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A&C. ment of Great Britain, and that the fame Eafes, "Præmiums and Draw-backs, be allowed after the 'Union for Encouragement of fuch as fhall export Fifhes from Scotland beyond Seas, as is now allowed by the Laws of England to fuch as export the like Fishes from England.

33d. Meet

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Three Days after the Earl of Mar acquainted the Board, That the Lords Commisfioners for ScotJune 25. land agreed to the laft Explanation contain'd in the Paper deliver'd by the Lords Commisfioners for England, in the last Meeting, concerning the Privileges of the Peers of Scotland. He alfo deliver'd the Two following Papers, viz.

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Ift.TheLords Commiflioners for Scotland do agree to the Propofal made by the Lords Commissioners for England on the 15th Inftant, concerning the "Duties on Salt, and do not infift on the Explanation propos'd by their Lordfhips the 21ft Inftant, in refpect of what is reprefented in the Paper deliver'd by the Lords Commisfioners for England on the 22d. Inftant.


2. The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland. do. a-' gree to the Alteration made by the Lords Com'miffioners for England, in the Propofal deliver'd by the Lords Commiflioners for Scotland, touching Ships belonging to Her Majefty's Subjects of Scot- land; with this further Explanation;

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"That all Ships belonging to Her Majefty's Subjects of Scotland, at the Time of Signing this Treaty of the Union of the Two Kingdoms, tho' Foreign built, fhall be deem'd and pafs as Ships of the Built of Great-Britain; the Owner, or where there are more Owners, One or more of themi within Twelve Months after the Union, making "Oath that the fame did belong to him or them, or to fome other Subject or Subjects of Scotland at the Time of Signing the faid Treaty, and doth then 'belong to him or them; and that no Foreigner directly nor indirectly hath any Share, or Part, or 'Intereft therein: Which Oath fhall be made before the Chief Officers of the Cuftoms, in the Port 'next the Abode of the faid Owner or Owners; and "the faid Officer or Officers fhall be Impowred to Adminifter the faid Oath; and the Oath being fo adminiftred, fhall be attefted by the Officer or


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Officers who adminiftred the fame; and being regifter'd by the faid Officer or Officers, fhall 'be deliver'd to the Mafter of the Ship for Security of her Navigation, and a Duplicat thereof fhall be tranfmitted by the faid Officer or Officers to the 'Chief Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms in the 'Port of Edinburgh; to be there enter'd in a Regifter, and from thence to be fent to the Port of London, to be there enter'd in the General Regi'fter of all Trading Ships belonging to Great-Bri'tain.

Then the Lord Treafurer, in the Name of the Lords Commiffioners for England, deliver'd the following Propofal.

"The Lords Commiflioners of the Two Kingdoms having appointed a Committee, confifting of 'a like Number of each Commiffion, for adjufting the Equivalent to be allowed to Scotland, for what 'that Kingdom fhould become liable to anfwer to'wards Payment of the Debts of England; by reafon of their having Agreed to bear the fame Duties of Cuftoms and Excifes upon all Excifable Liquors; 'and the faid Committee having frequently met, and after a full Enquiry having agreed amongst themfelves, and feverally reported to their refpective Commiflions, That the Sum of 398085 1. 10s. was the Equivalent to be antwer'd' to Scotland, according to the Proportion which the prefent Customs and Excifes in Scotland do bear 'to the Cuftoms and Excifes upon Excifable Li'quors in England: And the Lords Commiffioners for England having Confider'd and Examin'd the 'faid Report, do agree to the faid Sum.

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"The Lords Commiflioners for Scotland having alfo infifted, That after the Union, the Kingdom of Scotland becoming liable to the English Duties 'of Cuftoms and Excifes upon Excitable Liquors, as well upon that Account as upon the Account of 'the Increase of Trade and People, which will be 'the Happy Confequence of the faid Union; the faid Two Revenues will much Improve, of which no present Valuation can be made; Yet neverthe'lefs for the Reafons aforefaid, there ought to be a proportionable Equivalent allowed to Scotland; The Lords Commiflioners for England do agree,


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that after the Union there fhall be an Accompt 1706. kept of the faid Duties arifing in Scotland, to the ⚫ end it may appear what ought to be allow'd toScotland as a proportionable Equivalent for fuch Proportion of the faid Increase, according to the Calculation aforefaid, as fhall be applicable to the 'Payment of the Debts of England.

"The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland having alfo by their Paper deliver'd the 21ft Inftant, propos'd, That the Rights and Privileges of the Company in Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, do continue after the UNION; or if the Pri vileges of that Company be judg'd inconvenient for the Trade of the United Kingdom, That the private Rights of the faid Company in Scotland, be purchas'd from the faid Proprietors: The Lords Commiffioners for England, in Answer thereto, fay, They are of Opinion, that the Continuance of that Company is inconfiftent with the Good of Trade in the United Kingdom, and confequently against the Intereft of Great-Britain; and therefore, they infift that it ought to be determined: But the Lords Commiffioners for England being fenfible that the Misfortunes of that Company have been the Occafion of Misunderstandings and Unkindneffes between the Two Kingdoms; and thinking it to be above all things defirable, that upon the Union of the two Kingdoms, the Subjects of both may be entirely United in Affection; Do therefore wifh that Regard may be had to the Expences and 'Loffes of the particular Members of the faid Company, in the Manner hereafter-mentioned; and they hope, when the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland have confider'd how generally that Undertak'ing was enter'd upon in Scotland, and confequently how univerfal that Lofs was, they will readily agree to the Propofal.

The Lords Commiffioners for England do alfo think it of much Confequence to England, That it fhould be agreed in this Treaty, after what 'Manner the Equivalent (which will amount to a great Sum, payable upon and after the Union) is to be paid and applied; and being extreamly defirous to bring the Treaty to a fpeedy Conclufion, and in order to that, as foon as may be, to fettle


and fix the Matter of the Equivalent, and the Ap- A. C. plication thereof; Do agree as follows, and do al- 1706. To make the following Propofals to the Lords "Commiffioners for Scotland.

"The Lords Commiffioners for England do agree, That upon compleating the Union, the faid Sum of 398085 . 10 s. being agreed upon as the Equivalent for Scotland, fhall be granted to Her Majefty for that Ufe.

"The Lords Commiffioners for England do alfo agree, that upon the Account to be kept as aforefaid of the Improvement of the Revenue of Cu'ftoms and Excifes upon Excifable Liquors in Scotland after the Union, there fhall be answered to Scotland an Equivalent in Proportion to fuch part of the faid Increafe, as fhall be applicable to the Payment of the Debts of England.

"The Lords Commiffioners for England do alfo agree, That an Equivalent fhall be answered to Scotland for fuch other parts of the English Debts, as that Kingdom may hereafter become liable to pay by Reafon of the Union.

The Lords Commiffioners for England do propofe, for the further and more effectual Anfwering the feveral Ends hereafter mention'd and propos'd, That from and after the Union, the whole Increase of the Revenue of Cuftoms and Excifes upon Excifable Liquors in Scotland, over and above what the faid Revenues do now yield, fhall go and be applied for the Term of feven Years, to the ufes hereafter mentioned.

And upon the faid Agreements and Propofal, the Lords Commiffioners for England do further propofe, That Her Majefty be Impowred to appoint Commiflioners, (who fhall be accomptable to the Parliament of Great-Britain,) for difpofing the faid Sum of 3980851. 10s. to be granted as afore'faid, and alfo of all other Monies which fhall arife upon the Agreements and Propofal aforefaid to the Purposes following, 1. That out of the faid Sum of 3980851. 10s. all the publick Debts of the Kingdom of Scotland, and alfo the Capital Stock or Fund of the African and Indian Company of Scotland, together with the Intereft for the faid Capital Stock, after the rate of 51. per Cent. per An


A. C. 1706.

34th Meet

num, from the refpectives Times of the Payment thereof fhall be paid; and that immediately upon 'fuch Payment of the faid Capital Stock and Intereft,

the faid Company fhall be diffolved, and fhall 'ceafe; Provided nevertheless, that from the Time of paffing the Act for railing the said Sum of 3980851. 10. s. the faid Company shall neither trade, nor grant Licenfe to trade.


The Lords Commiflioners for England do further propofe, That after the Payment of the faid publick Debts, and Refunding the faid Capital Stock in Manner aforefaid, the overplus of the faid Sum of 398085 l. 10. s. And alfo the whole Improvement of the Revenue of Cuftoms and Excifes upon Excifable Liquors (above the prefent value) which fhall arife during the Term of feven Years, from the Commencement of the Union as aforefaid, together with the Equivalent which fhall become due upon Account of the Improvement of the Cuftoms and Excifes on Liquors in Scotland, after the faid feven Years, and alfo all other Sums, which according to the Agreement~ aforefaid may become payable to Scotland, by Way of Equivalent, for what that Kingdom fhall hereafter become liable to answer for the Debts of England, may be applied in the Manner following.

That out of the fame what confideration fhall be found neceffary to be had for any Loffes, which private Perfons may fuftain in reducing the Coin of Scotland, to the Standard of England (mention 'whereof is made in another Paper deliver'd by the 'Lords Commiflioners for Scotland the 21ft Inftant) may be made Good, and afterwards the fame fhall be wholly employed towards encouraging and promoting the Fifheries, and fuch other Manufactories and Improvements, in that part of Britain called Scotland, as may molt conduce to the general Good of the United Kingdom.

On the 26th of June, the Queen came to the Meeting, and being feated in her Chair, spoke to the ng, June Lords Commiflioners in thefe Words. 26.1.


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