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The French having abandoned Louvain, and retired A. G. over the Canal of Bruffels, the Duke of Marlborough 1706. purfued them without lofs of time,andhaving decamped from Bethlem,advanced to Dighem the 26th of May, N. S. In this March his Grace received the following Letter from the Marquis de Deynfe, Governor of Bruffels.


Bruffels, May 26. 1706.

the Duke

TH He States of Brabant, and the Magiftracy of The MarBruffels, have taken the Refolution to fend De-quifs de puties to you: They have defired me, Sir, to write Deynfe's to you, moft humbly to defire you to fend a Trum- Letter to peter to conduct them in fafety to the Place where of Marlyou fhall think fit to receive them. I have not the borough. Honour, Sir, to fay more to you concerning my particular Interefts, and thofe of other Perfons of Quality, who feem refolved to ftay here, if you approve of it. I have the Honour to be, with Refpect,

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Hereupon his Grace fent Colonel Penton,one of his The DepuAids de Camp, with a Compliment to the Marquis, ties of the and the States of Brabant, to let them know, he States of fhould be glad to fee them in the Afternoon. Ac-Brabant, cording to this Invitation, they came to his Grace's &c. wait Quarters near Dighem, with two other Deputati-on the Duke. ons, one from the Sovereign Council of Brabant, of Marlborough. the other from the Burgomafters, and City of Bruffels: And all exprefs'd both their Satisfaction at their being deliver'd from the French Yoke, and their deep Senfe of the Obligationsthey owed to theQueen of Great Britain, and the States General. As foon as they were gone, his Grace, in Conjunction with the States Field-Deputies, wrote the following Letter to the States of Brabant.


His Grace's, and the

Field De

"GOD Almighty having blefs'd the Arms of the puries LeAllies in behalf of His Majefty King Charlesser to the the Third, and the Retreat of the Army of France States of having Brabant

A. C.

having given us the Opportunity of approaching 1706. your Capital, I come to affure you of the Intentions of the Queen my Miftrefs, as the Deputies do on 'the Part of the States General their Mafters: and in the first place to tell vou, That Her Majefty, and their High Mightineffes, have fent us to maintain the juft Rights of his faid Catholick Majefty Charles the Third to the Kingdoms of Spain, and 'to all that depends thereon; and that Her Majefty the Queen, and their High Mightineffes, nothing doubting, but that you, being likewife convinced of the lawful Sovereignty of his faid Majefty, will, with Pleasure, embrace this Occafion of fubmitting your felves to his Obedience, as faithful Subjects. We can affure you, Gentlemen, at the fame time, on the part of the Queen, and the States, That 'his Catholick Majefty will maintain you in the entire Enjoyment of all your antient Rights and Privileges, as well Ecclefiaftical as Secular; that we 'will be very far from making the leaft Innovation ' in what concerns Religion; and that his Catholick Majefty will caufe thofe Conceffions to be renewed, which are termed The Joyful Entry of Brabant, in the fame manner as they were granted by his Prede'ceffor Charles the Second, of Glorious Memory. As to our felves, we affure you, That the Army fhall be employed every where for your Protec'tion, in fuch manner as you defire it; and that we 'will most earnestly feek in every thing, the Opportunities of fhewing the Refpect, and fincere Eteem, wherewith we have the Honour to be,


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His Grace did judge it neceffary to write this Letter to the States of Brabant, not only to enable them to affemble, but likewife to prompt them to declare immediately for King Charles III. before the Enemy had recover'd their Confternation and came to make a ftand. Two other Letters of the like


Tenor, were alfo fent to the Sovereign Council of Brabant, and to the City of Bruffels, which had all the defired Effect: For, the next Day, the Three Deputations attended his Grace, and the Dutch Deputies, with three Letters; the first from the Chancellor, and Members of his Majesty's Sovereign Council, which was as follows.

Our Lords,

A. C.


the Sove

cil to the

WE have this Morning received the Letter Letter from 'which your Highnefs, and your Excellencies, were pleafed to write to us at the Camp of ignon"Beaulieu Yefterday; upon which we have the Duke, and 'Honour to tell you, that we fubmit our felves to the Depu the Obedience of his Majefty Charles the Third, tics. and that we will, upon all Occafions, give him 'fincere Teftimonies of the fame Fidelity which we have paid to his Majefty Charles the Second, of Glorious Memory. We thank your Highnefs, and your Excellencies, for the Affurances which you give us, on the part of Her Majefty the Queen of GreatBritain, and the High and Mighty Lords the States-General, and particularly for that his Majefty Charles the Third will maintain us in the en'tire Enjoyment of all our ancient Rights and Pri'vileges, as well Ecclefiaftical as Secular, that no Attempt fhall be made upon our Religion, and that his Majefty will renew the Conceffions, called The Joful Entry, in fuch manner as the fame were fworn to by his late Majefty Charles the Second. "We fend Deputies of our Body to exprefs these our "Thoughts by Word of Mouth to your Highness, and your Excellencies, to make our Acknowledgments for the Protection which you have been pleafed to promife us upon all Occafions; and to affure you, that we are, with great Refpect,


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My Lords, Your Highness's, and Your Excellencies, moft Humble and moft Obedient Servants,

Bruffels, May 27. 1706.

The Chancellor and Members of
his Majefty's Sovereign Council.
F. Gilfon.

Ordered in Brabant,

The 2d. Letter from the Members of the Three Eftates of Brabant, to his Grace, and the Deputies, was in thefe Words,


A. C. Our Lords


1706. WE have received, with all poffible Refpect, 'the Letter which your Highness, and your Excellencies, did us the Honour to write to us the 26th Inftant, and fhall, without any Lofs Letter from of Time communicate, it in the ufual and requithe States Lite Form to the other Members of the Three States of Brabant to the fame of this Country, whom it may concern. In the mean time we are come Our Lords, to return you a 'thousand moft humble Thanks for the obliging Offers,and the most honourable Marks, we have receiv'd, of the Protection which your Highness, and your Excellencies are pleafed to grant us, on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of Great-Britain,and "their High Mightineffes the States-General; as alfo for the fincere Affurances given, That his Catholick Majefty,King Charles III. will maintain us in the full Enjoyment of our ancient Rights and Privileges 'both Ecclefiaftical and Civil, without permitting the leaft Innovation to be made in any thing that relates to the Church; and that his faid Majefty 'will caufe the Conceflion, known under the Name of The Joyful Entry of Brabant, to be renewed in the fame manner as was done by King Charles II. ' of Glorious Memory. We do not doubt but the o'ther Members of the States, in the Day of their general Affemby, will exprefs (as we do at this prefent) their perfect Submiflion and Obedience, which thall be followed by that Loyalty and fervent Zeal which we have always fhewn for him 'whom God has granted to us to be our Mafter and Sovereign. We are alfo penetrated with a lively 'Senfe of all the Goodnefs and Favours wherewith your Highnefs, and your Excellencies in particular, 'have been pleafed to Honour us; and we humbly pray that you will be fully perfwaded that we have the Honour to be, with Efteem,

May 27.

Our Lords,

Your Highness's,and Your Excellencies meft humble and moft Obedient Servants, The Members of the Three States of this Country and Dutchy of Brabant, who are now in this City of Bruffels.

By their Command.

H. Van Brocke.


The third Letter was from the Burgher-Mafters, A. C. Sheriffs, and Council of the City of Bruffels,

Our Lords,


TIS with profound Refpect that we have receiv'd And from your very obliging Letter, by which your res the City of Highnefs, and your Excellencies, have been pleas'd to affure us of the generous Protection of Her Majefty of Great-Britain, and their High Mightineffes the States-General; and that His Catholick Majefty, Charles the Third, will maintain us in the entire Enjoyment of our ancient Rights and Privileges, both Ecclefiaftical and Civil, without fuffering the leaft Innovation to be made in what con⚫cerns Religion; and that his Majefty will renew ⚫ the Conceitions, known under the Name of The Joyful Entry of Brabant, in as full and ample manner, as they were granted to us by King Charles the Second, of Glorious Memory. We affure you, My Lords, that on our Part we will give you the most lively Marks of our Fidelity, Zeal, and Obedience 'to His faid Catholick Majefty. We are likewife very fenfible of all the Marks your Highness, and your Excellencies in particular, have been pleas'd to give us of your Goodnefs, Favour and Protection, and fhall eternally acknowledge the Infinite Obligations we have to you; and are, with 'most profound Veneration,

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Our Lords,

Your Highness's, and Your Excellencies,
moft Humble and most Obedient Servants,
The Burgher-Maflers, Sheriffs, and
Council of the City of Bruffels.
H. Jacobs.

Befides the Contents of thefe Letters, the refpective Deputies repeated the great Sense they had of her Majefty's Goodness in relieving them from the Oppreflion of the French Government. The Submillion of Bruffels, which has had fo great an Influence on the other Towns in Brabant and Flanders, will be one of the most curious Points of the Hiftory of this Campaign; and therefore we shall add in this Place the following Letter from the

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