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manner it should be inhabited, and by what


Rex versus inhabitantes de A. The king against the inhabitants of A.

Rex vicecomiti salutem. Si A fecerit te securum de clamore suo prosequendo, tunc pone per vadium et salvos plegios B quod sit coram justitiariis nostris apud Westmonasterium in octabis Sancti Michaelis, ostensurus quare cum idem B ad dextrum oculum ipsius A casualiter læsum bene et competenter curandum apud S, pro quadam pecuniæ summa præ manibus soluta assumpsisset, idem B curam suam circa oculum prædictum tam negligenter et improvide apposuit, quod idem A defectu ipsius B visum oculi prædicti totaliter amisit, ad damnum ipsus A viginti librarum, ut dicit.


habeas ibi nomina plegiorum et hoc breve. Teste meipso apud Westmonasterium, &c. The king to the sheriff, greeting. If A has made you secure to prosecute his complaint, then put upon his pledge and safe sureties B, that he appear before our justices at Westminster in eight days of Saint Michael to shew cause, whereas the said B at S, for a certain sum of money paid into his hands, had promised well and effectually to cure the right eye of the said A which by accident was hurt, the said B so negligently and inconsiderately applied his remedy to the said eye, that the said A, through the unskilfulness of the said B, lost altogether the sight of the aforesaid eye, to the injury of the said A in

twenty pounds as he says. And have there the names of the sureties and this writ. Witness myself at Westminster, &c.

Rien in arrere. Nothing in arrear.

Riens per discent.

nothing by descent.

Roffure. A robber.

Nothing by remainder;

Rogaverunt omnes episcopi magnates, ut consentirent quod nati ante matrimonium essent legitimi, sicut illi qui nati sunt post matrimonium, quia ecclesia tales habet pro legitimis. Et omnes còmites et barones una voce responderunt, quod nolunt leges Angliæ mutare, quæ hucusque usitatæ sunt et approbatæ. All the bishops asked the nobles to consent that those born before marriage should be considered legitimate, as those who were born after marriage, because the church held such for legitimate. And all the earls and barons unanimously replied, that they would not change the laws of England, which were hitherto used and approved.

Roover. A robber.


Romani pueri longis rationibus assem Discunt in partes centum diducere. Dicat Filius Albini, si de quincunce remota est Uncia, quid superet? poterat dixisse, triens: eu, Rem poteris servare tuam! redit uncia quid fit? Semis.-The Roman boys learn to divide a pound by long reckonings into a hundred parts. Let the son of Albinus say, if the twelfth part of a pound be taken from the five twelfth part,

what remains?

He was able to say one third: well you will be able to preserve your property! if the ounce be added how much is it? the one half.


Sacerdos interroget dotem mulieris; et si terra ei in dotem detur, tunc dicatur psalmus iste, &c. That the priest ask the woman's dower; and if land be given to her as a dower, then let that psalm be sung, &c.

Sacerdotes a regibus honorandi sunt, non judicandi. Priests are to be honoured by kings, not to be judged by them.

Sacramentum decisionis. The oath of decision. Sacramentum domini regis fregisse. To have broken the oath of our lord the king.

Sacrilegii instar est rescripto principis obviari. It is equal to profanation to oppose the order of the prince.

Sæpe quæsitum est an comitum numero et jure habendi sunt, qui legatum comitantur, non ut instructior fiat legatio, sed unice ut lucro são consulant, institores forte et mercatores. Et, quamvis hos sæpe defenderint et comitum loco habere voluerint legati, apparet tamen satis eo non pertinere, qui in legationisve officio non sunt. Quam autem ea res nonunquam turbas dederit, optimo exemplo in quibusdam aulis olim receptum fuit, ut legatus teneretur exhibere nomenclaturam comitum suorum.

It has often been asked whether those persons who follow an ambassador are included of right in the number of his train, not that the embassy may be better appointed, but perhaps factors and merchants who only consult their private gain. And although ambassadors have often maintained them, and wished to retain them instead of assistants, nevertheless it is sufficiently evident that they who are not publicly engaged in the service of the ambassador, or of the embassy, do not belong to him. But as that circumstance sometimes has caused debates, it was received as the best rule to be from thenceforth observed in some courts, that the ambassador should be held to produce a list of his suite. Salvo pudore. Saving modesty.

Sancta Maria de arcubus. Saint Mary le bow. Sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et prohibens contraria. A just ordinance, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong.

[blocks in formation]

Sans nombre. Without number.

Sapientes, fideles, et animosi. Wise, faithful, and courageous.

Scaccarium. The Exchequer.

Scandalum magnatum. Defamation of great


Schismaticus inveteratus. A confirmed schis


Sciant presentes et futuri, quod ego Johannes constabularius Cestriæ dedi et concessi, et hac

præsenti charta mea confirmavi, Hugoni de Dutton et hæredibus suis, magistratum omnium leccatorum et meretricum totius Cestershiræ, sicut liberius illum magistratum teneo de comite. Salvo jure meo mihi et hæredibus meis. Know all men present and to come, that I John, constable of Chester, have given and granted, and by this my present charter have confirmed to Hugh Dutton and to his heirs the magistracy over all debauchees and prostitutes, throughout Cheshire, as freely as I hold that power from the earl. Saving my right to myself and my heirs.

Sciendum. To be known.

Sciendum tamen quod, in hoc placito, non solet accusatus per plegios dimitti, nisi ex regiæ potestatis beneficio. Be it known, however, that on this plea, a person accused is not usually discharged upon his sureties, unless by the kindness of the royal power.

Scienter. Knowingly; wilfully.

Scientia enim utrinque per pares facit contrahentes. For an equal knowledge on the part of both renders those contracting equal.

Scilicet, &c. To wit, &c.

Scilicet, per quas feudum amittitur. Si domino deservire noluerit; si per annum et diem cessaverit in petenda investitura; si dominum ejuravit, id est, negavit se a domino feudum habere; si a domino, in jus eum vocante, ter citatus non comparuerit. That is to say, the acts by which a fee is forfeited. If the vassal be unwilling to do service to

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