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guntur esse, quam volucres quæ in arbore tua nidum fecerint: adeoque si alius eas incluserit is earum dominum erit. Of bees. The nature of bees is also wild; therefore bees which have swarmed in your tree before they are shut up by you in a hive, are not understood to be yours, more than birds which may have built their nest in your tree; and so, if another person has enclosed them, he shall be the owner of them. ·De bene esse. Conditionally. Debet. He owes; he ought.

Debet et detinet. He owes and detains. Debitum et contractus sunt nullius loci. A debt and contract are of no place.

Debitum in præsenti. A debt at the present


Debitum in præsenti solvendum in futuro. A debt contracted at present, to be paid at a future limited time.

Debitum recuperatum. A debt recovered. De bonis asportatis. Of goods carried away. De bonis defuncti primo deducenda sunt ea quæ sunt necessitatis et postea quæ sunt utilitatis, et ultimo quæ sunt voluntatis. Of the goods of a deceased person those are first to be deducted which are of necessity, and afterwards those of utility, and lastly, those which are of will.

De bonis non. Of goods not administered.
De bonis propriis. Of his own goods.
De bonis testatoris. Of the testator's goods.
De bonis testatoris si &c. et si non, tunc de

bonis propriis. Of the goods of the testator if, &c. and if there are none, then, of his own goods. De bono et malo. Of good and evil. Debuit reparare. He ought to repair. De Capitalibus dominis feodi. Of the head lords of a fee.

De cætero. From henceforth.

De cætero non recedant querentes a curia domini regis, pro eo quod tenementum transfertur de uno in alium. From henceforth that the plaintiffs do not withdraw from the court of our lord the king, because the tenement is transferred from one to another.

De causis criminalibus vel capitalibus nemo quærat consilium; quin implacitatus statim perneget, sine omni petitione consilii. In aliis omnibus potest et debet uti consilio. In criminal or capital prosecutions, that no man have leave to traverse, but if arraigned, that he plead on the instant, without any petition of traverse. In all other cases he may and can traverse.

Decem tales, octo tales. Ten such persons, eight such persons.

Decemviri. Ten men: they were chosen and appointed to write the twelve tables of the law for the Romans, which they collected from the works of Solon; they also governed the republic for a short period with the same authority as consuls.

Decet tamen principem servare leges, quibus


ipse salutus est. For it behoves the prince to keep the laws, by which he is himself preserved. Decima. Tenths (or tithes.)

De clauso facto. Of a close made.
Decoctor. A bankrupt; a spendthrift.

De communi consilio super negotiis quibusdam arduis et urgentibus, regem, statum, et defensionem regni Angliæ et ecclesiæ Anglicana concernentibus. Of the general counsel upon certain arduous and urgent matters, relating to the king, the state, and the defence of the kingdom of England, and of the English church.

De compoto. Qf accounting.

De computo. Of accounting.

De consuetudine Angliæ, et super consensu regio et suorum procerum in talibus ab antiquo concesso. According to the custom of England, and with the consent of the king and his nobles, in such cases anciently granted.

De consuetudinibus et servitiis. Of customs and services.

De coquina. Of a kitchen.

De coronatore eligendo. Of electing a coroner. De coronatore exonerando. Of discharging

a coroner.

De corpore comitatus. From the body of the county.

De corpore delicti constare oportebat; id est, non tam fuisse aliquem in territorio isto mortuum inventum quam vulneratum et cæsum. Potest

enim homo etiam ex alia causa subito mori. The fact of the offence should appear manifest; that is, not that any person was found dead in that district, but whether he was wounded or slain. For a man may die suddenly from another


De credulitate. Of (or from) credulity.

Decretalia Gregorii noni. The decretals of Gregory the 9th.

Decretum Gratiani. The decree of Gratian. De custodia terræ et hæredis. Of the charge of the land and the heir.

De damnis. Of damages (or losses.)

De debitore in partes secando. Of cutting the debtor in pieces.

Dedi. I have given.

Dedicatio corporis juris civilis. The dedication of the body of the civil law.

Dedi et concessi. I have given and granted.
Dedimus potestatem.
We have given the


De donis. Of gifts.

De donis conditionalibus. Of conditional gifts. De eo, quod quis post mortem suam fieri velit. Of that which any man wishes to be done after his death.

De estoveriis habendis. Of having estovers, (or allowances.)

De excommunicato capiendo. Of taking an excommunicated person.

De excommunicato deliberando. Of releasing an excommunicated person.

De executione judicii. Of execution of judg


De facto. Of a deed; in fact.

De fidelitate. Of fidelity.

De frangentibus prisonam. Of those breaking a prison.

De hæretico comburendo. Of burning a heretic.

De homine replegiando. Of replevying a man out of prison.

De hors. Out of; abroad.

De idiota inquirendo. Of inquiring as to an idiot.

De incremento. Of increase.

De injuria sua propria absque residua causa. Of his own wrong without a remaining cause. De injuria suâ propriâ absque tali causa. proper wrong without such cause.



De injuriis. Of wrongs.


De injuriis suis propriis absque tali causa. Of proper wrongs without such cause.

De jure. Of right.

De jure naturæ cogitare per nos atque dicere debemus; de jure populi Romani, quæ relicta sunt et tradita. By the law of nature we ought to reflect and reason of ourselves; by the law of the Roman people we should follow the rules which have been left and handed down to us.

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