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Idiota a casu et infirmitate. An idiot from chance and infirmity.

Id tenementum dici potest socagium. holding may be called a socage.


Ignoramus. We are ignorant of it; we know


Ignorantia juris, quod quisque tenetur scire, neminem excusat. Ignorance of the law, which every man is held to know, excuses no person.

Ignoscitur ei qui sanguinem suum qualiter redemptum voluit. He who in defence of his life commits violence, is pardoned for the act.

Il conviendroit quil fust non mouuable et de duree a tousiours. It was proper that it should

be immoveable and of constant duration.


Il covint aver' oue luy xi maynz de jurer oue luy, que ilz entendre en lour consciens que il disoyt voier. It was necessary to have with him eleven compurgators to swear with him, that they conscientiously believed that he spoke the truth.

Ille qui tenet in villenagio faciet quicquid ei præceptum fuerit, nec scire debet sero quid facere debet in crastino, et semper tenebitur ad incerta. He who holds in villenage shall do whatsoever he is commanded to perform, nor is it necessary that he should know in the evening what he is to do on the morrow, and he shall always be held to uncertain services.

Illicitum collegium. An unlawful assembly. Illis autem qui communiam tantùm habent in fundo alicujus, aliud remedium non competet nisi

admensuratio. For no other remedy is proper but admensuration to those who have only a common in the estate of another.

Illud dici poterit feodum militare. That may be called a knight's fee.

Illud enim nimiæ libertatis indicium, concessa toties impunitas non parendi; nec enim trinis judicii concessibus pænam perditæ causæ contumax meruit. That is truly a sign of excessive liberty, when disobedience is so often pardoned, nor even was the party ordered for contempt to pay the penalty of a lost cause, three days of judgment being granted.

Illud ex libertate vitium, quod non simul nec jussi conveniunt; sed et alter et tertius dies cunctatione coeuntium absumitur. That vice, arising from liberty, because they do not meet when commanded; for both the second and the third day is wasted by the delay of their meeting.

Il peut cependant être laissé à l'arbitrage d'un tiers: si le tiers ne veut ou ne peut fair l'estimation il n'y a point de vente. It may however be left to the arbitration of a third person: but if the third person neither will nor can make the valuation, there is no sale.

Immediatè. Immediately; forthwith.

Immoderate suo jure utatur tunc reus homicidii sit. He who may immoderately use his own right is guilty of homicide.

Imparlance est quando ipse defendens petit licentiam interloquendi, scilicet, quant le defendant

desire le cour de douer a luy temps de pleader al suit ou action que est commence vers luy. Imparl ance is when the defendant asks leave for interlocution, that is to say, when the defendant requests the court to grant him time to plead to the suit or action which is commenced against him.

Imperator. An emperor; a commander.

Imperator solus et conditor et interpres legis existimatur. The emperor is considered the only founder and expounder of the law.

Imperium in imperio. Empire in empire. Impetere. To attack; to sue; to impeach. Implacitasset quendum, &c. He should have impleaded a certain, &c.

Impositio manuum. The laying of hands on any one.

Impotentia excusat legem. Want of power excuses the law.

Imprimis. In the first place; chiefly; especially.

Imprimis autem debet quilibet, qui testamentum fecerit, dominum suum de meliori re quam habuerit recognoscere; et postea ecclesiam de alia meliori. For each person, in making his will, should, in the first place, acknowledge his lord entitled to the best chattel in his possession; and the church to the next best chattel.

Improvidè. Incautiously.

In arcta et salva custodia. In close and safe custody.

In æquali jure potior est conditio possidentis. In equal right, the condition of a possessor is preferable.

In æquali jure vel injuriâ potior est conditio defendentis. In equal right or wrong the condition of the person defending is preferable.

In Britannia tertia pars bonorum decedentium ab intestato in opus ecclesiæ et pauperum dispensanda est. In Britain a third part of the goods of persons dying intestate shall be distributed for the use of the church and the poor.

In capita propter honoris respectum, defectum; propter affectum; vel propter delictum. Challenges to the polls of a jury, either on account of respect to a nobleman; or from a defect of birth, or from suspicion of partiality; or for a crime.

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In capite. In chief.

In casu proviso. In the case provided.

Incendit et combussit. He set fire to, and burned.

Incertam et caducam hæreditatem relevabat. He relieved a doubtful and frail inheritance.

In ceux parola "contra inhibitionem novi operis" ny ad pas entendment. In those words, "against the prohibition of the new work," it is not intelligible.

Incipientibus nobis exponere jura populi Romani, ita videntur tradi posse commodissime, si primo levi ac simplici via singula tradantur: alioqui si statim ab initio rudem ad huc et infir

mum animum studiosi multitudine ac varietate rerum oneravimus, duorum alterum, aut desertorem studiorum efficiemus, aut cum magna labore, sæpe etiam cum diffidentia, qua plerumque juvenes avertit, serius ad id perducemus, ad quod, leviore via ductus, sine magno labore, et sine ulla diffidentia maturius perduci potuisset. In order to expound the laws of the Roman people to us beginners, so that they may thus seem to be most easily delivered, if they be taught at first in a light and simple way: or else, if directly from the beginning, we students have loaded our mind, as yet unskilled and weak, with a great store and variety of subjects, we do one of those two things, either desert our studies, or with great labour, oftentimes even with mistrust, which mostly impedes young students, we arrive at that knowledge later, which if conducted by a more simple method it could have been acquired in less time without any great labour, and without diffidence.

Incipitur. It is begun; the beginning.

In clientelam recipere. To receive under protection (or patronage).

Incolæ territorii. The inhabitants of a district (or territory).

In consimili casu. In a very

like case.

In contractibus veniunt ea quæ sunt moris et consuetudinis in regione in quá contrahitur. In contracts those things occur, which are of law


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