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President American Hayfever Prevention Association. Chief of Hayfever Clinic, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Says:

"IF the patient applies for treatment during an attack of hayfever, the pollen extracts are usually ineffective, and a vaccine should be used, these being injected at intervals of of one or two days until the severity of the attack subsides."*

The Vaccine used by Dr Scheppegrell is practically

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tensively used in the prophylaxis and treatment of

*From Dr. William Scheppegrell's new book on Hayfever and Asthma
Lea & Febiger, Publishers

Bacteriological Laboratories of


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This is one of the most complete studies of Cancer that has ever appeared. While surgeons and laboratory workers have repeatedly declared that they know nothing of the cause or nature of cancer, Dr. Bulkley, who has long studied the disease carcinosis, claims and shows pretty clearly that the lesions commonly called cancer, in various parts of the body are but its products or manifestations, as are those of gout tuberculosis, syphilis, arterio-sclerosis, rickets, etc., and appears to have gone far in the solution of the much vexed "cancer problem. In this respect the book differs from any other with which we are acquainted, and deserves the careful study and appreciation of every

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one who has anything to do with cancer. The nineteen chapters cover every possible aspect of the disease, and its treatment, except as to operative surgery. Dr. Bulkley's position seems well grounded, for he clearly shows from the official statistics of the United States dominancy the mortality from cancer and New York City, that under surgical has risen since 1900 over 30 per cent, while that of tuberculosis, under wise medical management has fallen some 43 per cent in the same period.

Is it not time, therefore, that the Medical Profession should heed the warnings so often given by Dr. Bulkley, and abandon the knife for measures which promise such better results? In the last chapter he gives careful notes of over 90 cases which seem to prove his points very conclusively.

The book is not a narrow or one-sided proposition, and a survey of the titles of the chapters will show how complete a treatise it is, so it is worth while to mention them: I. Nature of Cancer, II. Frequency and Geographical Distri


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bution of Cancer, III. Civilization and Cancer, IV. Histo-Pathology of Cancer, V. Bio-Chemistry of Cancer, VI. Diagnosis of Cancer, VII. Prognosis of Cancer, VIII. Metastasis of Cancer, IX. Malignancy of Cancer, X. Metabolism of Cancer, XI. Medical Aspects of Cancer, XII. Nosology of Cancer, XIII. Relation of Diet to Cancer, XIV. Results of Surgical Treatment of Cancer, XV. X-Ray and Radium Treatment of Cancer, XVI. Bio-Therapy of Cancer, XVII. Dietetic, Hygienic, and Medical Treatment of Cancer, XVIII. Clinical Consideration and Results-Histories of Cases, XIX. Conclusions. Index.

It is thus seen that while the book is thoroughly scientific, with a large number of book notes, references, and abundant quotations from others, it is withal very practical. He naturally leans to his own interpretation of facts, and gives a dietary card and directions, with also abundant suggestions as to the correct medical treatment.

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