; and several vexatious lawsuits were the consequence; and one patent was set aside. But ultimately his rights obtained legal protection; and he completely triumphed over his enemies and opponents. 13. The poor Lancashire barber, who had passed so many years in obscurity, and so many in striving to overcome the obstacles which lay in the way of making his invention known and valued, was at last dignified with the rank of knighthood, and lived to realize an immense fortune.

14. Like every other great man gifted with moral heroism, he had one end constantly in view, and incessantly pressed forward toward it. This is the true secret of success in all undertakings. His course was ever onward. He knew of no such word as fail.

* Lin-næ'us, (Charles,) a native of Sweden, was the most celebrated naturalist o his age. He was born in 1707, and he died in 1778.

† Faust, (John,) a goldsmith of Mentz, in Germany, was one of the three artists to whom the invention of printing is generally ascribed. He died about 1466.

Par'is, the metropolis of the French empire, the great center of European civiliza tion and learning, and, after London, the most populous city in Christendom, is situ ated on both sides of the river Seine, 111 miles from its mouth.

Gal-i-le'o. See note, page 67.

Jen'ner, (Edward,) M. D., F. R. S., was born at Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, Eng. in 1749. He died in 1823, in the 74th year of his age.

15. The proudest motto for the young!
Write it in lines of gold

Upon the heart, and in thy mind
The stirring words enfold;
And in misfortune's dreary hour,
Or fortune's prosperous gale,

'T will have a holy, cheering power,

"There's no such word as fail!”

QUESTIONS.-1. Where was Richard Arkwright born? 1. What did he invent? 1-3. What is said of his youth and early manhood? 4. How was cotton spun before his invention of the spinning-frame? What is said of Lancashire? 5. What attempts had been made? 6. Did Arkwright receive any hints or suggestions from any one? 7. Was he opposed by any? 8. What traits of character did he exhibit? 9. What is said of those who introduce new systems? 9. What is said of Linnæus? Who was he? 10. What is said of Faust? Who was he? 10. What is said of Galileo? Who was he? 11. What is said of Jenner? Who was he? 12. What occurred when Arkwright's machine proved successful? 13. With what was he at last dignified? 14. What was the true secret of his success? 15. What is the proudest motto for the young? What is the character of this lesson? How should it be read?


1. DI-PLO'MA, a certificate of attainments. 2. PARCH'MENT, a sheep or goat skin, prepared for writing on.

3. DE-VEL'OP-ED, disclosed, laid open. 3. CON-SPIC'U-OUs, prominent, obvious. 3. SUB'SE-QUENT, following.

3. CA-REER', course of action.

4. COM-PET'I-TOR, a rival.

4. IN-TENSE', very severe, unremitted.
5. PASS'PORT, a certificate of admission.
5. EM'I-NENCE, distinction, elevation.
5. HAR'ASS-ING, annoying, disturbing.
5. EX-EMPT', free from.

7. RE-SPONS-I-BIL'I-TY, accountability.

ERRORS. -U'zhul for u'su-al; hel dup for held up; el'lum for elm; hull for whole; fu'ter for future.


[Didactic. See Rule 2, page 112. The class may also point out the examples of contrast, and of the pause of suspension, and tell how each should be read. See Rules 3 and 4, pages 74 and 78.]

1. AFTER the honors of the college had been conferred, and Mr. Webster * had received his diploma, properly signed

* Webster (Daniel) was a graduate of Dartmouth College, N. H. See note, page


and sealed, certifying that he had pursued the usual course of study, he invited a number of his classmates to go with him to a place of retirement in the rear of the church.

2. When they reached the place, Mr. Webster held up the diploma before them, and said, "My industry may make me a great man; but this parchment can not." He then deliberately tore it in pieces, and threw it away; then, bidding his fellow-students farewell, he mounted his horse, and set out for Elms Farm.*

3. Although this act was not particularly amiable, and ought not to be commended, for we would encourage the young to take a thorough course of study and receive a diploma as evidence of their attainments, yet it developed certain traits of character which were conspicuous in Mr. Webster's subsequent career.

4. It exhibited, also, the same moral courage, independence, and self-reliance, which marked his whole course. It evinced, too, his conviction that a public education is no substitute for future industry, — that, to be a successful competitor in the great struggle for positions of influence and usefulness, there must be intense application.

5. When a young man imagines that the mere possession of a diploma will be a passport to posts of eminence; that all before him is a smooth sea, over which, with his skiff of раруrus, he may safely float; that from arduous toil and harassing anxiety he is now for ever exempt, he furnishes conclusive evidence that there are some lessons left for him yet to learn.

6. Should he attempt to act upon his erroneous opinions, it will not be long before his own experience will convince him

* Elms Farm. The early home of Mr. Webster, in Franklin, N. H.

Pa-py'rus, a rush-like plant (Cyperus papyrus), growing principally in Egypt, from which the ancients made paper. It was manufactured by separating the fibers, in thin layers, from the blade of the grass, and placing them upon a table moistened with the adhesive water of the Nile. Upon the first layer another was placed, moistened in hot water, and then dried in the sun and smoothed down with an instrumen! nade of ivory. The paper was called papyrus.


of his folly. Before such would we hold up the example of Mr. Webster. We would say to them, rely not upon past efforts or present attainments.

7. However great may have been your former privileges, regard them only as so many facilities for future efforts, but by no means as a substitute for them. That you have been favored with an education beyond that of many of the community, has increased your responsibilities above theirs.

8. Having abilities to render yourself more useful than others, you are under obligation to exercise them. No man has a right to hide his light under a bushel. Unto whomsoever much is given, of him is much required.

9. You are stewards in respect to all the knowledge and the talents which you possess; and it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. Industry in the right direction may make you great and useful; without that, neither collegiate privileges nor honors can do it.


"Press on! for it is godlike to unloose

The spirit, and forget yourself in thought;
Bending a pinion for the deeper sky,
And, in the very fetters of your flesh,
Mating with the pure essences of heaven!
Press on! for in the grave there is no work,
And no device.' Press on! while yet ye may!"

QUESTIONS.1, 2. What did Mr. Webster do after receiving his diploma? What Mr. Webster is here spoken of, and where did he graduate? 3. Was this a commendable act in him? 4. What did it develop, exhibit, or evince? 5, 6. What is said of a young man who relies on the mere possession of a diploma as a passport to eminence? What is the meaning of papyrus? 6. Whose example of self-reliance should such a young man imitate? 7. How should former privileges and present attainments be regarded? 8, 9. Under what obligations are you placed by the ability to be useful? 9. What will industry in the right direction do for you? 10. What, then, should you do? What examples of contrast in this lesson? How should they be read? What examples of the pause of suspension? How should they be read? What in*flection is required on the clause "press on "? Why?

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ERRORS. -Bile'er for boiler; eve'nin for e'ven-ing; diffi-kil-ty for diffi-cul-ty; hist'ed for hoist'ed; tre-men'ju-ous for tre-men'dous; stawm for storm.


1. THE Forfarshire* steamer left Hull† on the evening of Wednesday, September 5th, 1838, having on board a valuable cargo, and over forty passengers. Her crew consisted of twenty-one persons. The captain's wife accompanied him on the voyage.

2. The vessel had not proceeded far when a leak was discovered in the boiler. This rendered it necessary to extinguish two of the fires; but they were relighted when the boiler had been partially repaired. The steamer continued her course until the following evening; and she had proceeded as far as Berwick Bay when the leak again appeared.

3. It had now become so great that the utmost difficulty was experienced in keeping the boilers filled, the water escaping as fast as it was pumped in. The wind was blowing strong and the sea running high; and the leak increased so much, from the motion of the vessel, that the fires were extinguished; and the engines, of course, became entirely useless.

4. It was now about ten o'clock at night; and they were off St. Abb's Head, a bold promontory on the Scottish coast.

* For'far-shire, a maritime county of Scotland.

↑ Hull, a seaport town on the eastern coast of England.

Berwick Buy lies at the mouth of the river Tweed, between England and Scotland.

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