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Queen ANNE's Reign

"That '50000. be granted to her Majefty, to defray her Majefty's proportion of the Charge of 8000 Men fent to the Affiftance of the Duke of Safor the Service of the Year 1707.

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8. That 445350 1. 14s. 2 d. be granted to her Majefty, for defraying the Charge of maintaining 20562 Men, part of her Majefty's Forces, to be employ'd in Spain or Portugal, and for the General Officers, Contingences, Hofpitals, Forrage and 'Waggon-Money, and for the Garrison of Gibraltar, and for General Officers ferving the King of Por tugal, for the Year 1707.


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9.That 186296 . 4 s. 2 d. be granted to her Majefty, for defraying the Charge of maintaining 8833 Men (Additional Forces) to be imploy'd in Spain or Portugal, and for the General Officers and Contingences, for the Service of the Year 1707. And lastly,

10. That an humble Addrefs be prefented to Her Majefty, That the will be pleafed to give Order, that the Treaty with the King of Pruffia in the Year, 1706, and alfo the Treaty with the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, may be laid before this 'Houfe..


A. C.


The day before, being a Friday, the Earl of Jan. 10. Nm acquainted the Houfe of Peers, that he had fomething of great Confequence to lay before them, and therefore defired, that they would appoint a Day to receive it, in a full Houle, The Lords ha- Debates in ving named the Tuesday following, on which day the the House of Members in and about Town, were fummon'd to Lords about attend, the Earl of Nm, in a fet Speech, repre- taking the fented to them, That the Union of the Two Business of Kingdoms of England and Scotland, was a Matter the Union of the higheft Importance; and a Work of fo much into ConfiDifficulty, that all the Attempts that had been The Earl of made towards it, in the laft Century, had proved uneffectual; That the Parliament of Scotland, ha-N-m's ving thought fit to fecure the Presbyterian Church Government in that Kingdom, it became the Wif dom of the Parliament of England, to provide betimes against the Dangers, with which the Church by Law eftablifh'd was threatned, in cafe the Union was accomplish'd: And therefore he moved, "That an Addrefs be prefented to the Queen, hum

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Jan. 14.

• bly



A. C. bly to defire Her Majefty, that the Proceedings 1706. both of the Commiflioners for the Treaty of union, and of the Parliament of Scotland, relating to that Matter, be laid before them. He was feconded by the Earl of R--r, who declared. 'He was for an Union, and had been fo for Twenty "Years paft; but that he had a few Doubts in the 'Matter, and therefore was for entering upon

the Debate of that important Affair as foon as pof'fible. The Duke of B-m fpoke to the fame purpose: Adding, That the Union of Both Kingdoms had been upon the Anvil fince the Acceffion of King James I. to the English Throne; and, as it could not be expected that fo weighty a Matter, 'which took up fo much Time and Labour before, 'fhould now be compleated in a few Days, there"fore he was for taking it forthwith intoConfideration. The Lord High Treasurer anfwer'd, That this Affair was not yet ripe for them to debate, and that they need not doubt, but that Her Majefty 'would communicate to the Parliament of England, all the Proceedings about the Union, as foon as "that of Scotland fhould have gone through with it, The Lords Wharton, Somers and Hallifax, fpoke on the fame fide, and urg'd, That it was an Honour to this Nation, That the Treaty of Union fhould firft come ratify'd from the Parliament of Scotland; The Earl of and that then, and not before, was the proper time to take the fame into Confideration. The other Party finding they were too weak to carry a Queftion, the Earl of N-m's Motion was drop'd.




* Jan. 13.


The next day, fome of the Commiffioners of the Customs prefented (at the Bar,) to the House of Commons, feveral Accounts of prohibited Eaft-India Goods, by the Old, New, and United Eaft-India Company; after which Mr. Secretary Harley, laid before the Houfe, by Her Majefty's Order, the Treaty for Repartition of the Pruffian Troops, Hague, Novemb. 24. 1706. And alfo, the Ratification of the Treaty, for the march of the Heffian Troops to Italy, concluded, May 20. 1706. The confideration whereof was referr❜d to the Grand Committee for the Supply.

On the 16th of January, the Commons order'd the A. C. Commiffioners of Trade to lay before their House 1706. a State of the Newfound-Land Trade, in Relation to the Fishery. And Mr. Secretary Harley prefented to the House a Reprefentation from the Lords Commiflioners of Trade and Plantations, relating to the Trade with Flanders: And Extracts of Letters from Mr. Stepney, Her Majefty's Envoy extraordinary at Bruffels, relating to Trade: The Confideration whereof was referred to the Committee of the whole Houfe, who were to Confider of the Trade of this Kingdom. Then a Bill for Suppreffing of all New Glafs-Houfes, Brew-Houfes, Dying-Houfes, Melt ing-Houfes for Tallow, and Pot-Houfes, erected fince the beginning of this Parliament, within a Mile of any Part of the Palaces of Whitehall and St. James's, and for preventing the Setting up fuch Houfes within the like Distance for the time to come, was read a Second time: And a Motion being made, and the Question put, that the Bill be committed, It paffed in the Negative.


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The next day the Commons Refolv'd. That* Jan 17th an humble Addrefs be prefented to Her Majefty, "That She would be pleased to give Order that the 'Papers relating to the Fifty Thousand Pound for 'the Duke of Savoy and to the Forty Seven Thoufand Five Hundred Pound, a Loan to the Emperor: as alfo the Particulars of the Sixty Three "Thoufand Six Hundred and Sixty One Pound Thirteen Shillings and Six Pence for the Pay, Levy-Mony and Contingences for the Expedition, under the Command of the Earl of Rivers, might 'be laid before this House.


Three days after Mr. St. John, by the Queen's Jan. 2th Command prefented † to the House, An Account of the Charge of Maintaining 6360 Men of the King of Spain's Troops, for Six Months, and other Neceffary Expences attending the faid Troops; as alfo for the Support of the faid King, and his Retinue: Which was referr'd to the Grand Committee for the Supply,

On the 21st of January the Commons, in a Committee of the whole Houfe, took the Trade of this Kingdom into confideration, and came to this Refo lution: That the Act of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of King Charles the Second, and all o


A. C.

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ther Acts prohibiting the Importation of Foreigni 1706. Laces made of Thread, (except fuch as are made in the Dominions of the French King) be repealed,

fo far as they relate to fuch Laces.

tJan. 22d. The next day the Houfe agreed to that Refolve; and in the fame Sitting, Mr. Secretary Harley prefented to the Houfe a Copy of Count Briançon's Papers laid Memorial, March 31, 1706. And


before the A Tranflation of the fame.

Houfe of

An Anfwer to Count Briançon's Memorial April Commons. 2, 1706.

A Tranflation of a Letter from Mr. Secretary Harley to Count Briançon, Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Savoy, dated April 2, 1706,

A Copy of a Letter from Mr. Secretary Harley to the Lord-Treafurer, April 13, 1706.

A Copy of Count Gallas'sMemorialof Aug.24.


Sept. 4. A Tranflation of a Memorial to her Majefty from the Imperial Envoy, August, 24, 1705.

An Answer to Count Gallas's Memorial, August 29. 1705.

ATranflation of the Anfwer of Count Gallas's Me morial of August 29, 1705.

The Titles thereof being read, Mr. Bridges prefented to the Houfe, a Copy of a Warrant for Twenty Five Thousand Pound to Sir Theodore Fanfen, remitted by him to the Duke of Savoy, for extraordinary Charges of the War in Italy.

A Copy of a Warrant for Twenty Five Thoufand Pound to Sir Theodore Janfen, remitted by him to the Duke of Savoy, for the extraordinary Charge of the War in Italy.

A Copy of a Warrant for Forty feven Thousand Five Hundred Pound to Sir Theodore Fanfen, to be remitted to Italy for the Service of the War there, and by way of Loan to the Emperor. And a Cos py of an Acquittance from the Emperor's Paymafter General for Two Hundred Thoufand Venetian Bank Ducats.

Mr. St.John prefented alfo to the Houfe, Extraordinary Charges on account of the Expedition under the Earl Rivers.


And the Title thereof being read, the faid Papers A. C. were order'd to lie up on the Table to be perufed 1706. by the Members of the Houfe.

On the 23d of the fame Month, Sir William Ah- Refolutions urft reported from the Committee to whom the Pe- in favour tition of the Royal Luftring Company was referred, of the LuThat the Committee having heard the Petitioners, firing Comthe Committee had come to feveral, Refolutions, pany. which they had directed him to report to the Houfe, which he read in his Place, and afterwards deliver'd in at the Table, where the fame were read, and agreed unto by the Houfe, and are as follows,

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1. That by the Encouragement of the feveral 'Acts of Parliament made for the Benefit of the faid Luftring Company, the faid Manufacture doth equal, if not exceed that of France.

2. "That fince the making of the late Act in the Third and Fourth Years of Her prefent Majefty's Reign, for Prohibiting all Trade and Commerce with France, the faid Manufacture hath been under great Difcouragements by Doubts which have rifen, whether the Act of Prohibition has not repealed or made ineffectual the faid feveral Acts of Parliament, relating to the Luftring Manufacture in this Kingdom.

3. That fome Provifion be made to put the Royal Luttring Company in as good a condition as they were, before the making of the faid late Act of Prohibition.


Whereupon it was order'd, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the better Encouragement of the Luftring Company, and that Sir William Afburst and Mr. Peyton do prepare and bring in the Bill.

On the 27th of January, Mr. Coniers reported from Refolutions the Committee of the whole Houfe, the following about the Refolutions about the Supply:

Supply. 1. That 5coco 1: be granted to defray the like Sum advanc'd by Her Majefty to the Duke of Sevoy, for the Petter defence of Turin, and for the Service of the War in Italy, in the Year 1706. 2. That 475col. be granted to defray Her Ma jefty's fhare of a Loan to the Emperor for the Service of the War in Italy in the Year 1706. Ff

3. That

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