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To his Grace, Her Majefty's High Commiffioner, and the
Right Honourable, the Eftates of Parliament.

The Addrefs of the Commiffioners to the General Convention of the Royal Burrows of this Ancient Kingdom, Convened at Edinburgh the 29th of October last, upon the Great Concern of the Union, propofed betwixt Scotland and England, for Concerting fuch Mcafures as fhould be efteemed Proper for Them, to take, with Relation to their Trade, and other Con


Humbly Sheweth,


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A. C. 1706


Address of HAT as by the Claim of Right, it is the the Royal Privilege of all Subjects to Petition: So at Burrows athis Time,being moftly Impowered by our Confti-gainst the tuents; and knowing the Sentiments of the Peaple we reprefent: It is our indifpenfible Duty, to Signifie to your Grace, and the Honourable Eftates of Parliament, That as we are not against an Ho nourable and Safe Union with England, Confifting with the Being of this Kingdom, and Parliaments thereof: Without which, We conceive neither Our Religion, nor our Civil Interefts and Trade, as We now, by Law, enjoy them, can be Secured to us, and our Pofterity, far lefs can we expect to have the Condition of the People of Scotland, with Relation to thefe great Concerns, made bet ter and Improven, without a Scots Parliament.

And, Seeing by the Articles of Union, now un'der the Confideration of the Honourable Eftates of Parliament, It is agreed, That Scotland and England fhall be United into one Kingdom; and that the United Kingdoms be govern'd by one and the 'fame Parliament: By which, our Monarchy is Suppreft, our Parliaments Extinguifhed, and in Confequence, our Religion, Church-Government, Claim of Right, Laws, Liberties, Trade, and all that is dear to us, daily in Danger of being encroached upon, Altered, or wholly fubverted by the Englife, in a British-Parliament: Wherein the mean Reprefentation allow'd for Scotland, can never fig'nifie in Securing to us the Intereft referv'd by us, or granted to us by the English.

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A. C. And by thefe Articles, our Poor People are 1706. made liable to the English Taxes, which is a certain unfupportable Burden; Confidering, That the Trade propofed is uncertain, Involved and 'wholly Precarious: Efpecially when regulate as to Export and Import by the Laws of England, and 'under the fame Prohibitions, and Reftrictions, 'Cuftoms and Duties. And confidering, that the 'most confiderable Branches of our Trade, are differing from thofe of England, and are, and may be yet more difcouraged by their Laws: And that all "the Concerns of Trade, and our Intereft, are, after "the Union, Subject to fuch Alterations, as the Parliament of Great Britain fhall think fit:

other Ad

dreffes a

We therefore Supplicate your Grace, and the Honourable Eftates of Parliament: And do affuredly expect that ye will not Conclude fuch anIncorporating Union as is contained in the Articles Propofed: But that ye will fupport and maintain the True Reform'd Proteftant Religion and Church Government, as by Law Establish'd, the Soveraingty and Independency of this Crown and Kingdom, and the Rights and Privileges of Parliament, which hath been generously. Afferted by you, in the Seffion of this prefent Parliament: And do further pray, that effectual Means may be used for defeating the Defigns and Attempts of all Popih Pretenders what fomever, to the Succeffion of this Crown and Kingdom: And for fecuring this Nation against all the Attempts and Incroachments that may be made by any Perfins what fomever, upon the Sovereigntie, Religion, Laws, Liberties, Trade and Quiet of the fame. And we promise to Maintain with our Lives and Fortunes, all these valuable Things, in oppofition to all Popish and other Enemies whatfomever, according to our Laws and Claim of Right.

Signed by Order, and in Prefence of the Convention, by

Sam. Macklellan Prafes.

Then the Addreffes of the Shires of Renfrew and

paint the Fife, Burgh of Falkland, and Parish of Hamilton,



Praying, that no Union be haftily entred into with England, were given in, read, and debated. The fame day, the Act for Security of the True Proteftant Reli. gion and Government of the Church as by Law Eftablish'd within Scotland, was again read, and a first Reading ordered to be mark'd thereon. Then the Accompt, Charge and Discharge of the Funds for the Troops, Garrifons and Frigots, was given in, and ordered to lye upon the Table. An Act for a Supply to be granted to her Majefty, for Maintainance of the tanding Forces, Forts, Garrifons and Frigots was prefented read, and a firft Reading ordered to be mark'd thereon.

A. C.


It is to be obferv'd, That fome Objections being made against the Receiving Addreffes against the Union, a Member took the Liberty to fay, That if they would not receive them, the Subfcribers would come in and hear them read. On the other hand, the Infolence of the Mob grew to that Height, that a Letter Mob Infowas put into the Lord Prefident's Coach, charging lent. him, at his Peril, to proceed no further in the Union; and abufive Reflections were caft upon the Ministers of State, and Commiffioners of the Treaty, as they paffed the Streets.

On the 8th of the fampe Month, the Parliament read the following Reprefentation and Petition of Reprefen the Clergy:

tation and

Petition of

Unto His Grace, Her Majesty's High Commiffiner, and the Clergy. the Right Honourable the Eftates of Parliament,

The Humble Reprefentation of the Commiffion of the General Affembly of this National Church. Sheweth,

HAT befide the general Addrefs already 'made by us, for Securing the Doctrine, Worfhip, Difcipline and Government of this 'Church, and now under your Confideration, which, with all Gratitude, we acknowledge: There are fome Particulars, which in pursuance of the Defign of our faid Addrefs, we do with all Humility lay before your Grace and Lordships.

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"Ift. That the Sacramental Teft, being the Condition of Accefs to Places of Truft, and to Benefits from the Crown; all of our Communion must


Nov. 8.

A. C. be debarred from the fame, if not in Scotland, yet 1706. through the reft of the Dominion of Britain, which may prove of most dangerous Confequence to this C Church.

2d. That this Church and Nation may be expofed to the farther Danger of new Oaths from the Parliament of Britain, unless it be provided, That "no Oath, Bond, or Teft of any kind, fhall be required of any Minifter, or Member of the Church of Scotland, which are Inconfiftent with the known Principles of this Church.

3d. There being no Provifion in the Treaty of Union, for Security of this Church, by a Coronation Oath, That therefore in the Coronation Oath, to be taken by the Sovereigns of Great-Britain, they be engaged to maintain the Doctrine, Worship, Difcipline and Government of this Church, and the "Rights and Privileges thereof, as now by Law eftablished.



4th. That in cafe the Propofed Union be concluded, the Church will fuffer Prejudice, unless there be a Commiffion for Plantation of Kirks, and 'valuation of Tiends, and making up the Registers of that Court which were burnt; and a Judicatory in Scotland, for Redrefling Grievances, and Judging Caufes, which formerly were Judged by the Privy Council, fuch as the Growth of Popery, 'and other Irregularities, and with which Judicatory the Church may correfpond, anent Fafts and "Thanksgivings.

5th. Likewife we humbly reprefent, That in the fecond part of the Oath of Abjuration, in favour of the Succeffion in the Proteftant Line, there is "reference made to fome Acts of the English Parlia 'ment, which, every one in this Nation, who may "be obliged to take the faid Oath, may not fo well know, and therefore cannot fwear with Judgment: As alfo, there feems to us to be fome Qualifications required in the Succeffor to the Crown, which are not fuitable to our Principles.



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6th. And in the laft Place, in cafe this propofed "Treaty of Union fhall be concluded, this Nation will be fubjected in it's Civil Interests to a British Parliament, wherein twenty fix Prelates are to be Conftitucnt Members and Legiflators, And left



Four Silence fhould be conftructed to import our A. C. Confent to, or Approbation of the Civil Places and Power of Churchmen; we crave Leave in all Hu- 1706. mility, and due Refpect to your Grace and Honou'rable Eftates of Parliament, to reprefent, that it is contrary to our known Principles and Covenants, 'that any Churchman fhould bear Civil Offices, or have Power in the Commonwealth.

These things We humbly befeech your Grace and Lordfhips to confider, and provide fuitable Remedies thereto. And We Shall Pray, that the only Wife God may fo direct and guide your Grace and Lordships, in thefe, and all the Affairs that lye before you; That the Refult of your Confultations may be, the Glory of God, the Advantage of Religion, the Peace and Comfort of Her Majefty (whofe long and profperous Reign we heartily pray for the Prefervation of Peace and Truths in both Kingdoms, and the Welfare of this Church and Nation in particular; the fatisfaction of All who truly Love and Fear the Lord therein, the Peace of your own Confciences, and your Comfort in the day of your Accompts. Signed in Name, in Prefence, and at the Appointment of the aforefaid Commiffion of the General Affembly,

By, Sic Subfcribitur, WIL. WISHART, Modr.

Then the Parliament read likewife the Addreffes from the Parish of Tulliallan, Burgh of Dumferling, Town of Borrowftounneß, Parish of Blantyre,and Parifh of Avendale, against an Incorporating Union. After this, the Act for Security of the Church being again read, it was moved, That the Confideration of the faid Act be delay'd till the next fitting; and that the Parliament proceed to the Act for the Supply, which being agreed to, the faidAct, for the Sup- A Supply ply was again read; and it was agreed, that a Sup-granted. ply of eight Months Cefs fhould be granted to her Nov. 8. Majefty for the ends and ufes mention'd in the Act, extending to 576000 l. 15 s. 4 d. and that it should be payable at the Terms following, viz. one Months Supply the 10th of December for Martinmas next; one Month and a half Months Supply at Candlemas 1707. one Month and a half at Whitfunday; one Month


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