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Cecilia, AS I was paying my daily visit to my bees this morning, and watching their motions, I thought that entertainment might be derived from fome particulars relative to the order and difcipline by which they are regulated.

Governor. Could we purfue the peculiari. ties of instinct, through all its variations, in the different orders of animals, it would fupply us with an inexhaustible fource of admiration and inftruction; but as many of them are placed beyond the reach of our observation, we must content ourselves with the investigation of thofe that are obvious to our notice, among which the bee has ever been distinguished.

Governess. The history of the bee deferves our attention; for, although almost every

by North America; on the South by the South Sea; on the east by the Atlantic Ocean; on the weft by the Pacific Ocean.

The North part contains Two Countries:
Terra Firma and Guiana.

The Middle Four:

Peru. Amazonia. Paraguay, and Brazil.

The South Two:

Chili and Patagonia.

The principal Oceans are; 1. Arctic. 2. Antarctic. 3. Atlantic, North and South. 4. Pacific, North and South.

cean. 6. German Ocean.

5. Indian O

The principal Seas are; the Mediterranean, Baltic, North Sea, Irifh Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, Chinese Sea.

Principal Bays are; Bifcay, Bengal, Hud

fon's, Baffin's.

Principal Straits.

Gibralter, Dover, Ba

belmandel, Magellan, Davies's, Bherring's, Hudfon's.

Principal Gulphs. Mexico, in which lie the West Indies; Perfian, Bothnia, Oby and St. Lawrence, Venice.

Principal Lakes are in North America, excepting the Cafpian Sea, which is a lake in Asia. Leffer lakes are to be found ir. Switzerland, Scotland, and other countries of Europe, where mountains abound. The American lakes are; Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. In the map they are eafily diftinguished.

Islands belonging to Europe.

1. Great Britain, which includes England, Scotland, and Wales. 2. Ireland.

The leffer ifles; and firft of fuch as lie near Great Britain.

Thofe on the North are; 1. The Orkneys, or Arcades. 2. The Shetland Isles.

Thofe on the South are; 1. The Portland Ifle. 2. The Isle of Wight. Alfo Jerfey and Guernsey near France.

Thofe on the east are; 1. Holy Island.

Fern Inland. 3. Cocket Island.

Inland. 5. The Inle of Thanet.


4. Shepey

Thofe on the Weft are; 1. Lewis Inland. 2. Skye. 3. Mull. 4. Jura. 5. Illa. 6. Bute and Arran; all these are called the He

brides, or western Ifles on the coast of Scotland. 7. Man. 8. Anglefey. 9. Lundy; and 10. Scilly Ines.

Of other islands in Europe, more distant from Great Britain.

Thofe of Sweden are feven in number.

Rugen. 2. Oeland. 3. Gothland. 5. Dago. 6. Aland. 7. Ween.


4. Ofel.

Thofe of Denmark are ten. Zealand, Fumen, Langland, Laland, Falfter, Mona, Femeren, Alfan, Iceland, Bornholm.

The Azores lie weft of Europe, and are subject to the King of Portugal.

Mediterranean islands are ten. Yvica, Minorca, Majorca, Corfica, Sardinia, Malta, Sicily, Candia, Rhodes, and Cyprus.

Of the Iflands of Afia.

There are a great number, but they are chiefly reduced to these fix, whose situations are as follows; 1. Japan Islands, E. of China. 2. The Phillippine Islands, S. W. of Japan. 3. The Moluccas, S. of the Phillippine. The Sunda, W. of the Moluccas. Banda, or Nutmeg Islands; and, 6. Ceylon,


5. The

W. of the Sunda, whose capital is Candia or Candy.

Of African Islands.

There are many small iflands, but the most noted are the following; viz. the Island of Madagascar, the Cape Verde, the Canary, and the Madeira Iflands.

There are fome of lefs note; viz. Zocotara, fubject to the Arabians; Comora, N. W. of Madagascar; St. Thomas, Anabona, fubject to the Portuguese, lying weft of Ethiopia; St. Helena, fubject to the English, lying S. W. of St. Thomas's, and the Ifle of Afcenfion, N. W. of St. Helena. St. Helena is a place of refreshment for the English Eaft India ships, being about half way between them and that diftant country.

American Islands.

The principal iflands of America are ten, which are thus divided; 1. Newfoundland, famous for cod. 2. Cuba. 3. Jamaica. 4. Hifpaniola. 5. Porto Rico. 6. Bermudas. 7. Lucayes, or Bahamas. 8. Carribbees. 9. Sotorento, called the little Antilles. Thefe,

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