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Crastinum animarum. The morrow of All Souls.

Crassa negligentia. Gross neglect.

Creamus. We create.

Creamus, erigimus, fundamus, incorporamus. We create, we erect, we found, we incorporate. Crepusculum. Twilight.

Crimen animo felleo perpetratum. A crime committed with an evil intent.

Crimen falsi. The crime of forgery.

Crimen læsæ majestatis. The crime of offending majesty; high treason.

Cui ante divortium. To whom, before a di


Cui bono. To what good.

Cui de jure pertinuit.

by right.

To whom it pertained

Cui in vita sua, vel cui ante divortium, ipsa contradicere non potuit. What in his life, or previous to divorce, she could not contradict.

Cuilibet in sua arte credendum est. Every man should be believed in his trade.

Cuique enim in proprio fundo quamlibet feram quoquo modo venari permissum. For every man is allowed to hunt any wild beast on his own ground, in whatever manner he thinks proper.

Cujus est divisio, alterius est electio. When a division is made by one, the choice is left to the other.

Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad cælum. Whosoever is owner of the ground, it is his even to the firmament.

Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad cœlum, et ad inferos. Of whom the soil is, to him doth it belong even to the sky, and to the lowest depth.

Cujus regis temporibus hoc ordinatum sit, non reperio. In the time of what king this was ordained, I cannot discover.

Cul. (Abb. of Culpabilis.) Guilty.

Culpæ adnumerantur, veluti si medicus curationem dereliquerit, male quempiam secuerit, aut perperam ei medicamentum dederit. They are considered offences, if a physician has neglected a cure, has performed an operation badly on any one, or has given him improper medicine. Cum. When; as; whereas.

Cum autem emptio et venditio contracta sit, periculum rei vendita statim ad emptorem pertinet, tametsi adhuc ea res emptori tradita non sit. Itaque si-aut ædes totæ vel aliqua ex parte incendio consumptæ fuerint emptoris damnum est, cui necesse est, licet rem non fierit nactus, pretium solvere. For when a purchase and sale is contracted, the risk of the thing sold immediately pertains to the purchaser, although that thing be not as yet delivered to the purchaser. Therefore, if either an entire house, or some part of it, be consumed by fire the loss is the purchaser's, who must

pay the price, although he has not obtained the property.

Cum in tali casu possit eadem res pluribus aliis creditoribus tum prius tum posterius invadiari. As in such case, the same property may be pledged to many other creditors, as well before as after the first pledge.

Cum lex abrogatur, illud ipsum abrogatur, quo non eam abrogari oporteat. When a law is repealed, that very clause is at the same time repealed, which specifies that it ought not to be repealed.

Cum olim in usu fuisset, alterius nomine agi non posse, sed, quia hoc non minimam incommoditatem habebat, cœperunt homines per procuratores litigare. When it was formerly the custom, that nothing could be done in the name of another, but, since it did not possess the smallest inconvenience, men began to sue by their proctors.

Cum sit contra præceptum Domini, non tentabis Dominum Deum tuum. As it is against the commandment of our Lord, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Cum testamento annexo. nexed.

With the will an

Cunctas nationes et urbes populus aut primores, aut singuli regunt: delecta ex his et constituta reipublicæ forma laudari facilius quam evenire, vel, si evenit, haud diuturna esse potest. The people, or chiefs, or individuals, govern all nations and cities: the form of a government chosen from them,

and so constituted, may be more easily praised. for its theory than practice, or if it be so constituted, it cannot long exist.

Curatores viarum. The inspectors of roads. Curia advisare vult. The court will advise. Curia advisare vult, post. The court will advise, after.

Curialitas. A holding of land by courtesy.
Curia palatii. The palace court.

Curiæ christianitatis. Courts of christianity; ecclesiastical courts.

Currente calamo. In the hurry of writing.

Currere consuevit.

run (or hurry).

He was accustomed to

Curtis. Of the court; courtesy.
Custodes. Keepers.

Custodes pænam sibi commissorum non augeant, nec eos torqueant; sed omni sævitia remota, pietateque adhibita, judicia debite exequantur. That the keepers do not increase the sufferings of those prisoners committed to their custody, nor torture them; but all cruelty being removed, and mercy adhered to, that they duly execute the judgments.

Custodia. Custody; keeping,

Custodia legis. In the custody of the law. Custodia mareschalli. In the custody of the marshal.

Custodiam comitatus.

The charge of the


Custos brevium. The keeper of the writs.

Custos horrei regii. The keeper of the royal


Custos morum.


The guardian of manners (or

Custos rotulorum. The keeper of the rolls (or records.)

Custuma. Customs; duties.

Custuma antiqua et magna. Ancient and great duties.

Custuma antiqua sive magna. Ancient or great duties.

Custuma parva et nova. Small and new duties. Cyrce. A church.

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Dane lage. Danish customs, (or laws.) Dare aliquam evidentiam. To give some evidence.

Darrien presentment. The last presentation. Datum. A first principle; a thing given. De ambitu. Of obtaining a place by bribery. De apibus. Apium quoque fera natura est; itaque apes, quæ in arbore tua constituerint, antequam a te alveo includantur, non magis tuæ intelli

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