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et ipsi pars corporis nostri sunt) vel cujuslibet postremo, qui militat nobiscum, cogitaverit: (eadem enim severitate voluntatem sceleris, qua effectum, puniri jura voluerint) ipse quidem, ut pote majestatis reus, gladio seriatur, bonis ejus omnibus fisco nostro addictio. He who imagines the death of the illustrious men who are present at our counsels, and place of counsel, also of the senators (for they are a part of ourself) or finally of any person who serves with us: (for the laws will punish the disposition to crime with the same severity as if it were committed) he, as guilty of high treason, shall be devoted to the sword, and all his goods confiscated to our treasury.

Quid enim sanctius, quod omni religione munitius, quam domus uniuscujusque civium. For what is held more sacred, more secured by every religious obligation, than the house of each of the citizens.

Quid pro quo.

thing for another.

A mutual exchange; one

Quieti reditus. Quit rents.

Quietus. At rest; undisturbed; quit; discharged.

Qui ex damnato coitu nascuntur, inter liberos non computantur. They who are the fruits of a condemned connexion, are not accounted among children lawfully begotten."

Qui facit per alium, facit per se. another, acts by himself.

Who acts by

Qui font banque route. who become bankrupt.

Who make bankrupt;

Qui illi de temporalibus, episcopo de spiritualibus, debeat respondere. Who should answer to him for temporal affairs, and to the bishop in spiritual offices.

Qui improbe cöeunt in alienam litem, ut quicquid ex condemnatione in rem ipsius redactum fuerit inter eos communicaretur, lege Julia de vi privata tenentur. They who dishonestly join in another's suit, that whatsoever property is obtained from the opposite party should be divided between them, such are held without force by the Julian law.

Qui in utero sunt, in jure civili intelliguntur in rerum natura esse, cum de eorum commodo agatur. They, who are in the womb, are understood by the civil law, in the nature of things to exist, when any thing is done for their advantage.

Quilibet homo dignus venationé suá, in sylvá, et in agris sibi propriis et in dominio suo. Every man is worthy of his hunt, in the wood, and on the lands belonging to himself and in his rule.

Quilibet totum tenet et nihil tenet; scilicet, totum in communi, et nihil separatim per se. Every one holds all and holds none; that is to say, he holds all in common, and nothing separately by himself.

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quilibel potest renunciare peré pro se introducto Quienetiam lex

Panaque lata, malo quæ nollet carmine quenquam vertere modum formidine fustis.


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Besides it is an extensive law and punishment, which will not allow any person to be described by a sorry verse:-I must change my style for fear of a club.

Qui non habet in crumena, luat in corpore. He who has it not in purse, shall suffer in person. Quinto exactus. A fifth time enacted (or re


Qui prior est tempore potior est jure. He who is first in time has the advantage of law.

Qui scit se decipi non decipiatur. Who knows that he is deceived is not deceived

debe al ones Qui sequitur tam pro pauperibus quam pro seipso. Who sues as well for the poor as for himself. Qui sequitur tam pro rege quam pro seipso. Who sues as well for the king as for himself. Qui statuit aliquid, parte inaudita altera,

Equum licet statuerit, haud æquus fuit. He who has determined any matter, the other side not being heard, although he might have determined justly, he was not just.

Qui tam, &c. Who, as well (or so) &c.

Qui tam pro domino rege, quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur. Who sues, in this behalf, as well for our lord the king, as for himself.

Qui vi rapuit, fur improbior esse videtur. He who robs by violence, is considered the greater thief.

Quoad. As to; concerning; as long as.
Quoad hoc. As to this.

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Quod. Because; that; which; what.

Quod ab ædibus non facile revellitur. What cannot easily be pulled away from the house. Quod accedas ad curiam. That you come (or go up) to the court.

Quod ad hunc detinet.


Which he detains to

Quod ad warrenam pertinet. What belongs to

a warren.

Quod A et B levaverunt. That A and B levied.

Quod A injuste levavit tale nocumentum.

A unjustly levied such nuisance.

Quodammodo. In some manner.


Quod breve cassetur. That the writ be quashed.

Quod capiatur. That he be taken.

Quod cepit damas suas ad valentiam tantum. That he has taken his deer to the value only.

Quod computet. That he do account.

Quod conditio indebiti non datur ultra, quam locupletior factus est, qui accepit. That the condition of a sum not due, is allowed no further than the man is made richer who received it. Quod corrupté agreatum fuit. Which was a

corrupt agreement.

Quod cum per consuetudinem totius regni Angliæ hactenus usitatam et approbatam, uxores debent et solent a tempore, &c. habere suam rationabilem partem bonorum maritorum suorum: ita videlicet, quod si nullos habuerint liberos, tunc medietatem : et si

habuerint, tunc tertiam partem, &c. That whereas by the custom of the whole kingdom of England, hitherto used and approved, wives ought and are accustomed from time to time, to possess a reasonable part of their husband's property: so that if they have no children, they take half of the property: and if they have, they then receive a third part, &c.

Quod custos, &c. sustentet parcos, vivaria, &c. That the keeper, &c. maintain the parks, fish, ponds, &c.

Quod defendat se duodecima manu. defend himself by twelve compurgators. Quod defend' sit in misericordia. defendant be in mercy.

That he

That the

Quod defendens eat sine die. That the defendant go without a day.

Quod distributio rerum quæ in testamento relinquuntur autoritate ecclesiæ fiet. That the distribution of things, which are left in a will, be made by the authority of the church.

Quod dolosus versatur in generalibus. That a deceitful person is versed in general matters. Quod dotat cam de tali manerio cum pertinentiis, &c. That he endows her of such manor with the appurtenances, &c.

Quod ei deforceat. That he restore to him the possession taken from him.

Quod enim jus habet fiscus in aliena calamitate, ut de re tam luctuosa compendium sectetur.



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