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Clerks of the Supreme Court, and Register in Chancery and


District Attorney and U. S. District Attorney.

Members of the Bar.

Students of Law.


Mayor and Recorder.

Members of Common Council.

Members of Common Council Elect.

At a Court of General Sessions held at the City Hall of the city of New York, in and for the city and county of New York, on the 16th day of November, 1827,

Present, Richard Riker, Recorder; Jacob B. Taylor, Gideon Ost. rander, and Campbell P. White, Esqrs., Aldermen ;

Upon the opening of the Court, the Recorder stated, that it had been announced to the presiding Magistrates, that THOMAS ADDIS EMMET expired on the evening of the 14th instant, and would be buried this day, at twelve o'clock.

The following order was forthwith directed to be entered upon the minutes of the Court:

"That the Judges of this Court now here, will attend the funeral of Thomas Addis Emmet, for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to one who, by uniting the greatest abilities with the most unsullied integrity, has for more than twenty years thrown a lustre upon the New York Bar. The Judges now present most deeply deplore his death, and will unite with their associate Justices, and other public functionaries, and with their fellow-citizens, in testifying their regard for the deceased, their admiration of his talents, and their approbation of his virtues.

"The learned Counsel, whose death is thus lamented by the Court, has discharged, in their fullest extent, all the duties of public and of private life; and by his great attainments and excellent qualities has reflected equal honour upon the country of his birth and the country of his adoption."

At a special meeting of the Common Council on the 16th of November, 1827, the Recorder presented the following preamble and resolution, which were unanimously adopted:



"When in the course of Divine Providence individuals who have been held in high and deserving esteem by their fellow-citizens, are removed from this state of mortal existence, it is becoming and useful to testify by public expression a sense of that esteem. It is becoming as a reward to merit, it is useful as an incentive to a faithful discharge of duties.

“The death of the deeply lamented Thomas Addis Emmet furnishes, in the opinion of this board, such an occasion for the expression of public sentiment. He has long filled, in the eye of this community, a distinguished station. His talents have shed a lustre over our country his virtues were a model for imitation, and endeared him wherever he was known.

"This Common Council, sincerely sympathizing with his family and with the public at large, and as a tribute of respect to his memory, Resolved, That this Board attend the funeral ceremonies of the late Thomas Addis Emmet, this day at twelve o'clock.

"Resolved, That the members of this Board wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days."

J. MORTON, Clerk.

At a special meeting of the Board of Professors of the Medical Faculty of Geneva College, held at the College on Thursday evening, the 15th of November instant, Professor Francis having communicated the death of Thomas Addis Emmet, Counsellor of this Board, and formerly a member of the medical profession,

On motion, Resolved, "That the Professors of this College deeply sympathise with the family of Mr. Emmet on the loss they have sustained in the death of an inestimable husband and father; and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to his bereaved relatives."

Resolved, "That this Board will unite with the Bar, and with the public, in testifying their respect for the memory of the distinguished individual whose loss is so deeply and justly regretted."

Resolved, "That the Professors will suspend their respective lectures on the 16th inst., and will attend the obsequies of the illustrious deceased."

By order, DAVID HOSACK, M.D., Pres. of the Med. Faculty. VALENTINE Morт, M.D., Dean.

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