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sued for by the party demanding and refused to be taken across the said river, in any court of record in this state; Provided, the said forfeiture shall not attach or be recovered when the navigation of the said river is impracticable or imminently dangerous.

Sec. G. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for

the said corporation to charge more than the following rates Rates of ferriof ferriage or toll, under the penalty of fifty dollars for each age or toll offence, to be sued for in any court of competent jurisdiction,

by the party aggrieved, to wit: for nine months in every

year as follows:

For each passenger,
Single passenger in wherries,

For marketing, a barrel to be rated equal
to two bushel baskets; tubs, chests and
scow baskets to be rated according to
the number of bushels they hold, for
each bushel,

All articles containing marketing, to return free, if empty, otherwise to pay the usual rates.

For a two horse load, with or without the carriage, not otherwise rated,

A barrel of salt, plaister, flour, sugar, liquor, &c.

A hogshead of liquor, sugar, molasses, lime, &c.

Stove of cast iron of six or more plates, Salt, plaister, grain, clover and other grass seeds, per bushel,

Flour, beef, pork, iron, &c. per cwt.

five cents

ten cents

one cent

twenty-five cents

eight cents

twenty-five cents

ten cents

two cents

three cents

Coffee, per bag, chests, large trunks, &c. five cents
Soap, candles, glass, chocolate, &c. per


Windzor chairs, per dozen, bureau, bed

stead, clock case, &c.

Lumber, per hundred feet,

Live calves and fat hogs, per head,

Sheep and store hogs,

Fat cattle,

Cow and calf,


Store cattle, horses and mules, &c.


Desks and secretaries, &c.

Tables, stands, feather beds, mattrasses, large chest of tea,

Crate or tierce of earthen-ware, hamper

three cents

ten cents

ten cents

five cents

three cents

twenty-five cents

twenty cents

fifteen cents

twenty cents
fifteen cents

five cents

[blocks in formation]

Times when tolls may be increased

Meeting of directors.

[blocks in formation]

Bricks on carriages, ninety cents per thousand, not more than five hundred on two wheels, the empty carriages to return free.

Charity schools, with their teachers, to pass free.

The above rates to be taken spring, summer and fall; and the rates of ferriage and freight shall not at any time exceed double those rates; and all persons who shall desire it, shall be allowed to pay quarterly in advance, and such quarterly payments shall be as follows: not exceeding the sum of one dollar per quarter, for each passenger.

Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That five directors shall be a quorum for the transaction of business; the president of the corporation shall preside at all meetings of the directors; but in case of sickness or absence, his place may be supplied by any other director whom the directors may nominate for that

purpose; the stated meetings of the directors shall be held at such times as the by-laws shall ordain, and special meetings may be held by any particular appointment, or upon the call of the president; the shares of the said capital stock shall be transferrable on the books of the company, in such manner as the by-laws shall ordain.


Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the annual election of the Time and directors shall be held at such time and place as shall be or- mode of elecdained by the by-laws, and the directors shall appoint the tion of first judge of election; three weeks notice shall be given of the annual election, in one of the papers printed in the city of Camden, and in one or more of the daily papers printed in the city of Philadelphia.

dividends to be


Sec. 9.. And be it enacted, That dividends of so much of the profits of the corporation as shall appear advisable to the Semi-annual directors, shall be made and paid to the stockholders semiannually, at such stated periods as the directors shall determine; and at each annual meeting of the stockholders, for the purpose of the election, it shall be the duty of the president and directors for the preceding year to exhibit to the stockholders a full and complete statement of the affairs of the company during the past year, and shall produce the books, Statement of accounts, and papers of the corporation, at such annual meet- be made. ing, if required to do so by any person or persons who separately or together shall be the owner or owners of fifty shares of the capital stock of said corporation.

the affairs to

Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the City of Cam. city of Camden to own and possess stock in the said corpora- den may own tion, and there shall be reserved for the use of the said city, stock one hundred shares of the said capital stock; Provided, the inhabitants of the said city shall, at their next annual town meeting, or at a special town meeting to be called for that purpose, within one year from the passing of this act, by a vote in the usual manner, authorize the mayor of the said city to subscribe for such capital stock, and empower the "city council" of the said city to assess and raise, from time to time, the money to pay the instalments upon the said capital stock; and if the said city shall subscribe for the capital stock above reserved, then the city council of the said city shall annually appoint one director of said corporation.

Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the city council of the city of Camden to lease or rent out to the said corporation the privilege of erecting a ferry or ferries at may be rent City property the termination of such of the public roads, streets, or high- ed for ferries ways, in the said city, as extend to low water mark, in the river Delaware, or for other purposes, and appropriate the

Penalty for injuring works of Company


rents received therefor to the use and improvement of the said city, or to the payment of instalments upon the capital stock hereby created; Provided, nothing herein contained shall be construed to interfere with private property.

Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure, impair, destroy, or obstruct the wharves, slips, bridges, piers, boats, or any of the works, engines or machines of the said corporation, such person or persons, so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the said corporation any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court or jury, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county of Gloucester, or alderman of the city of Camden, and shall also be liable to pay double the amount of damages sustained thereby, to be recovered in an action of trespass, in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed and taken as a public act, and shall continue in force for thirty years; and the legislature reserve to themselves the Act may be al- right at any time after the passage of this act to amend, motered or repeal dify, alter or repeal the same whenever in their opinion the public good requires it.


Passed, March 5, 1836.

AN ACT to incorporate the Woodstown and Bridgeton Rail
Road and Transportation Company.

Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Elijah Griffeth, Israel R. Clawson, Isaac Johnson, Jeremiah Stull, William Cook, Isaac Whitaker, David Reeves, Elias P. Seeley, and their associates, shall be, and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, in law, by the Style of incor- name of "The Woodstown and Bridgeton Rail Road and poration.

Transportation Company," and by that name they, and their successors, shall be known in law, and have power to sue and be sued, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity whatever; and by that name shall be capable of purchasing, or

[ocr errors]

otherwise receiving and becoming posssessed of, and holding or conveying any real or personal estate; shall have perpetual succession, and may have a common seal, and the same to alter or renew at pleasure; and have, exercise, use, and enjoy, all the rights, powers, privileges, benefits and immunities that pertain to other corporate bodies, and which may be necessary for the purposes of this act.

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of the

said corporation shall be sixty thousand dollars, with liberty to Amount of the said corporation to increase the same to ninety thousand dol- capital stock. lars, if necessary, and. shall be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, which shall be deemed personal estate, and shall be transferrable in such manner as the by-laws of said corporation shall direct.

stock to be


Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That Joseph Barnes, Isaac Johnson, and Jeremiah Foster, of Salem, Isaac Whitaker, and Books of subJeremiah Stull, of Cumberland, be, and they are hereby appoint- scription for ed commissioners to receive subscriptions for the capital stock of said corporation; and they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized for that purpose, to open books of subscription, at such times and places as they, or a majority of them, shall appoint, which shall be kept open three days; giving twenty days notice of such times and places in a newspaper of each of the counties of Salem and Cumberland; and at such times and places so fixed, the said commissioners, or any three of them, shall attend and receive subscriptions to the said capital stock; and if more shall be subscribed than by this act is authorized, the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall apportion the same as to them shall seem fair, equitable and just; and at the time of subscribing for said stock, five dollars on each share subscribed shall be paid to the said commissioners, in gold or silver coin, or legal and current bank notes, and the residue thereof may be called in, and shall be paid at such times, and in such amounts, by instalments, as is by this act bereinafter directed; and the said commissioners may meet from time to time until the whole stock be subscribed.

Time and

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever there shall be twelve hundred shares of the said stock subscribed, and six mode of electthousand dollars paid in as above directed, the said commis- ing directors. sioners, or a majority of them, shall give public notice for twenty days, in one or more newspapers of this state nearest the location of said road, of a meeting of the subscribers to said stock, for the purpose of choosing directors and organizing the said company, and of which said election the said commissioners shall be the judges; which subscribers, when so met, shall proceed to elect, by ballot, from among the subscribers or

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