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SOUTH CAROLINA: Yes; law school of State University.


TENNESSEE: Yes, if given by a school within the

TEXAS: Yes, if given by the law department of
the University of Texas.


VERMONT: Yes, as showing study of law for a part of the three years of study with an attorney.



WEST VIRGINIA: Yes, if given by the law department of the University of West Virginia. But in case of other law schools the diploma must be an actual admission to the bar; otherwise it is not considered.

WISCONSIN: Yes, if given by law department of the University of Wisconsin; but none other.

No response. [Member of bar of another State must show that he is such. Citizenship required.]

No response. [Residence required. As to admission to practice in South Dakota courts of members of bar of another State, it may be said that reciprocity is practiced.]

Yes, but not of itself sufficient. [Members of bar of another State admitted upon motion.] No. [If "immigrating to this State with a view of permanently residing therein a member of the bar of one of the United States may be admitted to the Texas bar; but this does not apply to members of the bar of a foreign land.] Only as it would assist him in passing the examination required by law, except in a general way.

Yes. [Virginia seems to be courteous in the matter of extending opportunity to the members of the bar of sister States or of a foreign country.]

The knowledge would be of assistance, but a certificate from a foreign State would not be considered; from a sister State it would if given by a court of last resort.

No, except so far as it would assist applicant during his examination. [Members of bar of other States admitted on motion, but law makes no provision for foreign cases.

It might be of assistance in influencing the State board favorably. [Members of the bar of sister States and the Territories are admitted to Wisconsin courts, but the statute is silent upon the admission of members of the bar of a for

cign land. Nevertheless, "by courtesy resi dents of foreign lands have been permitted to appear and take part in the proceedings in the State courts when represented, also, by a mem ber of the bar of Wisconsin; and it is probable that upon presentation of the certificate of admission to the bar of the bar of the courts of foreign countries to the board of examiners that the board would issue the certificate which is required to be issued by them, upon satisfactory evidence that the applicant is entitled to practice and without much examination."] (Letter of Attorney-General Mylrea.)


In America the university is a corporation, governed by a board of trustees who elect a president. and appoint professors. There is, in brief, a business body accountable either to the State, to a religious or other society, or to no one except it be to a somewhat vague body called the alumni. In France all this is different. The State grants diplomas as the United States grants patents, and a French diploma has the same value as an American patent, that is to say, it is protected by law. This is the foundation of the Université de France. It was the State regulating higher instruction. Thus all that was necessary was an examining board at convenient places and these were called faculties. But the faculties soon became schools and in French terminology a faculty of science and a school of science, for example, are perfectly convertible terms. Thus each school in France became a part of the huge machine operated from Paris. In 1883 M. Jules Simon, the minister of public instruction, and others began to look for

ward to the day when the group of schools or faculties in each of the seventeen educational jurisdictions of France should be made a university. In 1885 a council of the faculties, of which there are five in France-letters, sciences, theology, medicine, and law-was created and by the law of 1896 this body was made into the faculty of the university. But the minister of public instruction in France has a vice-minister or prætor in each of the seventeen academic jurisdictions of the "University of France." The officer equally directs the concerns of higher, secondary, and elementary education. Thus we have a university with its own faculty managing its own educational concerns, presided over by a rector who is the viceroy of the educational minister at Paris for education of every grade and kind. The board of business men of the American university at Paris is a bureau; the agent of that bureau in the provinces presides in each academy over the university council, and the twelve universities ar› universities each without a head. Upon the request made to the universities by the minister to communicate freely with him, the councils of several laid before him the following as information:

"The council of the University of Aix-Marseilles consider it anomalous that bodies which are recruited by election should not be allowed to freely choose their head from among their own number. All foreign universities elect their president without the central power losing any of its prerogatives or suffering in any way. The council of the University of Rennes speaks to the same effect, so also the University of Nancy. The University of Montpellier wishes its new head to be called chancellor. The University of Lille claims that the rector of the academy represents the business administration and the council the deliberating administration of higher education and proposes that the work of the council be directed by a president who should be chosen from among the members of that body and who would thus represent the university, as the rector would represent the State. The University of Grenoble remarks that the recently created French universities should not be compared with the free (private) universities of the United States and England, which are absolutely mistresses of themselves, unembarrassed by dependence upon the State, but as the new universities are well defined corporations they should each have an individual chief and it is undesirable that he should be the rector of the academy. The University of Dijon would retain the rector as president of the university but would make him an honorary professor of the faculty."

It is at once seen how different is the management of a French university and that of an American institution. In France it would appear that everything is regulated from Paris, but in America by the university, or rather like the fellows manage the affairs of the colleges and halls of Oxford. Yet in France no professor can be appointed by the president of the Republic unless his name heads a list gotten up by the faculty of the University in which the vacancy occurs on one side, and the permanent section of higher education on the other. In America the faculty has nothing to do with the appointment of professors unless by private solicitation. In America the business board takes testimony as to the conditions so that it may act properly; in France the council is already schooled in a knowledge of the facts, and is in all educational matters allowed to act for itself, only modified by the power of the central government to fix the curriculum and the character of the examinations.



Compiled by Ensign ROGER WELLS, jr., U. S. N., and Interpreter JOHN W. KELLY.


The U. S. S. Thetis was detailed by the Navy Department to cruise, during the suminer and autumn of 1889, in the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean, for the purpose of looking out for the whaling and commercial interests of the United States in those waters, and also for the purpose of assisting in the establishment of a house of refuge at Point Barrow, the most northerly point of our territory.

During this cruise, in order to make it as broad and useful as possible, several of the officers on board of the Thetis wero directed to prepare reports upon subjects connected with the waters and regions visited by the ship, from their observation and from other reliable sources. Two reports were submitted to me upon the subject of the Eskimos of northwestern Alaska; one on the ethnography of the Eskimos, by John W. Kelly, and the other an Eskimo vocabulary, prepared by Ensign Roger Wells, jr., almost entirely from information and material furnished by Mr. John W. Kelly, the interpreter of the ship. Mr. Kelly spent three winters among the northwestern Eskimos, and has been engaged for seven years at various times in acquiring a knowledge of the language. The vocabulary is the largest in number of words that I know of treating of the language of the Eskimos upon our Arctic coast. It has a short vocabulary of the American Eskimos who are settled upon the Asiatic side of Bering Strait, which, I think, will be found particularly interesting and valuable.

The Thetis had the good fortune during this summer of reaching as far east as Mackenzie Bay and as far west as Herald Island and Wrangell Land, thus leaving an honorable name for service among Arctic cruisers. It is to be hoped that the reports, memoranda, and other contributions secured through the ready co-operation of the officers of the ship will serve also to make a permanent and useful record of the cruise creditable to the ship, interesting to the general reader, and of value as contributions to our knowledge of the Territory of Alaska.

CHARLES H. STOCKTON, Lieutenant-Commander, United States Navy, Commanding U. S. S. Thetis.

FEBRUARY 17, 1890.


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