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served. It lay upon its back with the face turned to the left but otherwise in the usual flexed position. At the top of the skull and a little to the front was a celt, F520. The skull lay to the southeast and the face southwest. Four views of the cranium are shown in

plate 17.

Grave XCIII, pit 133, in trench 18 at 20′ on the west side was 39" deep. Over the entire grave was a heavy layer of black carbonized substances, a foot in thickness. The fragile skeleton of a female lay in the grave bottom. Above and slightly to the rear of the skull was a crushed vessel. Before the face were flints, steel, F546, graphite, F545, red ocher and a heap of incised shell tablets, F617 [see pl. 36, fig. 1]. A necklace of discoidal shell beads, F6r8, encircled the neck [see pl. 14]. At the chin as if once attached to the circle of beads were 2 shell gorgets and a pendant, F516 [see pl. 36, fig. 2, 3, 7]. On the middle finger of the right hand was a coiled copper ring. The soil was an ash and clay mixed gravel and sand. and cementlike. It was therefore very difficult to expose and remove the bones. The thin skull collapsed when lifted. The skeleton lay on its left side, flexed, with the skull pointing south and the face to the west.

Grave XCIV, pit 134, at 33′ on the east-central side of trench 18 was 42" deep and contained the skeleton of a female. Owing to the cementlike character of the soil here and the fragility of the bones it was impossible to remove them. The skull which was crushed was taken up with great care but fell apart. A broken pot was found at the occiput. The skull headed south and the face was to the east. The skeleton lay on its right side, flexed.

Grave XCV, pit 135, at 22′ on the east side of trench 18 was 66" wide, 66" long and 42" deep. Excavations revealed the skeletons of an adult male and female [see pl. 13, fig. 2]. Between the skulls was a crushed and broken pot. Near the shoulders of the female and touching the radius of the male were the following objects: I spatulate water-washed pebble, 4 flint chips, 4 leaf-shaped flint blades, I oval flint knife, 3 chunks of flint, 10 triangular arrow points and I scraper. The male lay with the head pointing toward the southeast and facing the southwest, on the left side and flexed; the female on its back with face up and skull to the south and legs flexed to the southwest.

Grave XCVI, pit 136, at 40' on the east side of trench 18 was 48" deep. Over the grave was a shallow ash pit in which was found a bear's tusk. The skull pointed toward the southeast, the face down and the body on the left side flexed.

Grave XCVII, pit 137, in trench 18 at 44′ on the east side was 37" deep. It held the crumbling remains of a female's skeleton, headed east, facing south and on the right side flexed.

Grave XCVIII, pit 138, outside of trench 18 on the east at 44′ adjoining pit 137, was 48" deep, 49" long and 60" wide. It contained the skeletons of a male and a female [see pl. 15, fig. 1]. The bones had been disturbed by some burrowing animal, probably a woodchuck. The skeletons lay back to back, the female on its left side and the male on its right. The skull of the female was twisted directly around and the lower jaw rested on the male's occiput. with the chin toward its own skull. Between the two skeletons were three triangular arrow points, a leaf-shaped point and a lump of red ocher. The male lay with the skull to the south, the face east and flexed on the right side; the female originally probably lay facing the southwest with the skull pointing southeast, on the left side, flexed.

Grave XCIX, pit 139, at 66′ in trench 18 on the east side contained the crumbling remains of an adult. At the face were 9 triangular arrowheads and one oval flint knife. At the top of the skull was a broken pottery vessel and at the abdomen a deposit of red ocher. A broken triangular point was found in the decayed femur. At the foot of the grave, that is to the west, was the skull of a bear, a copper bead and a triangular flint. The skeleton lay with the head east, the face south, on the left side flexed apparently.

Grave C, pit 140, at 66' in trench 18 on the west side was 42′′ deep, 40" wide and 50" long. It held the crumbling remains of a male headed east, facing south on the left side. At the top of the skull and about 5" from it was a pottery vessel, F515. At the occiput was a polished stone pipe and near the bowl 2 arrow points [see pl. 15, fig. 2].

Grave CI, pit 141, at 77′ on the east side of trench 18 was 36′′ deep. In this grave was found the crumbling skeleton of a male. At the forehead was a broken pot and a black stone pipe rested on the ulna of the right arm. The pipe is figured in plate 22, figure The skeleton lay on its right side heading east and facing south, on the right side, flexed.


Grave CII, pit 142, at 85' on the west side of trench 18 was 32′′ deep. It contained the crumbling remains of a child at the top of whose skull was a broken pot. The skull was toward the east, the face south and the skeleton lay on the left side flexed.

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