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Miserere mei Deus.

Lord have mercy upon


Mitter le droit. To give over (or to convey) the right.

Mitter l'estate. To convey the estate.

Mittere in confusam cum sororibus, quantum pater aut frater ei dederit, quando ambulaverit ad maritum. To cast into a confused sum with her sisters, whatsoever property her father or brother bestowed on her when she was married. Mittimus. We send.

Mittitur adversarius in possessionem bonorum ejus. It is sent against the goods in his pos


Modicam castigationem adhibere. To use moderate chastisement.

Modo et forma. In manner and form. Modus. Ameasure; bound; manner; custom. Modus decimandi. The manner of tything. Modus de non decimando non valet. The cus

tom of paying no tythes is not prevalent. ·

Modus et conventio vincunt legem. Custom and agreement overcome the law.

Modus legem dat donationi.

condition to the donation.

Modus levandi fines.


Custom gives a

The manner of levying

Molliter manus imposuit. He laid hands on

him gently.

Molossus. A mastiff dog.

Mons sacer.

The sacred mount.

Monstrans de droit. Shewing of right.
Monstravit de compoto. He has shewn of ac-


Mort d'ancestor. Death of an ancestor.

Mortis causa.

In prospect of death.

Mortuum. Dead.

Mortuum vadium. A dead pledge.

Mulier. A married woman; (or an unchaste woman afterwards married to her seducer).

Mulier puisne. The eldest legitimate son of a woman, who, before marriage, was illicitly connected with his father.

Municipium. A free city (or town).
Murdravit. He murdered.

Murdre. Murder; concealment.

Murdrum. Murder. Also a fine levied upon the hundred where the crime was committed. Muta canum. A kennel; a pack of hounds. Mutatis mutandis. Changing what should be changed.

Mutuatus. Borrowed; the act of borrowing.
Michel-synoth. The great council.


Nam adipiscimur possessionem corpore et animo; neque per se corpore, neque per se animo. Non autem ita accipiendum est, ut qui fundum possidere velet, omnes glebas circumambulet; sed sufficit quamlibet partem ejus fundi introire. For we obtain possession by body and intent; not

by body alone, nor mind alone. For it is not so to be taken, that he who is about to take possession of a farm, should walk over the whole of the ground; but it is sufficient, that he enter upon any part of his farm he pleases.

Nam de minimis non curat lex. For the law does not attend to trifles.

Nam et commodum ejus esse debet cujus periculum est. For the advantage should be his, who is also liable to the risk.

Nam ex antecedentibus et consequentibus fit optima interpretatio. For the best meaning is discovered by the matter which precedes, and by that which follows.

Nam exemplo perniciosum est, ut ei scripturæ credatur qua unusquisque sibi adnotatione propria debitorem constituit. For it is a mischievous rule, that implicit trust is to be placed upon that writing, in which any man may make another, by his own remark, a debtor.

Nam feudum sine investitura nulla modo constitui potuit. For a fee without possession could by no means be confirmed.

Nam leges vigilantibus, non dormientibus, subveniunt. For the laws relieve the watchful, not the slothful.

Nam nemo est hæres viventis. For no one is the heir of a living person.

Nam omne crimen ebrietas, et incendit, et detegit. For drunkenness both enkindles and discovers every crime.

Nam omne testamentum morte consummatum est: et voluntas testatoris est ambulatoria usque ad mortem. For every testament is accomplished by death: and the will of the testator is changeable unto death.

Nam qui facit per alium facit per se. For he who acts by another, acts by himself.

Nam qui hæret in litera, hæret in cortice. For he who doubts in a letter, depends in cork.

Nam quilibet potest renunciare jure pro se introducto. For any person may renounce a right introduced for himself.

Nam, qui non prohibet, cum prohibere possit, jubet. For he who forbids not, when he may,


Nam quod remedio destituitur ipsa re valet, si culpa absit. For that which is without a remedy strengthens the thing itself, if no fault exists.

Nam quod semel meum est, amplius meum esse non potest. For what is once mine, cannot be more fully mine.

Nam silent leges inter arma. For the laws are silent during wars.

Nam verba debent intelligi cum effectu, ut res magis valeat quam pereat. For words should be understood by their full meaning, so that the matter stand rather than fail.

Narratio. A declaration; a count.

Natura brevium. The nature (or force) of


Ne admittatis. That you do not admit (or commit).

Ne aliquis scholas regens de legibus in eadem civitate de cætero ibidem leges doceat. That no person directing schools for the study of the laws, in the same city, from henceforth lecture on laws, in the same place.

Necessitas culpabilis. A blameable necessity; a culpable extremity.

Nec lusisse pudet, sed non incidere ludum. Nor am I ashamed occasionally to have amused myself with trifles without making them a pur


Nec magis est contra naturam morbus, egestas, aut aliquid hujusmodi quam appetitio vel detractio alieni. Nor is disease, penury, or any thing of this kind more against nature than avarice, or eagerness after the property of another.

Nec regibus infinita aut libera potestas. The power given to kings, neither unbounded nor at will.

Nec vero me fugit quam sit acerbum, parentum scelera filiorum pœnis lui: sed hoc præclare legibus comparatum est, ut caritas liberorum amiciores parentes reipublicæ redderet. Nor indeed has it escaped me, how severe it must be, that the crimes of parents should be expiated by the punishment of their children: but this has been excellently ordained by the laws, that affection for their children might render the parents more friendly to the state.

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