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Á. C.

Accordingly, on the 22d. of April, they met a1706. gain, and the Lord Keeper, in Name of the Lords Commitioners for England, delivered to the Board Second Articles of Preliminaries, which were read, as folmeeting loweth.

April 22. 1. That all Propofals made by either fide, be Articles of made in Writing, and every Point when agreed shall Prelimina be reduced into Writing.




April 24.

II: "That no Point, tho' agreed on, and reduced into Writing, fhall be Obligatory on either fide, 'till all Matters be adjusted in fuch manner as will be proper to be laid before the Queen, and the two Parliaments for their Approbation.

III. That there be a Committee appointed, confifting of a certain Number of each Commiffioni to Revife the Minutes of what paffes, which are 'not to be inferted by the Secretaries in their refpective Books, but by Order of the faid Committee, having first made Report thereof to the refpective Commiffioners, and received their Approbation of the fame.

'IV. That all the Proceedings of the Commiffioners of both Kingdoms, during the Treaty, be 'kept fecret.

The Lord Keeper alfo delivered to the Board the following Propofal, which was Read, viz. That the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland be for ever United into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain; That the United Kingdom of GreatBritain be Reprefented by one and the fame Parliament, and that the Succeffion to the Monarchy of the United Kingdom of Great-Britain, in cafè of Failure of Heirs of her Majefty's Body, be according to the Limitations mentioned in an Act of Parliament, made in England, in the 12th. and 13th. Year of the Reign of the late King William, Intituled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and the better fecuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject.

After which the Commiflioners adjourn'd to the 24th. of the fame Month, upon which day the Lord Chancellor of Scotland acquainted the Board, That the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland did agree to the Preliminary Articles propofed by the Lords Commiffioners for England at the laft Meeting, for Regu

lating the Methods of Proceedings in this Treaty. A. C. He alfo deliver'd to the Board the following Propo- i706. fals, which were read:

1. That the Succeffion to the Crown of Scotland in cafe of Failure of Heirs of Her Majefty's Body, 'fhall be Establish'd upon the fame Perfons mentioned in an Act of Parliament made in England in the 12th and 13th Years of the Reign of the lateKing William, Intituled,An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better Securing the Rights and Liberties of the Sub'jects.

"That the Subjects of Scotland fhall for ever enjoy all Rights and Privileges as Natives of England in England, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, and Reciprocally, That the Subjects of England enjoy the like Rights and Privileges in Scotland.

3. That there be a free Communication and Intercourfe of Trade and Navigation between the "two Kingdoms,and Plantations thereunto belonging, under fuch Regulations, as in the Progrefs of this Treaty fhall be found moft for the Advantage of both Kingdoms.

3. That all Laws and Statutes in either King'dom, contrary to the Terms of Union, be repealed. The Lords Commiffioners for England withdrew, and being return'd, The Lord Keeper, in their Lordfhips Names, delivered to the Board the following Answer,

The Lords Commiffioners for England are fo fully convinced, that nothing but an entire Union of the two Kingdoms will fettle perfect and lafting Friendship between them, that they therefore think fit to decline entring into any further Confideration upon the Propofal now made by the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, as not tending to that End, and defire that the Lords Commiftioners for Scotland would be pleafed to give in their Anfwer to the Propofal delivered on Monday the 22d Inftant, by the Lords Commiffioners for England, in order to an entire Union of both Kingdoms.

The next day, the Lord Chancellor, in the Name Fourth of the Commiflioners for Scotland, delivered to the Meeting, Board an Anfwer to the Propofal made on the 22d, April 25. by the Lords Commisioners of England, with a Prevision therein mentioned, which was read, as follows; C


A. C. 1706.

The Lords Commiflioners for Scotland,have confidered the Propofal given in to them by the Lords Commiffioners for England on Monday the 22d Inftant, and do agree,, that the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, be for ever United into one Kingdom, by the Name of Great-Britain ; That the United Kingdom of Great-Britain be Reprefented by one and the fame Parliament, and that the Succeffion to the Monarchy of the Kingdom of Great-Britain (in cafe of Failure of Heirs of her Majefty's Body) fhall Defcend upon the most ex'cellent Princefs Sophia, Electrefs and Dutchefs Dowager of Hanover,and remain to her and the Heirs of her Body, being Proteftants, to whom the Succeffion of the Crown of England, is provided by an Act made in the 12th and 13 years of the late King William, Intituled, An At for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better fecuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, and excluding all Papifts, and who fhall marry Papifts, in the Terms of the faid A&; with this Provifion, That all the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great-Britain, fhall have full Freedom and Intercourfe of Trade and Navigation, to, and from any Part or Place within the faid United Kingdom, and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Priveleges and Advantages, which do,or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom.

The Lords Conimillioners for England withdrew, and being returned, the Lord-Keeper did in the Name of the Lord's Commiflioners for England, deliver to the Board the Reply following:

"The Lords Commiflioners for England are of Opinion, that the Provision added by the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland, to the Propofal made by the Lords Commiffioners for England, on the 22d Inftant, is a neceffary Confequence of an entire Union; And therefore their Lordships do agree to the faid Provifion, under fuch Terms as in the further Progrefs of this Treaty, fhall be found to be for the common Advantage of both "Kingdoms.

The fame day a Committee was appointed, (in pursuance of the Third Article of Preliminaries,) for Reviling the Minutes, and there were nomi


hated on the Part of England, the Lord Grey, John A. C. Smith Efq; Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, 1706. Sir Thomas Trevor, Sir John Cook, and Doctor Walker, or any Three of them; And on the Part of Scotland, the Earl of Sutherland, the Earl of Leven, the Lord Prefident of Seffion, the Lord Juftice Clerk John Clark of Pennicook, or any Three of them.

Four days after, the Lords Commiffioners met + Fifth again, and the Lord Keeper, in the Name of the Meeting, English deliver'd to the Board the following Pro-April ig. pofal:

That there be the fame Cuftoms, Excifes, and all other Taxes; and the fame Prohibitions, Reftrictions and Regulations of Trade, throughout 'the united Kingdom of Great-Britain.

The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland withdrew, and being return'd, the Lord Chancellor, in their Lordfhips Names, delivered to the Board the fol lowing Anfwer.

"The Propofal given in by your Lord/hips contains fo many Particulars, that the Lords Com miffioners for Scotland do propofe, before they offer any Answer to it, That there be a Com mittee appointed of an equal Number of each fide 'to adjust the feveral Points therein, and defire that your Lordships would order anAcconipt of the Taxes, and other things in your Propofal, to be laid before the faid Committee, as the Lords Commiffioners for Scotland fhall be ready to do on their parts.

The Lords Commiffioners for England withdrew, and being returned, the Lord Keeper, in their Lordships Names, delivered to the Board the Reply following,

The Lords Commiffioners for England have de 'fired a State of the Taxes, and other things in their laft Propofal mention'd, to be laid before them, in 'order to refer the fame to the Confideration of a Committee, to confift of an equal Number of each 'fide, which their Lordships propofe to be the Number of Eleven on each part, and of them any Six to have Power to proceed in the Matters referr'd to them.

The Lords Commiffioners for Scotland agreed to appoint a Committee to confit of Eleven of



A. C. each fide, and of them any Six to have Power to 1706, proceed, and that they fhould be nominated the next Meeting


Accordingly on the 1ft of May, the Lords, ComMeeting, miffioners proceeded to the Nomination of that ComMay 1. mittee, and the English named the Dukes of Somerfer and Bolton, the Earl of Sunderland, the Lords Tounfend, Wharton and Somers, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Marquis of Hartington, Mr. Secretary Harley, Henry Boyle, Efq; and Sir Simon Harcourt. The Scotch appointed the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Queensberry, the Earls of Sutherland, Leven and Stair, the Lord Duplin, the Lord Prefident of Seffion, the Lord Juftice Clerk, and Sir Patrick Johnstoun: And it was agreed, that this Committee fhould meet the next Morning, and have Power to adjourn themfelves.


The Lords Commiffioners being met again on FriMeeting, day the 3d. of May, the Lord Treafurer of England May 3. acquainted the Board, That he was directed by the Lords Commiffioners for England, to let their

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Lordfhips know, That the Accounts of the Reve nues and Debts of England, defir'd the 29th. past, to be laid before the Board, had been prepared, bue were not drawn in fuch a manner as would fully anfwer the end for which they were propos'd; for which Reafon they were directed to be drawn in another Method, and hop'd they would be got ready to lay before the Board the Monday following, to which Day they adjourn'd, Then the Lord Keeper acquainted the Board, That the † † May 6. Lords Commiflioners for England had delivered to their Secretary, a ftate of the Revenues and Income of England, and alfo a state of the Debts of the faid Kingdom, which were to be laid before the Lords of the Committee of both Kingdoms at their next Meeting.




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On the 9th. of the fame Month the Lord Chan Meeting, cellor acquainted the Board, That the Lords ComMay 9. miffioners for Scotland had delivered to their Secre tary, an Account of the Revenue in Scotland, and the Sum about which the Debts of that Kingdom would amount to, to be laid before the Lords of the Com mittee of both Kingdoms. He alfo deliver'd to the


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