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PJ 1749.551.15


PJun 17

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THIS animal is nearly allied to the canine family, and indeed, in a few inftances, has been known to intermix with it, and to produce a fpurious breed. The wolf has a long head, a pointed nofe, fharp erect ears, a long bushy tail, long legs, and longish hair; he has large formidable teeth, and is taller than any grey hound; the colour is generally a pale brown, tinged with yellow, though it is fometimes found white, and in Canada, black. The eyes flant upwards, and are of a fiery green; and the whole vifage is ferocious. forming a juft index to the difpofition.

The wolf is, in reality, one of those animals whofe carnivorous appetite is the most vehe ment, and whofe means of fatisfying it are the moft various. Nature has furnished him with

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