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A. C. 1706


concerning Admiralty Jurifdiction, do agree to the first Propofal therein contain'd, with this addi


That the Admiralty Court propos'd to be continu'd in Scotland after the Union, fhall be fubject to fuch Regulations and Alterations, as fhall be thought proper to be made by the Parliament of

Great Britain.

"The Lords Commisfioners for England, do likewife agree to the fecond Propofal in the faid Paper contained, touching Heretable Rights of Admiralty, and Vice-Admiralties in Scotland, with this Provifion, viz.

"That thofe Heretable Rights, as to the manner of exercifing the fame, fhall be fubject to fuch Regulations and Alterations, as shall be thought proper to be made by the Parliament of Great Britain.

The next Day, the Earl of Mar acquainted the Board, that the Scotch Commisfioners having conMeeting, fider'd the Paper deliver'd by the English, the day be. June 15. fore, did agree to the fame.

Then the Lord Keeper, in the name of the English Commisfioners, deliver'd to the Board the following Paper, viz.

The Lords Commisfioners for England, having taken into confideration, the Reply deliver'd the 7th inftant, by the Lords Commissioners for Scot land, to the Anfwer of the Lords Commissioners for England, to the Propofals made by the Lords Commisfioners for Scotland the 21st of May laft, for the effectual preventing the Exportation of Scotch Salt to England, or the Plantations, without paying the fame Excifes with which English Salt is charg'd, during the Exemption allow'd to Scotland from the faid Duties, and as to Salted Provifions.

As to that part of the Reply, which relates to the fecond Article in the faid Anfwer, concerning Salt not made in Scotland, Imported from thence into England; The Lords Commisfioners for England did not intend, that a double Duty fhould be laid on Foreign Salt exported from Scotland to Eng land; and therefore the Lords Commisfioners for


Queen ANNE's Roign.


England do agree to the Propofal in the faid Reply, A. C. That all Foreign Salt, imported into Scotland, be 1706 charg'd at the Importation there with the fame Du-r ties after the Union, as the like Salt is charged with, being Imported into England, to be Levied and fe'cured in the fame manner, and to the further fecu rity, by Certificate therein propofed, to be fent 'with Foreign Salt Exported from Scotland into. 'England.

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And as to that part of the faid Reply, which re'lates to the 3d Article in the faid Anfwer, touching 'falted Fifh and Flefh exported from Scotland into England, and falted Flefh made ufe of for Victu alling of Ships in Scotland, or Exported from Scor land to Parts beyond the Seas; It appearing by the faid Propofals deliver'd by the Lords Commi fioners of Scotland the 21st. of May laft, That all Fish and Flesh barrelled in Scotland for Exportation, are, by the Law of Scotland, appointed to be Pack'd and Cured with Foreign Salt, without any mixture of Scotch Salt; The Lords Commiffioners for England, do not infift on the faid 3d Article in their faid Anfwer, provided it be agreed, that all falted Fifh or Flesh Exported from Scotland to England, and all falted Flefh made ufe of for Victualling of Ships in Scotland, or put on Board to be Exported from "Scotland to Parts beyond the Seas, that fhall appear to be falted with Scotch Salt, or a mixture of fuch Salt, fhall be Forfeited, and as fuch may be feiz'd in England or Scotland.

As to the laft part of the Propofal of the Lords Commiflioners for Scotland, That if the Duty on Salt take place in Scotland after the Expiration of of feven Years, that then the Kingdom of Scotland hall have an Equivalent; The Lords Commitlio ners for England do underftand, that the Equiva lent is only to be extended to fuch part of the faid Duties as fhall be applied to the payment of the "Debts of England.

The Lord Keeper did alfo deliver the following Propofal, viz

The Lords Commiffioners for England, being af fured by the Lords Committioners for Scotland, that there will be found infuperable Difficulties in reduCom⚫cing the Reprefentation of Scotland in the Houfe of

A. C. 1706.

Commons of the United Kingdom, to Thirty eight Members, the Number formerly propos'd by the "Lords Commiflioners for England; do (to fhew their. "Inclinations to remove every thing that would of neceffity be an obftruction to the perfecting the Union of the two Kingdoms) propofe to the Lords 'Commiffioners for Scotland, That Forty five Members, and no more, be the Number of the Reprefentatives for that Part of the United Kingdom,now called Scotland, in the Houfe of Commons of the United Kingdom, after the intended Union.

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And there being an abfolute Neceffity, that the 'Number of Peers to be admitted into the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, for that part of "the United Kingdom now called Scotland, be regu lated in proportion to the Number to be admitted into the Houfe of Commons; do propofe that fixteen Peers be the Quota of Scotland in the Houfe of Peers of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, after 'the intended Union.

Twenty Three days after, the Earl of Mar, in the Name Ninth of the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, deliver'd the Meeting, following Anfwer, to the foregoing Propofal made *June 18. by the Lords Commiflioners for England.

The Lords Commiflioners for Scotland having confidered the Paper delivered by the Lords Commiffioners for England the 15th. Inftant, containing a Propofal, that Forty five Members be the Num-. ber of the Reprefentatives of that part of the United Kingdom now called Scotland, in the Houfe of Commons of the United Kingdom after the intended Union: And, that Sixteen Peers be the Quota of Scotland in the Houfe of Peers, in the Parliament of the faid United Kingdom: And being moft defirous to concur in what is further Neceffary to finifh this Treaty, and at the fame time fenfible of the Difficulties on the part of the Lords Commiffioners for England in that Matter; Do not infift for greater Numbers (by virtue of this Treaty) of Reprefentatives in the Houfe of Peers, and the Houfe of Commons, in the Parliament of Great Britain,than thofe propos'd by the Lords Commiffioners for England; Providing that all the Peers of Scotland, and 'their Succeffors to their Honours and Dignites, be from, and after the Union Reckon'd and Declar'd

• Peers

Peers of Great-Britain, and that they Enjoy in their Refpective Degrees and Orders, all other Titles, Dignities. Proheminencies, Immunities and Priveleges whatfoever, as fully and freely as the 'Peers of England do at prefent, or the Peers of 'Britain may Enjoy hereafter.

And the Lords Commillioners for Scotland do 'further propose, That the Peers for Scotland for that time being, and their Succeffors, do at and after the Union, according to their different Degrees and Orders, enjoy the Rank and Precedency of all'Peers to be thereafter created of the like Orders and Degrees in the faid United Kingdom.

A C.


The next day, the Lord Treafurer in Name of 30th Meen the Lords Commiilioners for England, deliver'd the ting t following Paper. June 19.

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The Lords Commiffioners for England having confidered the Two Propofals made by the Lords "Commiffioners for Scotland, in their Paper delivered the 18th Inftant, do agree to the fame with the following Explanation, That all the Peers of Scotland, and their Succeffors to their Honours and Digni ties, be from and after the Union, Reckoned and De'clared Peers of Great Britain, and that they enjoy " in their refpective Degrees and Orders, all other Titles, Dignities, Preheminences, Immunities and 'Privileges whatfoever, as fully and freely, as the "Peers of England do at prefent, or the Peers of "Britain may enjoy hereafter; Provided, That no 'Peer who fhall not then have the Right to fit in Parliament, fhall be capable of fitting upon the Trial of any Peer; And alfo that no Peer, not having Right to fit in Parliament, fhall have Privilege of Parliament.

And alfo that Peers of Scotland for the time beIng, and their Succeffors, do at and after the Union, according to their different Degrees and Orders; enjoy the Rank and Precedency of all Peers to be 'thereafter created of the like Orders and Degrees in the United Kingdom; Provided always, That it be understood, That all Perfons who fhall be "Peers of England at the time of the Union, fhall for ever enjoy that Rank and Order of Precedence of their refpective Degrees, before the fame Degrces of the Peers of Scotland.



A. C. The Lord Treafurer did alfo deliver the two 1706. following Propofals, viz.

1. The Lords Commiffioners for England do propofe, That from, and after the Union, the Coin hall be of the fame Standard and Value throughout the United Kingdom, as now in England, and the fame Weights and Measures fhall be used throughout the United Kingdom, as now Establish'ed in England.

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2. The Lords Commiffioners for England do propofe, That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, which are contrary to, or inconfiftent with the Terms agreed on for Uniting the two King31ft. Meet-doms, fhall be Repeal'd and made Void.


On the 21ft. of the fame Month, the Earl of June 21ft. Mar, in the Name of the Scotch Commiffioners, deliver'd the Four following Papers, which were read, viz.

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1. The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, do agree to the Propofal contain'd in the Paper, delivered by the Lords Commiflioners for England the 15th Inftant, concerning the Duty on Salt, with this Explanation, as to the laft Paragraph thereof, about the Equivalent, That feeing the whole Duties on Salt are already appropriated for Payment of the Debts of England, the Lords Commisfioners for Scotland, do understand, that whenever the "Duties upon Salt fhall take place in Scotland, the Sums thence arifing will be applicable to the Payment of the Debts of England, and thereby there will be an Equivalent due to Scotland, for the whole Duties to be levied on Salt there.

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2.The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, do agree to the Proposal contain'd in the Anfwer deliver'd by the Lords Commiffioners for England, concerning the Peers of Scotland, with this further Explanation; The Lords Commiflioners for Scotland do understand, That by the Explanation contain'd in the faid Paper deliver'd by the Lords Commiflioners for England, All the Peers of Scotland are to be Try'd as Peers of Great-Britain, and enjoy all Privileges of Peerage, Excepting that of Sitting in the Houfe of Lords, and the Privileges depending thereon, to which Sixteen Peers to be fent


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