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N. S.

The 28th Count Daun, who with a ftrong De- A. C tachment, had been fent towards Pavia, fummon'd 1706: that Town to furrender, which the Governor refu-n. fing to do, he made the neceffary Difpofitions to at- Pavia betack it in form, and the fame evening open'd theeg'd, Sept. Trenches. Two days after, the Imperial Army 8. N. S. encamp'd in the neighbourhood of Lodi, where, in* Sept. 36. the Evening, an Exprefs arriv'd from the Heredi tary Prince of Heffe Caffe, with an Account, that his Highnefs having paffed the Po, was advancing by Stellata towards Guaftalla; whereupon the Exprefs was fent back with new Orders. The 2d of October. Intelligence was brought, that Caftel Trezzo had ca-Caftel pitulated; and that the Spanish Garrifon was march'd Trezzo out, but without Arms. The next day the Army fbmits, moved, and encamp'd between Lodi and Piccigbitone. O&t. 2. They had hardly begun to march, when the Mar- N. s. quis d'Andourne, his Royal Highness's Adjutant General, fent by General Daun, arriv'd with the Capi Pavia Jure tulation of Pavia, confifting of about 20 Articles, Oct. 2. pursuant to which the Garrifon, which was reckon'd to be 2000 Men, was to march out with Marks of Honour, and fome Cannon; to be conducted, the French to Suza, the Spaniards to Valenza. The importance of that Place, which is theKey of the Milaneze, and which might have made a long Defence, was a Motive for readily agreeing to this Capitulation; and by this Acquifition the Ticino being free, and the Country cover'd on that fide, it was refolv'd, without delay, to befiege Piccighitone, in order to make themfelves. Mafters of the Adda. Hereupon Prince Eugene fent back the Marquis d'Andourne to Count Daun, with Orders to leave in Pavia the Regiments of Kriechbaum and Staremberg, and that of Cuiratliers of Glockelsberg: to fend the Regiment of Konigfeck, with 50 Hotfe, towards Novara; to fend back Lieutenant Colonel Eben, with his Detachment to Vigevano, till further Order; and to come himself with the reft of the Troops towards Piccighitone, as foon as he had caus'd Artillery, and other things to be embark'd, as he was directed! An Exprefs was likewife fent to the Prince of Saxe Gotha, to return with the Troops. Towards Even ing a Lieutenant of Huffars, who brought in a Lieu tenant Colonel, and two other Frenob Officers Pri



A. C. foners, reported, that going with 16 Huffars to 1706. Wards Soncino, he was inform'd by the Way, that there was near that Place a Party of the Enemy The Garri-(which afterwards prov'd to be the Gartifon of Sonfon of Son cino, in number about 100 Men, who defigned to cino made retire towards Cremone;) upon which he refolv'd to Prifoners, try his Fortune, and coming up with thofe Troops

near a Village, he defired to fpeak with the Commanding Officer, and told him, that if he would yield himself and Men Prifoners of War, all their Lives fhould be fpared but if they delay'd till the other Troops that were following him came up, they muft expect no Quarter; upon which the faid Garfon furrèndred, and was difarmed, and divided into feveral Companies, to be conducted to the Camp.

On the 4th of October, the Confederate Army encamp'd at Cavacurta, not far from Piccighitone; and Lieut. Col. St. Amour was order'd to poft himfelf with his Detachment on the other fide of the Adda, to cut off the Communication between Piccigbitone and Cremona. At the fame time, the Horfe were order'd to make Fafcines, and 600 Men commanded to take Poft, in the night,near the Giera d'Adda; that is, that part of Piccigbicone, that lies on the right Bank of the Adda, which being executed with all the Bravery imaginable, the Enemy were obliged to retire into their Works, on the other fide of that River; The Duke of but the next day, the Duke of Savoy taking too narSavoy re row a View of that Poft, receiv'd a Contufion in ceives a his Arm by a Musket Ball. The fame * day IntelContufion. ligence was brought, that the Garrifon of the old Oct. 5. Caftle of Verue, confifting of 55 Men, had furrenThe Caftie dred themfelves Prifoners of War to the Count de of Verue Zenantes. The 6th of October 900 Foot and 200 Grenadiers attack'd the Inner Works before the Giera d'Adda, with fo much Vigour, that they poffefs'd themfelves of the Town of Piccighitone on that fide; and in the evening Lieut. Colonel St Amour fent Advice, that the Enemy had abandon'd the Jano aban-Castle of Lecco Bardolano, a Poft which they had been Fortifying above a year.




His Royal Highnefs having receiv'd repeated Advices, that the French were in motion towards Suze, and that their Troops were to affemble there, in order, as they gave out, to return into Piedmont, ic


was refolved to divide the Army, and that Prince A. G. Fugene with a Detachment, fhould march to join the 1706. Troops under Count Daun, who, in the mean time

had laid a Bridge on the Po near Pavia, and endea- The Duke of vour to reduce Alexandria, Valenza and Tortona, that Savoy and the French might be difabled from fending any Suc-Prince Eu cours into the Milaneze. That Detachment march'd gene divide their the 8th, under the Command of the Princes of Heffe Darmfladt and Saxe Gotha, and Prince Eugene fol-Forces. low'd three Days after. The reft of the Army continued at Cavacurte till the 17th, when his Royal Highness having received Advice, that the Prince of Heffe Caffel was to pafs the Po that day, he paffedthe Adda over a Bridge laid on that River, and encamped before Piccighitone, where the Prince of Heffe came to meet him; and the next day brought The Prince up the Forces under his Command, which the Duke of Heffe of Savoy found in a much better Condition than he joins the expected, confidering the Lofs they fuftain'd in the Duke of late Battle of Medeli, and the long Marches they Savoy, made fince. The night between the 17th and 18th. 18. the Trenches were open'd before Piccighitone, with N. S. no other Lofs than of two Men kill'd, and 8 wounded; befides a Colonel of the Palatine Troops, who fell dead by his Royal Highnefs; and the Marquis de Lufinge, who was alfo wounded near that Prince. This Siege was carried on with fo much vigour, that Piccight the Garrifon furrendred the 27th of Odober upon Ar-tone fur ticles. Moft of the Germans, Swiß, Italians and Spa-renders, niards, either entred into the Service of the Allies, Oct. 27. or defired Paffes to return Home; But the French N. S. were allow'd to retire to Cremena with four Pieces of Cannon, and other Marks of Honour; the bad Weather, that happend about that Time, having enclin'd the Duke of Savoy to grant them thofe Terms.

His Royal Highnefs, having left the Hereditary Prince of Hefe-Caffel at Piccigbitone, with about 7000 Men to fecure the Adda, and obferve the French Troops under General Medavi, marched the 29th of October with the reft of his Forces towards Pavia, in order to act in concert with Eugens. The latter being arriv'd near Pavia, the 11th of the fame Month in the Evening, pafs'd the Po the next day, with his whole Army, and march'd to Voghera and Ponte-So

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A. C. rane, The 13th, He advanc'd to Tortona, and fent 1706. a Trumpeter to fummon the Place: But the Com manding Officer answering, that he would defend it, his Highnefs caus'd the Army to move up to it, order'd a Battery of Cannon and Mortars to be rais'd the following Night; and commanded the Prince of Darmstadt to march the next Day, with all the Horfe to inveft Alexandria. The 14th a great Blaft was heard in Prince Eugene's Camp, and in the Eve. ning his Highnefs was inform'd by a Courier from the Prince of Darmstad, that immediately after his Arrival before Alexandria, the Magazine of Powder in that Place blew up. He had alfo Advice by an Express from General Zumjungen, that the Town and Caftle of Arona had furrendred to him by Capitulation. The 5th, his Highnefs receiv'd a Confirmation, that the Magazine of Powder of Alexandria had blown up, and that feveral Fathom of the Wall of the Town were thrown down thereby; whereupon he held a Council of War, in which it was refolv'd immediately to follow the Prince of Darmstad with fhoft of the Foot, and to leave the reft before Tortona under the Command of General The Town of 1felbach. The Town of Tortona furrendred in the Tortona Afternoon, the Garrifon retiring into the Caftle; Surrendred and in the Evening Prince Eugene arriv'd on the

fide of the Bormia with moft of his Foot.. The 16th his Highness pafs'd it, where it falls into the Tanaro, and prefently order'd a Bridge to be laid over this laft River, to facilitate the Paffage of the Cannon, and other things that had been us'd in the Siege of Pavia. The 17th the Army extended it felf within 400 Paces of Alexandria, and the three following Days were fpent in railing Batteries, drawing a Parallel, and making other Works towards the vigorous Attacking of the Place. The 20th Prince Eugene detach'd towards Serravalle, the Count de Martigni, with a Regiment of Dragoons, the Inhabitants of that Place having fent to inform him, that they were ready to fubhit to any Detachment he should fend; and it not being doubted that the French Garrifon there would retire into the Caftle at the Count's Approach, his Highnefs fent Order to General Iffelbach likewife, to detach fome Troops thither. The 21ft at 4 in the Morning, the Beliegers began to fire briskly upon


the Town of Alexandria, from a Battery of Cannon A. C. and Mortars; and continuing fome Time, the Be- 1706. fieged beat a Parley, and fent two Officers to the

Camp, to offer to capitulate; but they were fent Alexanback with Anfwer, that they would be allow'd no dria Jurother Capitulation, than to furrender themfelves Pri-renders to foners of War. However, Liberty was afterwards Prince Eugranted to two Squadrons of French Horfe that were gene, of. in the Place, to march out and retire whither they 21. N. S. would, yet on Condition to leave their Horfes behind them, and that the rest of the Garrifon, confifting of Spaniards and Swifs, fhould remain Prifoners of War; whereupon one of the Gates was immediately deliver'd up.

The Prince of Saxe Gotha who commanded his Brother's Forces in the Pay of England and Holland, gave the following Account of the taking of Alexandria to the States:

High and Mighty Lords,

HESE are to acquaint your High Migh-The Prince tineffes, that this Morning about 7 of the of Saxe Clock the Inhabitants of Alexandria took up Arms Gotha's against the Garrifon, confifting of 1500 Foot, and Letter to fome hundred Horfe, and would force them to ca-the States. pitulate. Mean time our Batteries being finish'd, we begun to fire this Evening, which encouraged fo much the Inhabitants, that after 12 Shots the Garrifon beat a Parley; but they obtain'd no other Terms than being Prifoners of War, and are allowed to keep their Baggage and Equipage. We had in the Attack 54 Men wounded, and 15 killed, out of whom there are fome of my Brother's Regiments. From the Camp before Alexandria, October 21st.


I am, &c.


Duke of Saxe-Gotha.

About the 18th. of ober, the Fort of Fuentes a ftrong Post on the Lake di Como, that gave the Enemy a Communication with the Country of the Grifons, was reduc'd by Major General Seldlig. And towards the end of the faid Month, the Caftle of Afti furrendred to a Body of Forces drawo together in Piedmont,

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