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thereof payable in England amounts to two fhillings: A. C. The Lords Commisfioners for England do propofe, 1706. that there be paid in England, upon the Importa tion of every fuch Hundred Weight of Flesh from Scotland, two Shillings; and that before fuch Flefh is fo exported from Scotland, an Entry be made at 'the Cuftom-Houfe of the Port, of Exportation in Scotland, of the Quantity of Flefh fo to be expor'ted, and the Port in England for which the fame is bound, and Security given by Bond to her Majefty, at the faid Port of Exportation in Scotland, that the faid Flefh fhall be landed at the Port in England, 'for which the fame fhall be fo enter'd, or at fome o*ther Port in England, the Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted. Which Bond fhall be deliver'd up, upon producing a Certificate from the Collector, or Officers of the Cuftoms of the Port of Importation in England that fuch Flesh was landed, and left at the faid Port; and that the Duty of two Shillings be paid in Scotland, for all falted Flesh made ufe of for Victualling of Ships there, or exported from thence to any other parts befides England, and that no falted Flesh be brought intoEngland from Scotland by Land, under the penalty of forfeiting the fame, or the Value thereof, and the Cattle and Carriages imploy'd in carrying thereof, and of the like Imprisonment as they have before propos'd, in cafe of Salt brought from Scotland to England by 'Land.

And if any Frauds fhall heareafter appear, which are not fufficiently provided against by the foregoing Propofals; the Lords Commiffioners for England do propofe, the fame fhall be fubject to 'fuch further Provifion, as fhall be thought fit by the Parliament of Great-Britain.

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And whereas the Lords Commiffioners for England did in their Paper deliver'd the 15th of May laft paft, confent, that the Kingdom of Scotland fhould, for a competent time, remain exempted from the Payment of the Duty on Salt, for all the Salt fpent in Kind, or us'd in Provision spent within that Kingdom: The Lords Commiffioners for England do now propofe, that the Kingdom of Scotland fhall remain exempt from the Payment of that Duty for all Salt fpent in Kind, or us'd in Provifions within


A. C. 1706.


the faid Kingdom, for the Term of 7 feven Years after the Union, upon the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland's agreeing to the Propofals above-mention'd.

The Lord Treafurer, in the Name of the Lords Commiffioners for England, alfo deliver'd to the Board the following Propofal, viz.

"That all Admiralty Jurifdiction be under the Ld High Admiral of Great Britain, or Commiffioners for the Admiralty of Great Britain, for the time being: And that Appeals from the High Court of Admiralty of Great Britain be to the Queen, in the fame manner as is now fettled in England.

In the next Meeting, which was on the 7th of June, the Lord Chancellor, in the Name of the Meeting, Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, deliver'd to the June 7. Board the following Paper, viz.

"The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland do agree to the Propofal contain'd in the Anfwer deliver'd "by the Lords Commiffioners for England the 5th Inftant, concerning the effectual preventing the Exportation of Scotch Salt from Scotland to England, without paying the fame Excifes with which the English Salt is charg'd, during the Exemption al'low'd to Scotland from the faid Duty, with the fol⚫lowing Alterations.

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1. As to that part of the fecond Article, viz. "That if any Salt which is not made in Scotland fhall be imported to England from thence, the fame to be charg'd with the Duties of Foreign Salt imported into England, to be levied and fecur'd in the fame manner: The Lds Commiflioners for Scotland do understand, That it is not the Meaning of the "Lords Commiflioners for England, by the faid Propofal, to lay a double Duty on Foreign Salt, exported from Scotland to England, one to be exacted at Importaion of the faid Salt into Scotland, and the like Duty at the Importation into England from Scotland, but that the Foreign Salt imported into Scotland be charg'd at the Importation there, with "the fame Duties after the Union, as the like Salt is charg'd with being imported into England, to be levied and fecur'd in the fame raanner. And for further Security in that cafe, The Lords Commillioners for Scotland do propofe, that Certificates "be fent with Foreign Salt exported from Scotland

into England from the Custom Office in Scotland, A. C. where the faid foreign Salt was firft imported, to 1706. the Cuftom-Office in England where the faid Salt 'fhall happen to be tranfported, bearing the Payment of, or Security given for the Duties at the faid Port, under this Penalty, that Foreign Salt,exported from "Scotland into England without fuch Certificates, fhall 'be confifcated.

2 As to the third Article relating to falted Fish 'or Flefh exported from Scotland into England, and 'falted Flesh made ufe of for Victualling of Ships in Scotland, or exported from Scotland to parts beyond the Seas; The Lords Commiffioners for Scot"land do apprehend, that the faid Article does only concern fuch Fifh and Flefh as is cur'd in whole or in part with Scotch Salt; there being an obvious difference betwixt the cafe of thefe, and of fuch Fish and Flefh exported from Scotland to England, as is wholly cur'd with Foreign Salt, in regard that "Foreign Salt is to pay the like Duty as in England at Importation into Scotland, and therefore ought not to pay a fecond Duty.

And the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland do propofe, That if the Duty on Salt take place in Scotland after the Expiration of feven years, during I which time the Exemption is agreed to, that then the Kingdom of Scotland fhall have an Equi'valent.

The fame Day the Lord Keeper, in the Name of the Lords Commiffioners for England, deliver'd the following Propofal, which was read:

"The Lords Commillioners for England being extremely defirous to come to a fpeedy Conclufion of the prefent Treaty for an Union of the two 'Kingdoms, and it having been already agreed, that the United Kingdom be reprefented by one and the fame Parliament, their Lordships have turn'd their Thoughts to confider what may be a proper and reasonable Number for the Reprefentative of "Scotland in the Houfe of Commons of the United 'Parliament, do propofe to the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, that thirty eight Perfons be the Number by which that Part of the United Kingdom now call'd Scotland, fhall be reprefented in 'the Houfe of Commons, whenever a Parliament fhall be call'd in Great-Britain.


A. C.



Four Days* after,the ScotchLd.Chancellor deliver'd the following Answer to the Proposals made by the English Commiffioners on the 5th. of that Month,viz. 25thMeetThe Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, in Anfwer ing June to the Propofal deliver'd by the ords Commiffioners for England on the 5th Inftant concerning the 'Admiralty, do agree, that all Admiralty Jurifdiction be under the Lord High Admiral of GreatBritain, or Commiffioners of Admiralty of Great"Britain for the time being; and as to that part of the faid Propofal which concerns Appeals from the High Court of Admiralty, the Lords Commiflioners for Scotland do propofe,that the Court of Admiralty now establish'd in Scotland be continu'd, and 'that all Reviews, Reductions or Sufpenfions of the 'Sentences in Maritime Cafes, competent to their 'Jurifdictions, remain in the fame manner after the "Union as now in Scotland, until the Parliament of "Great Britain fhall make fuch Regulations and Alterations as fhall be judg'd expedient for the whole 'United Kingdom; providing there be always continu'd in Scotland a Court of Admiralty,fuch as is in England, for Determination of all Maritime Cafes relating to private Right in Scotland, competent to the Jurifdiction of the Admiralty Court.

And the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland do further propofe, that the Heretable Rights of Admiralty, and Vice-Admiralties, be referv'd to the refpective Proprietors, as Rights of Property.

The Lord Chancellor did alfo in Name of the Lords Commisioners for Scotland, deliver the fol lowing Paper,

The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland having confider'd the Propofal made by the Lords Com"miflioners for England the 7th Inftant, viz. That thirty eight Perfons be the number by which that Part of the United Kingdom now call'd Scotland 'fhall be reprefented in the Houfe of Commons, whenever a Parliament fhall be call'd in Great-Britain; do find fuch Difficulties in that matter, that they are under a neceffity to propofe a Conference betwixt the Lords Commiffioners for both Kingdoms on that Subject, in which their Lordships doubt not but to fatisfy the Lords Commiffioners *for England, that a greater Number than is men

tion'd in the faid Propofal will be neceffary for A. C. attaining the happy Union of the two Kingdoms, 1706. fo much defir'd on both fides: And the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland are willing now to enter on the faid Conference, or when the Lords Commiffioners for England will pleafe to appoint.

Hereupon the Lords Commisfioners for England withdrew, and being return'd, the Lord Keeper acquainted the Board, That the Lords Commissioners for England did agree to a Conference with the Lords Commistioners for Scotland, upon the fubject contained in the Paper deliver'd by the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland at this Meeting, and that the faid Conference be the next day, at Six-a-Clock in the Evening.

Accordingly the Lords Commisfioners of both Twenty fides enter'd upon theConference,defir'd by the Scotch Sixth Commisfioners, which being over, they adjourn'd Meeting, to the 14th of that Month. Upon that Day, the June +2. Earl of Marr, in the name of the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, deliver'd to the Board the following Anfwer to the Propofal made by the Lords Commisfioners for England the 7th, viz.

The Lords Commisfioniers for Scotland having Twenty confider'd the Propofal deliver'd by the Lords Com-Seventh misfioners for England on the 7th inftant, with the Meeting, "Conference that follow'd on the Subject of that June 14 Propofal; Their Lordships are hopeful, that the Lords Commisfioners for England, are convinc'd of the real Difficulties occurring in that matter on, the part of Scotland; and, the Lords Commif'fioners for Scotland do find themfelves ftill under an, abfolute neceffity, (for bringing to a happy Conclufion the Union of the two Kingdoms) to infift, that a greater number than that of thirty eight be, agreed to, as the Reprefentative for Scotland, in the 'Houfe of Commons in the Parliament of Great "Britain.

Then the Lord Keeper, in the name of the English Commisfioners, deliver'd the following Anfwer to the Propofal made by the Lords Commisfioners for Scotland the 11th, viz.

"The Lords Commisfioners for England, having confider'd the Paper deliver'd in by the Lords Commisfioners for Scotland on the 11th inftant,

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