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In two of these scenes, Act III, Scene ii, and Act IV, Scene i, all four stories, as the diagram makes clear, are involved. Act III, Scene ii, belongs mainly to the Bassanio-casket narrative; but the entrance of Lorenzo and Jessica introduces their romance into the scene of Portia's joy; and the news which Salerio brings in their company throws the shadow of the bond story over the lovers' happiness. Lastly, in this scene Portia gives Bassanio the ring about which the fourth story centers; and Bassanio makes the promise to keep it which later puts him in such an unfortunate position. Act IV, Scene i, belongs mainly to the bond story; but the presence of Portia connects it with the casket story; the disposition of Shylock's property assures us that Lorenzo and Jessica will never come to want; and the end deals with the ring episode. Besides the relationship outlined above, these four stories are woven into one another by many other ingenious devices. It will be interesting for a reader to go through the play scene by scene and to observe, by the aid of the diagram, the places where the various stories meet and coalesce.

[blocks in formation]

Baned, poisoned; IV, i, 46.
Bare, bare-headed; II, ix, 44.
Bate, abate; IV, i, 72.
Bated, reduced; III, iii, 32.
Beholding, beholden; I, iii,
Beshrew, curse (often used

jestingly); II, vi, 52.
Best-regarded, best looking,
handsomest; II, i, 10.
Bottom, hold of a vessel; I,
i, 42.
Break, forfeit a bond; I, iii,
137; become bankrupt;
III, i, 120.

Burial, burial-place; I, i, 29.
By, at hand, near by; IV, i,
257; in regard to; I, ii,
58; for; II, ix, 26.

Cerecloth, a cloth dipped in
melted wax to be used as
a shroud; II, vii, 51.
Childhood proof, childhood's
proof; I, i, 144.

Civil doctor, doctor of civil
law; V, i, 210.

Civility, refinement; II, ii,

II, ix, 90.


Commodity, merchandise; I,
i, 178; traffic; III, iii, 27.
Conceit, understanding; I, i,
92; III, iv, 2; whim; III,
v, 69.
Condition, character, nature;
I, ii, 143.

Constant, self-possessed; III,
ii, 250.

Contrary, wrong; I, ii, 104.
Contrive, conspire; IV, i, 352.
Cope, requite; IV, i, 412.
Counterfeit, likeness, picture;
III, ii, 115.

County, count; I, ii, 49.
Cousin, any kinsman; III, iv,


Cover, wear hats; II, ix, 44.
Cozen, cheat; II, ix, 38.
Crisped, curled; III, ii, 92.
Cureless, beyond cure; IV, i,

Deface, cancel, destroy; III,
ii, 302.

Disabled, crippled; I, i, 123.
Disabling, undervaluing; II,
vii, 30.

Discover, reveal; II, vii, 1.
Doit, a small coin; I, iii, 141.
Drive, commute; IV, i, 372.

Eaning, bearing; I, iii, 88.
Eanlings, lambs just born; I,
iii, 80.


[blocks in formation]

IV, i, 72.

Fond, foolish; II, ix, 27; III, iii, 9.

Foot, spurn with the foot; I, iii, 119.

Foot, path; II, iv, 36. Footing, footfall; V, i, 24. Fore-spurrer, one who spurs or rides in advance; II,

ix, 95. Forfeiture, penalty, due; III, iii, 22; IV, i, 335. Fraught, freighted; II, viii,

30. Fretten, fretted; IV, i, 77.

Gaberdine, a loose cloak; I,

iii, 113. Gaged, pledged; I, i, 130. Garnish, apparel; II, vi, 45. Glisters, glitters; II, vii, 65.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Neat, ox; I, i, 112.
Nice, fanciful; II, i, 14.
Nominated, stated; I, iii, 150;
IV, i, 259.

Obliged, pledged; II, vi, 7.
Of, on; II, ii, 103; with; II,

iv, 24.
Offend'st, vexest; IV, i, 140.
Ostent, demeanor; II, ii, 205;
shows; II, viii, 44.

Other, others; I, i, 54.

[blocks in formation]


Out-dwells, out-stays; II, vi, Quiring, singing in concert;

[blocks in formation]

V, i, 62.

Quit, remit; IV, i, 381.

Raised, roused; II, viii, 4.
Redoubted, redoubtable, ter-
rible; III, ii, 88.
Regreets, greetings; II, ix,
Remorse, compassion; IV, i,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Straight, straightway; I, iii, 175; II, ix, 1.

Tell, count; II, ii, 114. Thrift, success; I, i, 175; profits; I, iii, 51.

Throughfares, thoroughfares; II, vii, 42.

Traject, ferry; III, iv, 53.

Undervalued, inferior; I, i, 165.

Vailing, bending; I, i, 28. Vantage, opportunity; III, ii, 176.

Vasty, vast; II, vii, 41.
Very, true, real; III, ii, 226.
Vile, worthless; II, iv, 6.
Void, spit out; I, iii, 118.
Waft, wafted; V, i, 11.
Weather, storms; II, ix, 29.
Where, whereas; IV, i, 22.
While, time; II, i, 31.
Wis, know; II, ix, 68.
Wroth, sorrow, misfortune;
II, ix, 78.

Younker, young man; II, vi,


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