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Ex gratiá. Of (or by) favour.

Ex gratiâ curiæ. By favour of the court. Exigi facias. That you cause to be exacted (or demanded.)

Exitus. The end; issue.

Ex lex. An outlaw.

Ex maleficio. From mischief; wrong.
Ex mensa et toro. From board and bed.
Ex merito justitiæ. As he deserves in justice.
Ex necessitate. Of necessity.

Ex necessitate legis. By necessity of law.
Ex necessitate rei. From the urgency of the


Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio. An action does not commence from a bare agreement. Ex officio. Officially.

Exoneretur. That he (or it) be discharged. Ex parte. Partly.

M on our side

Exparte paterna. On the father's side.

Expeditio contra hostem, arcium constructio, et pontium reparatio. An expedition against an enemy, the building of forts, and the repairing of bridges.

Ex post facto. From an after-act; after a deed is done.

Expressio eorum quæ tacite insunt. The expression of those things which are silently in it.

Ex provisione mariti. Of the provision of her husband.

Ex quibus rex unum confirmabat. One of whom the king confirmed.

Ex rigore. In strictness; in severity.

Ex speciali gratia, certa scientia, et mero motu regis. By the special favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion of the king.

Extendi facias. That you cause to be extended.

Extenditur hæc pax et securitas ad quatuordecim dies, convocato regni senatu. This privilege and security is extended to fourteen days, the parliament of the kingdom being assembled.

Extractum. An estreat; copy of a record or fine enrolled in court.

Extra quatuor maria. Beyond the four seas. Extravagantes communes. The general edicts. Extravagantes Joannis. The edicts of John. Extra viam. Beyond (or out of) the way. Ex visitatione Dei. By the visitation of God. Ex vi termini. From the meaning (or force) of the term.


Facio, ut des. I perform, that you give.
Facio, ut facias. I do, that you perform.
Factum. A deed.

Facultas ejus, quod cuique facere libet, nisi quid vi, aut jure prohibetur. The power of doing that which each person pleases, except it be any thing forbidden by force or by law.

Femina viro co-operta. A feme covert-a married woman.

Fallo. To deceive; to betray.

Fallonia. Felony a trespass whereby a tenant forfeits to the lord of the soil that which he holds.

Falsa sit pænitentia [laici] cum penitus ab officia curiali vel negotiali non recedit, quæ sine peccatis agi ulla ratione non prævalet. The repentance of a layman is vain, if he remove not far from a professional and mercantile pursuit, which cannot possibly be followed without sinning.

Famosos latrones, in his locis, ubi grassati sunt, furca figendos placuit; ut, et conspectu deterreantur alii, et solatio sit cognatis interremptorum ·éodem loco pœna reddita, in quo latrones homicidia fecissent. It was their will that infamous robbers should be fixed on a gibbet, in those places where they committed the robbery; that others might be deterred by the spectacle, and that the punishment being expiated in the same place where the robbers committed the murders, may be a consolation to the relatives of those who were killed.

Fas. Right; justice.

Fefellit. He has betrayed (or destroyed).
Felo de se. Felon of himself; a self-murderer.
Felonia. Felony; a capital crime.

Feloniæ, per quas vasallus amiteret feudum. Felonies by which a vassal lost his fee.

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Feodum. A fee; an estate in fee.

Feodum est quod quis tenet sibi et hæredibus suis, sive sit tenementum, sive reditus, &c. A fee is that which any person holds for himself, and for his heirs, whether it be a tenement or a rent, &c.

Feodum militare. A knight's fee.

Feodum talliatum. An entail (or fee tail).
Feoffamentum. The donation of a fee.

Feoffare. To give (or grant) a fee; to enfeoff.
Feorme. Provisions, rent.

Feræ. Wild; wild beasts.

Feræ igitur bestiæ, et volucres, et omnia ani malia quæ mari, cælo, et terra nascuntur, simul atque ab aliquo capta fuerint, jure gentium statim illius esse incipiunt. Quod enim nullius est, id naturali ratione occupanti conceditur. Therefore wild beasts and birds and all living things which are created in sea, air, or earth, as soon as they are taken by any person, they commence immediately to be his property, by the law of nations. For that which is not the property of any one, by natural reason, is granted to the first person who takes possession of it.


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Feræ naturæ, et nullius in bonis. Of a wild nature, and in the goods of no man.

Feræ naturæ per industriam hominis. Animals of a wild nature tamed by the industry of

a man.

Feræ naturæ propter privilegium. Animals of a wild nature by reason of privilege.

Feræ naturæ ratione impotentiæ. Animals of a wild nature, for want of power.

Feras. Wild (or wild beasts).

Festinum remedium. A speedy remedy.

Ferra election destre whipt ou de paier costs. He shall make choice to be whipped, or to pay his costs.

Festinum remedium. A speedy remedy.

Feuda individua. Individual (or inseparable) fees.

Feudis antiquis. Fees ancient (or of ancestry.) Feudum antiquum. An ancient fee; a fee of ancestry.

Feudum apertum. An open (or plain) fee. Feudum avitum. A fee (or inheritance) from a grandfather.

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Feudum ligium. A liege fee.

Feudum maternum. A fee descended from

the mother.

Feudum novum.

Feudum paternum.

from the father.

A newly acquired fee.

Fidei commissa.

Let it be done.

A fee (or) inheritance

Feoffments of trust.

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