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A. C. 25. Ch. 2d. Appointing a Sacramental Teft fhall ftand, 1706. and continue in force in England, all Perfons in Publick Truft, Civil or Military, within the Limits of Scotland, fhall Swear and Sign the Formula under-written, within fix Months after the Commencement of the Union : And all who fhall be admitted to any Publick Truft thereafter, fhall, before the Exercising their faid Office of Trust, Swear and Subfcribe the fame, to be Adminiftred by the Lords of Privy Council, or any one of them, under the like Penalties and Disabilities, as are provided by the forefaid At made in the Parliament of England. Here follows the Formula. I A. B. Do fincerely and folemnly Declare, in the prefence of GOD, That I own the Presbyterian Government of the Church, as by Law Established, in Scotland, to be a lawful Government of the Church; And that I fhall never, directly nor indirectly, endeavour the Subverfion thereof, nor any Alteration in the Worship, Difcipline or Government of the faid Church, as by Law Established: So help me GOD. After Reasoning thereon, the Vote was put, Add the Claufe, or Not, and it was carried Not, by a majority of 35 Voices. Then the 23d Article of Union was read; and after Reafoning thereon, the further Debate was adjourn'd till next Sitting, when † an Overture was given in Jan. 13. for adding a Claufe thereto in thefe Terms, With

this expreß Provifion, That none of the Peers of Scotland Shall have perfonal Protection within Scotland for any Debt owing before the Commencement of the Union. As alfo another Overture for adding a Claufe in these Terms, That all the Peers of that part of Great Britain now call'd Scotland, qualified according to Law, fhall after the Union, have Right to fit Covered in the Houfe of Peers of Great Britain, notwithstanding that the Right to give Vote therein belongs only to the faid Sixteen Peers, who are to be fummoned in the manner appointed by the preceding Article. After Reafoning upon the faid two Overtures, and upon two feparate Motions, the firft in relation to allowing all the Peers of Scotland to fit upon the Tryal of the Peers of Britain; and the other in relation to their Precedency according to their Patents: The Vote was flated in thefe Terms, Approve the 23d The 23d Article of Union, or alter, referving intire the confideraArticle of tion of the above two Overtures, and whether the fame approved. all be added to the Article, and it was carried Approve. Then the firft Overture for the Claufe, in relation



to Perfonal Protection, was again read; and after Debate, it was put to the Vote, Add the Claufe, or Not; and it was carried Not. Afterwards the fecond Overture, or a Claufe, in relation to all the Peers of Scotland, their fitting covered in the Houfe of Peers "of Great Britain, was again read; and after reafoning, the Vote was put, Add the Claufe, or Not, and it was carried Not.

A. C.


The next day the 24th Article was read, where-* Jan. 14. upon a Memorial was given for the Lyon King of Arms, in relation to his Precedency, which being read, after Reafoning it was mov'd, That the Rank and Precedency of the Lyon King of Arms, be left to her Majefty, and next to thefe Words in the faid Article, viz. (And that the quartering the Arms) these other Words, viz. And the Rank and Precedency of Lyon, King of Arms of the Kingdom of Scotland; be added. And it being alfo mov'd, That his Rank fhould be likewife inferted in the faid Article, to be immediately next after, Garter Principal King of Arms in England: After Debate, it was put to the Vote, add the above Words, That the Rank and Precedency be left to her Majefty, or infert the Rank and Precedency, and it was carried, the Words; which being accordingly added, there was another Claufe offered to be added to the 24th Article, viz. And that the Crown, Scepter and Sword of State, Records of Parliament, and all other Records, Rolls and Regifters whatsoever, both Publick and Private, General and Particular, and Warrants thereof, continue to be kept, as they are, in that part of the United Kingdom, now call'd Scotland, and that they fhall fo remain in all Times coming, notwithstanding the Union. Which being read, the fame was agreed to be added, and was accordingly fubjoin'd, and the Article as amended, read over. Then the The 24th Vote was put, Approve of the faid 24th Article, as and 25thamended, or not, and it was carried Approve. The Articles of 25th Article of Union being read; after Reafoning Union thereon, the Vote was put, Approve of the 25th approved. Article, or not, and it was carried Approve.

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On the 15th of the fame Month, the Draught of an Act, Ratifying and Approving the Treaty of Union of the two Kingdoms of Scotland and Engiand, was given in, and offer'd to be read; whereupon it


A. G. was mov'd, that the Parliament fhould firft proceed 1706. to the Conftitution of the manner of Electing the Reprefentatives for Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain, and either now to determine that matter, or to appoint a Diet for that end. After Debate the Vote was ftated, Proceed to the Ratifica'tion of the Treaty of Union, and Act for Security ' of the Proteftant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government, or to the Conftitution of the manner of Electing the Reprefentatives for Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain; but before Voting, it was agreed, that in cafe it fhould be carried to proceed to the Ratification, the Parliament would immediately after pafling the Act of Ratification, proceed to the Conftitution of the manner of Electing the Representatives for Scotland. Then the Vote was put, proceed to the Ratification or Conftitution, and it was carried Ratification: After which the Draught of the Act, Ratifying, Approving, and, at length, Narrating the Articles of Union, as enlarg'd, explained and amended, and the Act for Security of the Proteftant Religion, and Presbyterian Church Government, was read; and after fome Difcourse, a firft Reading mark'd thereon. The next † day, Jan. 16. the faid Act was read a fecond time; and then the At for Se-Act for Security of the Proteftant Religion and Presbycurity of terian Church Government, inferted in, and ratify'd the Presby-by that Act, was touch'd with the Royal Scepter Church Go-by the Lord High Commiflioner. Immediately after this, the following Reprefentation and Petition, was prefented to the Houfe:



paffed. Reprefen

tation and To his Grace Her Majesty's High Commiffioner, and the Petition of moft Honourable the Estates of Parliament.

the Church

of Scot- The REPRESENTATION and PETI land. TION of the Commillion of the General Affembly of the National Church of Scotland.

Humbly Sheweth,


HAT We confidering the Traft repofed in us by the late General Affembly; find it our Duty to lay before your Grace and Lordships, when as we arè informed, You are about the paffing of an Act of Ratification of the Articles of the Treaty of Union betwixt the

two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, which con- A. C.
tains thefe following Words; Declaring nevertheless, 1706.
that the Parliament of England, may provide for
the Security of the Church of England, as they fhall
think expedient, to take place within the Bounds of
the faid Kingdom of England, and not derogating
from the Security above provided, or establishing
the Ghurch of Scotland within the Bounds of this
Kingdom, which fhall not fufpend or derogate from
the force and effect of this prefent Ratification, but
fhall be understood as here included, without any
neceffity of any new Ratification in the Parliament
of Scotland: Which Claufe feems to us, not only to be
like a Blank, put, with your Grace and Lordships Cen-
fent, in the hands of the Parliament of England, to
Enact what they fhall think fit, for fecuring the Hier-
archy and Ceremonies of their Church: But also a Con-
fent that it be an Article and Fundamental of the Union;
and as is contained in Your Ratification, cannot but im-
ply a manifeft Homologation.

We do therefore humbly befeech your Grace and
Lordships, That there be no fuch Stipulation,
or Confent for the Establishment of that Hier-
archy and Ceremonics, as you would not in-
volve your felves and this Nation in Guilt, and
as you confult the Peace and Quiet of this Na-
tion, both in Church and State. We Pray that
GOD may Blefs and Preferve our Gracious.
Queen, and direct your Grace and Lordships in
this, and all the great and momentuous Affairs,
which are or may be before You.

Signed in the Name, in the Prefence, and at the Appointment of the Commiffion of the late General AfSembly, by

fic fubfcribitur

Will. Wifhart Moderater

After Reafoning upon the Act and Representation, the Vote was flated, Approve the Act; or not: But before Voting it was agreed, that the Votes be mark'd, and the Chancellor allow'd to be mark de as an Approver. At the fame time, the Duke of Douglas gave in a Proteftation for his Privilege of the firft Vote in Parliament,and took Inltruments thereon, and the Duke of Hamilton gave in alío a Proteftation

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A. C. to the contrary. Then the Vote was put, Approve 1706. the A, Ratifying and Approving the Treaty of Union in of the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, Yea, The Act of or Not, and it was carried Approve, by a Majority Ratifica of 110 Voices, against 69, and then the Act was tion paft, touch'd with the Royal Scepter, by her Majesty's Jan. 16. High Commiffioner in the ufual manner.

The man



The next Bufinefs the Scotch Parliament went upon, was the prepairing An At for the Settling the manner of Electing the Sixteen Peers and Forty five Commoners, to reprefent Scotland in the Parliament of Great Britain, which was debated in the Sittings of the 20th, 21ft, 22d, 24th, 27th, 28th, 29th, and 31ft of January.

The 22d, an Overture relating to the Ways of ner of E- Electing the Reprefentatives for Scotland to the Parlecting the liament of Great Britain, was read. And after reaReprefen- foning thereon, the Vote was put, whether the 16 tatives of Peers, who were to be Reprefentatives for Scotland in the Parliament of Great Britain, fhould be fent by Rotation or Election; and it was carried by Election. Then it was moved, that it be confidered, what way the Election should be, whether by balloting, or by an open Election: And after Debate thereon, the Vote was put, whether it fhall be by open Election, or balloting; and it was carried by open Election. The 24th it was debated what Proportions the Shires and Burroughs fhould have of the 45 Members that are to fit in the Houfe of Commons of Great Britain. And it being propofed, that 30 fhould be the Number for the Shires, and 15 the Number for the Boroughs, it was put to the Vote, and carried approve.

The 29th a Vote was put, if the Burgh of Edinburgh, by it felf, fhould have one Reprefentative or not, and it was carried One. Then a Scheme dividing the Burghs into 15 Districts, each of which Districts is to have one Reprefentative, was given in and read, and is as follows: The Burghs of Kirkwal, Weck, Dornock, Lingwal and Tain, one; Fortrefs, Inverness, Nairn and Forres, one; Elgin, Cullen, Pamf, Inverury and Kintore, one; Aberdeen, Bervie, Montrofs, Aberbrothock and Breichin, one; Forfar, Perth, Dundee, Cowper and St. Andrews, one; Cryll, Kilreany, Arftruthers Eafler and Wefter, and Pitenween, one; Dyfart, Kirkaldy, Kinghorne and BruntInland,

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