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they could not but look upon, as an Attempt that A. C. tended directly to fubvert the Liberty of Elections 1706, in all the Chapters of Germany. The States Minifter defired the Pruffian, Palatine and Hanoverian Envoys, to make their utmoft Efforts to difpofe Count Eck to more moderate Sentiments. Thofe Envoys, who had often publickly exprefs'd their Opinions, that the Exclufi n was an odious Proceeding, which their Masters would difallow, went to the Imperial Minifter, and made wife of the most convincing Reafons, to encline him to alter his Refolution; but without Succefs. Monfieur Itterfum feeing Count Eck was inflexible, could do no lefs, in difcharge of his Duty, than to communicate to him the Orders he had receiv'd, which he gave him in Writing; but all this produc'd no alteration in the Count, who defir'd Audience of the Chapter, and gave in the Exclufion in due Form.

So violent, and unjust a Proceeding, extreamly furprized the foundest part of the Chapter, and ferv'd only to unite more firmly thofe that had declared for the Bishop of Paderborn, who would not have fail'd being chofen three days after, had it not been for an unexpected Accident that interven❜d. The 29th of July, being the day appointed for the Election, all the Canons repair'd to the Church, and had already perform'd the Religious Duties, when the Minifters of Lorrain thought fit to notify to them a Brief from his Holinefs, which put off the Election to the next Month.

Altho' the Chapter did thereby receive an Affront the more fenfible, in that, neither the Church of Munster, nor any other of Germany, was ever before expos'd to fo great a Contempt, yet, out of Respect to the Pope,they interrupted DivineService,proceeded to the Reading of the Pope's Brief, and pursuant to it, put off the Election to the 30th of August. The Lorrain Party made ufe of this delay, to obtain a fecond Prorogation of another Month, which was, at laft, granted, but of which they reap'd no Advantage. For, upon the 30th of Auguft, notwithstanding the notification of the Pope's fecond Brief, (by Reafon the Lorrainers had boasted, that they fhould obtain as many Prorogations as they fhould defire;) Nineteen of the Canons of Munster, being the Ma


chofen by the maje rity.

The Bishop of Ofna

. A. C. jority by four Voices, elected the Bishop of Paderborn. 1706. The fifteen Canons of the Ofnabrug Party, not only refus'd to go along with the reft into the Choir, but The Bishop protefted against their Proceedings; and on the 30th of Pader of September, chofe the Bishop of Ofnabrug. The fame day, the Majority of the Chapter renew'd their former Choice, in favour of the Bishop of Paderborn : And both Parties did afterwards make their Applications to the Court of Rome, to have their refpective Elections confirm'd: Which Affair is to this day (April 20. 1707.) undecided. In the mean time, elected by it is to be obferv'd, that her Majefty of Great Bri a leffer tain, did, by † Letter, (dated the 24th of December, number of 1706.) compliment the Bishop of Paderborn upon his Election, and promis'd to maintain him in it, in +See the Conjunction with the States General; and 'twas Appen, matter of Wonder to fee, that, at this juncture, when dix, Numb the Emperor ftood in fo great need of England and XVI. pag. Holland, his Imperial Majefty fhould earnestly em156. ploy his Intereft at the Court of Rome, against a Pre



marries the Electoral

late, whom those two Powers avowedly protected. The Prince About the middle of June, a Marriage was agreed Royal of on, and fome Months after confummated) bePruflia tween the Prince Royal of Pruffia, and the Electoral Princefs of Hanover, which was a new Cement, Princess of to ftrengthen the Proteftant intereft in the Empire. Hanover. Some days before the Conclufion of this Match, the June 18. Lord Hallifax arrived at Hanover, being, as we faid before, fent thither her Majefty's Ambaffador ExThe Lord traordinary, with a Compliment to the Elector of Hallifax that Name, and the Princefs Sophia, and to prefent arrives at the Acts of Parliament for the Naturalization of Hanover. that Illuftrious Houfe, and for the better Security of May 29 the Succeffion of the Crown in the Proteftant Line

N. S.

O. S.

His Reiption.

as alfo to prefent the Enfigns of the moft Noble Order of the Garter to the Electoral Prince.

His Lordship was receiv'd, not only with the ufual Ceremonies that are paid to a Foreign Minifter, but with many extraordinary Marks of Honour. He was welcom'd at Diepeneau (a Town on the Frontiers of the Elector's Territories) by the Governor of the Place, and afterwards very nobly treated by the Elector's Officers, who had been fent thither for that purpofe. The next day, his Lordship was met by Mr. Wynne, firft Gentleman to the Electorefs,


with a Compliment from her Electoral Highness, A. C. and found a very fplendid Entertainment prepared for him by the Elector's Officers. His Lordfhip arrived late in the Evening at Hanover, and was conducted to a House prepared by the Elector's orders for his Reception. Baron Grote, the late Envoy to Sweden, and Mr. Schuts, Son to the Elector's Envoy in England, acquainted his Lordfhip, that they had been appointed by the Elector to attend on his Lordfhip, and do the Honours of his Houfe and Table, during his ftay at Hanover. The first of them being Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to the Elector, and the other a Gentleman of the Court. On the day following, his Lordship had his Audiences with the ufual Ceremonies, excepting only, that the Elector had ordered 6 of his Coaches inftead of 3 (which is the ufual number) to attend on his Lordfhip, and the Drum of the Court Guard to beat as his Lord, fhip paffed by. Baron Gurits, Prefident of the Chamber, and Grand Marshal, received his Lordfhip at the head of the Stairs, and thence conducted him to the feveral Apartments of the Electorefs, the Elector, the Electoral Prince, and Electoral Princess. There was an extraordinary Appearance of Nobility on this occafion, and Tables prepared for the Ladies that were invited to the Solemnity. The Dinner was ferv'd in the fame manner, as when a Prince dines with the Elector. The Trumpets and Kettle Drums founding at their going to Table, and after Dinner his Lordship had his Audience of the Princess, and Prince Erneft Auguft. There were other Particulars that distinguished the manner of his Lordships Reception at that Court. Two of the Elector's Pages, and 4 Coaches were appointed to wait on his Lordfhip, and a Party of the Foot Guards to attend conftantly before his Houfe. And it was obfervable, that the Elector and Electorefs, with the whole Electoral Family, took all occafions of fhewing their entire Satisfaction with the Commiflion, with which his Lordfhip was intrufted: And with the choice her Majefty had made of his Lordship, to reprefent to them her Friendship and Efteem for that Illuftrious House: And likewife of expreffing their Affection for the English Nation, with their grateful Acknowledgment for what the Queen and Parlia



A. C. ment had done towards fecuring the Succeffion of 1706. their Family to the Imperial Crown of Great Britain.

The Ceremony of Invefting the Electoral Prince with the Order of the Garter, was perform'd the 13th of June, N. S. by Captain Vanbrug, Clarencieux King of Arms, with the ufual Solemnity. Three days after, the King of Pruffia arrived at Hanover, with the Prince Royal; the 17th the Marriage before mention'd was declared at Court, and the next day the Articles of the Contract were exchang'd, The Lord according to the Cuftom of Germany. Not many Hallifax days after, the Prince Royal and the Lord Hallifax goes to the repaired to the Confederate Army in Flanders; from Army, and whence his Lordfhip went to the Hague, where he from thence laid the Foundation of a ftricter Alliance between Great Britain and the United Provinces, for the better fecuring of the British Crown to the Houfe of Hanowhere be Lays the ver. It is to be obferv'd, that before his Lordship Foundation fet out for that Court, he went to Amfterdam, where of a ftricter he receiv'd uncommon Civilities from the MagiAlliance ftrates, and all forts of People. Among the reft the between Portugueze Jews invited his Lordfhip to fee their SyGreat Bri- nagogue (a Curiofity of the City) where they feated tain and his Lordship in a moft Honourable Place; and to Holland. fhew their great refpect for him, and their good wifhes for the Glory and Succefs of her Majesty's

to the


of the Jews


Arms, they made a Prayer for her Majefty in He brew, which they afterwards fent in Latin, and is in English as follows:

A Prayer' MAY He, whofe Kingdom is everlafting, who gives Victory and Power to Princes, who 'preferved David his Servant from the Sword of his fterdam Enemies, who made his way through the Sea, and for the ftormy Waters, blefs, preferve, defend, affift, and Queen. 'exalt to Heaven, her Sacred Royal Majefty, Ann, "Queen of Great Britain. May the merciful King of Kings blefs Her, and preferve Her from all Trou'ble and Peril. May the King of Kings, out of his 'Mercy, blefs Her Armies with Succefs, and prolong 'Her Reign. May the King of Kings infpire Her and Her Minifters with Mercy, that they may be kind to us and our Brethren, and that in Her Life, and our time, Salvation may appear to the Jewss and that Ifrael may be in Peace upon the coming


of our Redeemer. Let the will of God be fuch, A. C. and let us all fay, Amen.

Having given our Readers a full View of the Affairs Abroad, 'tis now high Time to entertain them with this Year's further Tranfactions at Home.


the Princefs

On the 4th of Auguft Baron Schutz, Envoy Extra-Baron ordinary from the Elector of Hanover, had at Wind-Schutz for, a private Audience of her Majelty, wherein herrefents a prefented a Credential Letter from the Princefs So-Credential phia, Electrefs Dowager of Hanover, pursuant to the Letter from Act of Parliament paffed the laft Seffion; Entituled, Sophia to An Act for the better Security of Her Majesty's Perfon he Queen. and Government, and of the Succeffion to the Crown of England in the Proteftant Line: To which Audience he was introduced by Mr. Secretary Harley. A Week The Pruftafter, the Baron of Spanheim, Minifter of State to fian Am the King of Pruffia, and his Majefty's Ambaffadorador Extraordinary, in which Quality he had refided fe-has-Audiveral Years in the Court of Enginnd, had publick eve ence of Audience of Leave of her Majefty, and of his Royal Aug.11. Highness the Prince of Denmark. Not many days after, his Excellency fet out from London, in order to return homewards; but upon Receipt of fresh Or- But neverders from his Mafter, he came back again, and has, thelefs ftay fince refided here with the former Character. "Twasin En reported, that the Queen's recalling the Lord Raby, gland. her Ambaffador Extraordinary to the Court of Pruffia, who was fo acceptable to that Monarch, that he was loath to part with him, enclin'd his Pruffian Majefty to continue his Minifter in England; whereupon her Majefty fent Orders likewife to his Lordfhip to ftay at Berlin...

About the latter end of the foregoing Month, July.28. the Vice-Chancellor of the Univerfity of Cambridge, Mr. Tudhaving received information, That Mr. Tudway had way fpoken Words highly reflecting on her Majefty, he ended and convened the Heads of Houfes at the Regent Houfe, his Places deprived of where Mr. Tudway was cited to appear, which he in the Uni did; and the Words being pofitively proved upon verfity of Oath, they all unanimoufly found him guilty, and Camproceeded to Sentence, which was folemnly pro-bridge. nounc'd in the prefence of the Heads, and entred as an Act by the Publick Regifter, as follows:


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