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value for it; I had given it to Mr. Corri, to save him from going to prison.

Do you not believe that his Royal Highness, during the three years you were under his protection, paid 20,000l. for you including all the various sums that were advanced to you, the payment of tradesmen's" bills, &c. &c. during those three years? No, he did not.

Will you undertake to say that his Royal Highness did not pay 15,000. for you during those three years? Do you include his Royal Highness paying for the house before I went into it, or keeping me and the establishment?

Including every thing, all the advances that were made? I cannot tell what he paid for the house; I can tell what any lawyer got for it. What was the amounit which you got for it? I believe the whole sold for 4,4007.; and I think it is proper for ine to state in what situa tion I was, which his Royal Highness knew at the time of our parting: some short time before, I had borrowed different sums of money of my lawyer, to the amount of twelve or fourteen hundred pounds, and I asked the Duke for the lease and he gave it to me, and I

gave it up to the lawyer for the different sums of money received from him before the house was got rid of; his Royal Highness had not paid the rent for the last half year, and I fancy the taxes for a twelvemonth were not, paid; I always paid the taxes; I took 700l. on account to pay the poor trades-people and the servants; 7001. was due to Mr. Parker, for trinkets, which were got from him to be sold in the sale.

Exclusive of the house, will you undertake to say you have not received to the amount of 15,000l. from his Royal Highness? That [am very sure of.

Can you undertake to say that positively? Positively.

Will you undertake to say positively you did not receive 12,000l. from his Royal Highness, including every advance, and articles paid for during those three years? Yes.

Will you undertake to say positively his Royal Highness 'did not pay 10,000l. to and for you? Yes, I can. His Royal Highness paid nothing for me but i gitts, except what he was to have brought me regularly; whatever value it might have been it was in trinkets and those things, it was presents, not in money; I cannot say what the amount of those might be, they all wept from me before 1 left Gloucester-place, which his Royal Highness must be aware of, that I had nothing even to take me out of town. He promised to give ine 2007. for my jour ́ney, but Mr. Adam objected to that to my lawyer, and said, 100%. was plenty; but the Duke overruled it, and sent me two some time afterwards.

Will you undertake to say that the whole amount of his Royal High nesses's advances to you and for you did not amount to 5,000? No, I, cannot say as to that.

Do you mean to say, that except the 1,000l. a year, which was given for the establishment, and which was shortly paid, you were not paid any more money, and was it not to a very large amount?


Were you paid no more money besides the 1,000l. a year? No, I was not. I certainly complained to his Royal Highness, and he said, he would make some future arrangement. I convinced him that it was pot more than sufficient to pay the servants' wages and liveries.

Then if I understand you right, you say positively that you had no

more to live upon in money than 1,000l. a year? No, I should not say that; if I have been very much harassed for any thing, and could not get it from other quarters, and there was nothing in view, his Royal Highness would then bring me 100%. extra, or two, perhaps, but I do not recollect even two; I do one or so; one now and then, but not often.

Then in point of fact, the Committee are to understand you did not receive any considerable sums of money to support your establishment, except the 1,000l. a year? No.

In the course of your former examination you stated, that his Royal Highness advanced sums of money when unpleasant things happened, and that unpleasant things were constantly happening; do you adhere to that statement? This is what I have been alluding to now, but it never exceeded 2001. or came to that; I never recollect his bringing ine 2001. over what was the allowance; when I first went to Glouces ter-place, the first present that ever his Royal Highness inade me was 3007.: that went for linen and different things.

State what you mean by constantly; how often in the course of a mouth? I mean in the course of three years.

How often do you mean unpleasant things have happened, when you apply the term constantly? I think it is an improper term; they trequently happened; but Mr. Dowler has relieved several things as well as his Royal Highness, and I think oftener; I do not recollect his Royal Highness's doing any thing above twice.

Do you mean to say that twice in the course of three years is your explanation of constantly? I have said that the word was improperly used.

You have stated, that when the Duke of York quitted you, he left you in debt upwards of 2000l.; was that beyond the sum for which you sold the house, and was not the house left to you for the express purpose of paying your debts? There was no money left after the sinall debts were paid, and the 7001. I had paid among the poorer sort of people and the servants, which the lawyer can prove; I have stated that there was 400l. or 500l. to Mr. Harry Phillips, for his commis→ sion: I had no balance coming to me. His Royal Highness has stated, that I had trinkets to pay the debts as well as the house, but he knew where the trinkets were; Mr. Comrie can state the whole.

How soon after you went to live in Gloucester-place did your distresses begin? A long time after; I was perfectly clear of debt when I went there.

Did you receive any considerable sum beforehand from his Royal Highness, or only received the instalments of 10007. a year when you went there? I had 500l. to buy some little necessary things in plate and linen.

That was the 5001. you mentioned before? Yes.

Then that 500. no part of it went towards the establishment? No, it went immediately in necessaries.

How soon did you begin the establishment which you stated the other night, as to the number of servants, horses, and other expences? Immediately.

Were you accurate in stating, that what you had from his Roval Highness would only pay the liveries and wages? Very soon afterward. I found it.

Then how did you support this establishment in other respects; how did you feed the servants, and where did you get your monies for the other expences you might have had? Some of the money has come before the House, the manner in which I used to get it.

How soon did that begin after your establishment in Gloucesterplace? I should think about half a year perhaps; I never began it till I felt distressed, and the hints I had from his Royal Highness; he told me that I always had more interest than the Queen had, and that I might use it.

Had your distresses begun before the end of the six months; if not, how soon afterwards? I was going on in credit at the beginning.

How much do you think you were indebted at the end of the first six months? I really cannot say, I was always frightened to look at it. Then you were largely indebted at the end of the first six months? Very much so.

Then your distresses must have begun, and your pressure by bill must have begun, very shortly after that time? Yes.

Did they not continue during the whole of the three years? Yes, they did.

Can you say nearly to what number of persons you might be indebted on account of your establishment; what number of creditors you had? That is quite impossible; I have a list of a great many at home, of all that I owe money to.

Do you think you had fewer than fifty? I should think not fewer than fifty? but it might be fifty, or perhaps more.

They were all very pressing? Most of them, as soon as I got in debt, pressed for places.

Did they not press for money? When they found I did not take them up in the other way.

How long were they before they found that? I always felt it was impossible to recommend a tradesman to any place; and one that was about me especially.

Then they soon found they could get no places? Yes, I suppose

they did.

Then they immediately proceeded to demand their monies, did not they? Yes, they did: but they were always very willing to serve me, because they were handsomely paid in the end; they charged me quite as high as ever they charged the Duke himself, if not higher.

Did not numbers of them proceed, at the expiration of six months or thereabouts to bring actions against you? Yes, they did.

Did not many of those actions proceed, so as to incur great costs, besides the debts; Yes, very great indeed.

What do you say you were indebted when the establishment in Glou cester-place broke up? Under 3,000l.

Then how were those great debts paid that were incurred, and which were so continually pressed for, from the expiration of six months, and greatly swelled by the costs of the actions? I found means in some way or other to satisfy them.

Were not those means supplied directly or indirectly, to a great amount, by the Duke of York? No, never.

Can you then take upon yourself to say, that many bills, upon which actions were brought, and the costs incurred, were none of thei satisfied by the Duke of York? No.

How do you know that? I know it as well as I know any other cir


Did you pay them yourself? Yes.

How long after your living in Gloucester-place was it before you were enabled to get any sums of money, by the patronage you talked of? Perhaps three or four months, or five months, I cannot exactly say.

Can you say to what amount you got by it in the first year? No, I cannot, I never took any account.

Can you say to what amount you got by it in the course of the three years? No, I cannot, I never took any account whatever of any thing.

Did the Duke of York defray the charge of no part of your expenditure, such as horses and carriages, independent of the allowance? He bought one carriage, which I stated before.

Did he purchase any horses? For about six months I had job horses, the others I always purchased myself. I lost about 900/. in one year, in the purchase of horses.

Were those horses kept at the expence of the Duke of York, exclusive of the allowance? No, they were not.

Do you know the father of Miss Taylor, who was examined here the other night? I do.

How long have you known him? I have known him about ten years, but I have never seen him above half a dozen times.

Have you always known him by the name of Taylor? Always. Did you ever state to his Royal Highness that 1,000l. a year was insufficient to support your establishment? Yes, he knew it.

Miss Taylor stated herself to be very poor; have you been kind to her, and made her presents from time to time? Yes, I have.

Have you lately? Yes; I have not within these two months; about Christmas she told me she should get the money for her scholars, it was previous to that I assisted her.

To what amount did you assist her? Very trifling, I had not much within my own power.

Did the Duke of York ever send out bills in your name, for which he received the money himself? I have asked for money for his Royal Highness of a gentleman, but the Dake wanted to give a longer bill for it.

Of your own knowledge, can you say, that the Duke of York was in the habit of drawing bills at date, in which he placed your name? No.

Do you know that these bills, by which the plate at Messrs. Birkett's was paid for, were drawn in the way alluded to? I never saw the bills; I should rather suppose they were drawn upon himself, and signed Frederick.

Do you recollect ever getting any money for the Duke of York, upon any bills drawn by himself, or any paper of that description, that he gave you with his name upon it? "No, I do not think that

I did.

You spoke of having a house at Weybridge; was that house ever repaired at your expence? Yes, it was thoroughly repaired, and P built a two-stall stable there; I laid out between 2001, and 3007. upon it, if not more; I believe more; there was 401. or 501. alone for 'uil

cloth, to screen his Royal Highness; to screen his visits, when he was going backwards and forwards, from the neighbours.

Do you know what your diamonds cost the Duke of York? No, I do not; I never asked.

Were those diamonds ever in pawn, during the period you were with the Duke of York? Very frequently; and I recollect that when Mr. Dowler paid me 8001. I took them out; so that Parker's book would convince about the time that he got his appointment, and I received the money from him; it was within two or three days of his being gazetted, either after or before.

Was the Duke of York acquainted with the circumstances of your diamonds being in pawn? Yes; because he gave me his own bill once, and something else, payable to Parker; Parker can shew by his books who it was payable to.

Do you recollect the amount of that bill? 4007.

You have this night stated, that if ever you called yourself Mrs. Dowler, it must have been in joke; and you have stated also, that when you were at Hampstead, you had not called yourself Mrs. Dowler? No, I had not, never.

State whether you might not then have said any thing of that kind in joke? I might have said that in joke; but I never represented myself as Mrs. Dowler, nor as any thing but exactly what I am, except at the court martial.

Did you receive any letters when you were at Hampstead? Yes,

I did.

Do you recollect how those letters were directed; were they to Mrs. Clarke? To Mrs. Clarke, or else to Captain Thompson, for I was afraid of being arrested; or to Mrs. Nichols, the woman's name who waited upon me; she acted as my cook; she was the mistress of the house.

Do you recollect any letter or letters directed to you as Mrs. Dowler? No, never; I never had such a thing.

Was Miss Taylor in the habit of visiting you frequently in Glouces ter-place? She almost used to live constantly with me there, she would be there two or three days in a week; that was when her father's misfortunes were beginning,

Was Miss Taylor in the habit of dining, when she was there, with the Duke of York and yourself? Very frequently.

Do you recollect the names of the servants that used to wait upon you at dinner in general? I never used to let the livery servants come into the room, very seldom or never, the butler in general; the other servants used to bring the tray to the door; but she has been seen in the drawing-room by the maid servants, as well as the other men and the butler.

Had you a foot boy of the name of Samuel Carter? but Colonel Wardle told me he would not mention that. State whether Samuel Carter was in livery or not? wore livery.

Yes, I had;

No, he never

Did he attend your carriage when you went out? Sometimes, if I had no servant in the way; but I liked to spare him as much as I could.

But he was in the habit of waiting at dinner upon the Duke of York, yourself and Miss Taylor? Yes, he was.

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