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"That the cordial thanks of the Society are especially due to the Rev. James Dixon, the Rev. Philip C. Turner, and the Rev. John Maclean, for their excel. lent Sermons preached before the Society during its present Anniversary; to the Rev. A. E. Farrar, the Rev. Robert Young, the Rev. W. M. Bunting, the Rev. Samuel D. Waddy, and the Rev. John Tindall, for their very acceptable services on the same occasion; to all other Ministers who have publicly advocated the cause of the Society during the past year; and to the Auxiliary and Branch Societies, the Ladies' Associations, the Juvenile Societies, and their respective Committees, Treasurers, Secretaries, and Collectors, both at home and abroad, for their very successful exertions on behalf of the funds of the institution, in which exertions they are most earnestly entreated to continue and abound: and while recommending increased exertion, this Meeting solemnly recognises the importance of connecting with every effort and contribution to the cause of Missions, unceasing prayer to Almighty God for his furthering blessing."

JAMES WOOD, Esq., of Manchester, seconded the Resolution, which was carried unanimously.

The REV. ABRAHAM E. FARRAR, of Bristol, moved

"That the cordial thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby presented, to the General Committee; to Thomas Farmer, Esq., and the Rev. John Scott, the General Treasurers; and to the Rev. Dr. Bunting, the Rev. John Beecham, the Rev. Dr. Alder, and the Rev. Elijah Hoole, the General Secretaries; for the valuable services which they have severally rendered to the Society, in the direction and management of its affairs during the past year.”

The REV. PHILIP C. TURNER seconded the Resolution, which was carried unanimously.

The REV. JOHN SCOTT, one of the General Treasurers, believed that all present must feel very much indebted for the excellent character of the Meeting to the speech with which it was opened. He often thought, that it was very much in the power of the Chairman to give a tone to a Meeting which nobody else could give to it; and certainly this had been eminently done on the present occasion. Entertaining that view, and cherishing every feeling of gratitude to the Chairman for the excellent sentiments he had delivered, he begged to move a vote of thanks to Sir Peter Laurie.

The REV. DR. BUNTING had had,


perhaps, a pardonable ambition to be the seconder of this Resolution. entirely concurred in the expression of gratitude and respect for the Chairman, which had just been uttered by the last speaker. The Chairman had not only consented to preside over the present Meeting, but, in a manner, and under circumstances, which had no parallel in the history of the Society. A message had been sent to him requesting to be permitted to have a private interview with him, for the purpose of explaining the reasons of their wish that he should take the chair, and the grounds on which they would venture to hope that be would accede to that wish. Sir Peter returned a note full of Christian feeling and kindness. He stated, that he knew that, at such a time, the engagements of persons connected with such Societies must be great and onerous; that he would not impose upon them the trouble of waiting upon him, because it was perfectly consistent with his views and feelings at once to accept of their invitation; and that, therefore, without any further trouble, they might depend upon his taking the chair. They were, therefore, really improving. They had a Chairman at this Anniversary, who would not give them the trouble of explaining their reasons for desiring to have him in the chair; and they had already obtained the promise of an excellent Chairman (Mr. Emerson Tennent) in advance for the next year. All this kindness received from others was an additional reason for increased exertions among themselves. Most cordially did he second the Resolution.

The Resolution was then put, and carried by acclamation.


SIR PETER LAURIE said,-Instead of thanking me, I ought to thank you; for you have afforded me a treat this day that I shall never forget. always loved the Wesleyans. Many a time I have slipped into Hinde-street chapel, unknown to any body; and I was always pleased with your creed. Mr. Dixon has stated, that you could give a code of laws for New-Zealand. Why, the code of laws which I have read of the Wesleyan Connexion would suggest laws for the government of Europe. If ever I saw excellence in laws; if ever I saw human wisdom in laws; it is, in my humble opinion, in the laws by which you are governed. I am glad to have the opportunity of adding this to the former expression of my sentiments; and I am very glad now to have the opportunity of saying, that, although I

loved the Wesleyans before, I now love them more and more. I will go farther than that, because I will declare, that that member of the Church of England who does not love the Wesleyans, and who does not feel gratitude to them for their support of that Establishment, does not deserve to belong to the Church of England. You have been the best friends of the Church in England. You have shown them a zeal and an example which they have endea

voured to follow; and you are now supporting them in the position they hold; and, therefore, every member of the Church of England, if he is true to his own creed, must love, as I do most cordially and most sincerely, the Wesleyans as a body, and every one of you as individuals.

The Meeting then sang the Doxology, the benediction was pronounced by Dr. Bunting, and the assembly dispersed, about five o'clock.


THIS very excellent and interesting Meeting was held in Great-Queenstreet chapel on Monday evening, May 18th. HENRY POWNALL, Esq., presided with great ability and kindness. The other speakers were J. G. Elliott, Esq.; the Rev. W. Croggon, from Ireland; the Rev. Dr. Hannah; the Rev. J. F. England; the Rev. G. C. Müller, from Germany; the Rev. W. Swallow; the Rev. W. Crookes; the Rev. Robert Young; Thomas Farmer, Esq.; and Dr. Bunting. We have room at present only for the speech of Mr. England, which relates to the idolatry of India, and deserves especial attention at this period. Dr. Hannah's admirable speech we hope to insert in a future


The REV. J. F. ENGLAND, late Missionary at Madras, after a few introductory remarks, said,-I purpose to offer a few observations, in illustration of the necessity which exists for extended Missionary exertions in India. In reference to a portion of the Heathen,-the inhabitants of India, as numerous, at least, as all the professing Christians in the world,-I think a very strong case may be made out; and it may be shown satisfactorily, that we, as a church, have not adequately, or to the extent of our ability, made provision for their spiritual wants. With their peculiar rites and ceremonies, their superstitions and idolatries, I have no intention to trouble the Meeting in detail. They are already familiar with many facts which bear upon these matters. It will rather be my desire to endeavour to concentrate the attention of the audience and of myself to the consideration of two or three grounds on which the natives of India, as a people, have a claim upon our increased and extended efforts for their spiritual and temporal benefit. I think the very religiousness of the Hindoos constitutes one of these claims. There was a time when the Hindoos were considered a very mild, gentle, and quiet race. fore they were visited by Missionaries, when their condition was viewed by men


whose minds were not imbued with religious truth, the thought was never entertained, that they required the religion of the Gospel. Indeed, some did not scruple to express the opinion, that the Gospel would injure, and corrupt, and debase them. The Missionaries, however, who have since laboured in that land, have found that, among the inhabitants, the most fearful and atrocious cruelties exist; that they have acquired "the art of ingeniously tormenting;" and that they have refined upon cruelty more than any other people in the world. But, Sir, I am free to confess, that they really are, as human beings, extremely mild, kind, and gentle. It is their religion that makes them the monsters they are. Leave them to themselves, let them be separated from their superstitions, and they will be, in some respects, such as we were told they were before the attention of the religious public was directed to them. They are religiously wicked, and religiously cruel; and they are wicked and cruel in proportion as they are religious. Their very antidote has become their bane; their medicine has become their poison. Upon this ground, then, Sir, I think they have a strong claim upon the sympathy of Christians. The extreme anxiousness of the minds of these people on all

subjects connected with the soul, and with a future state of existence, also forms a strong claim upon the sympathy of British Christians. Nearly all their cruelties are perpetrated for the purpose of relieving the mind from that oppressive burden of guilt under which they labour. I conceive, that no person acquainted with that system of divine truth which we possess can picture to his mind any thing approaching to the reality of those anxieties by which the unfortunate Hindoos are overwhelmed. The very fact that these people have multiplied their deities to the immense number of three hundred and thirty millions, tells us at once what must have been the amount of thought they have expended, and what their anxiety on religious subjects. Being devoid of the knowledge of the one true God, they have wandered to other gods; and they have multiplied their sorrows as they have multiplied their deities. In illustration of the deep anxiety of the native Hindoos in reference to subjects of a religious nature, Mr. England gave an interesting narrative of a conversation between himself and an Hindoo nobleman. Mr. England then proceeded to argue, that, on the ground of fulfilling the designs for which Providence has placed in our hands the mighty empire of Hindostan, we are bound to give to the native inhabitants the blessings of the Gospel of peace. Those who were

acquainted with the history of India knew that the empire was almost literally forced into our hands. The British went to India for the purposes of commerce; they were compelled, as it were, to take first one tract of territory, and then another; and that vast extent of country was thrown into our possession by Providence, obviously that we might be instrumental in the evangelization of the people. Was not this, then, he asked, a consideration which ought to stimulate Christians to more strenuous and unwearied exertions in the Missionary cause? But, continued Mr. England, we have also a very heavy debt of reparation to settle with India. By sending to that heathen country Christian Missionaries, we have destroyed the confidence of the natives in their gods. True, they have not abandoned their idols; but the Hindoo cannot now look upon his idol with the confidence that it is a god. He knows that this is questioned, and that it is denied his idol is a god. His fears are awakened; he doubts; and he knows not whether he is paying worship and adora

tion to a god or to a stone. The mind of India is let loose; inquiry is awakened; and shall we suffer this spirit of inquiry to remain unsatiated? Why, Sir, we dare not leave the Hindoos as they are! We are bound to give them that which alone can allay their fears, remove their doubts, and guide their souls into perfect peace,-the Gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ. But we owe them reparation on a still more painful ground. The Report alluded to the connexion of the British Government with idolatry in India, and especially in the Madras presidency, a portion of the country with which I am well acquainted. Will it be credited, that a professedly Christian Government holds in its hands the management of the heathen temples? Will it be believed, that the repairs of those temples are always effected under the direction of an English functionary? that the ornaments of the idol are made by his direction? that the palanquin in which the idol is carried, and the car, with all its obscene emblems and gorgeous adornments, are under the superintendence of an officer of the British Christian Government? The table of the idol is under the same management; and almost every step taken, with reference to the temples, is under the seal, and by the direction, of English Government officers. The Brahmins, the officiating Priests, are paid their wages by British functionaries; and (horrid to relate!) the base women of the temples, the wives of the gods, are neither admitted to, nor excluded from, those edifices, without the directions of English officers connected with the British Government. In reference to this subject, I may be allowed to read an extract from a newspaper, which appeared during my residence in India, showing the effect which this connexion of the British Government with idolatry has upon the minds of the natives. On some account, one of the annual heathen ceremonies had been discontinued; a number of the natives were desirous of its re-establishment; they knew, however, that they could not re-establish it themselves, and they were compelled to apply to the British Government for its sanction to the measure. That sanction was given; and a native gentleman places this record in one of the public newspapers :—


"MR. EDITOR, SIR,-On Wednesday last, according to annual custom of this

town, the goddess Yagattee visited the Fort; on which occasion a very interesting spectacle was presented, of which I think it good to write to you, because I think many of your readers, from not knowing about it, do miss beholding it. This is now the festival-time of the goddess; and it is at this time that it is kept in memory of the great act of protection which she favoured the Honourable Company with, and which I wish to inform your readers of, as follows:

"Many years ago, when the British Government had only a beginning of power, this Fort (St. George) was in great distress, and near to being taken; but the soldiers were very brave, and the Governor very wise. According to the advice of some wise native people, he sent them to beg the help from the renowned goddess Yagattee, and promised in return that a proper annual offering should he kept up to her for ever! Then the goddess thereupon put fear into the hearts of French; and they retreated away, and the Fort was saved. From that time the faithful Government have continued annually to present a yearly offering of cloth, &c.; and on Wednesday last, the goddess proceeded to the north gate, where the cutcherry servants, by the Collector's order, presented the cloth from the Honourable Government. Great numbers of spectators were present, and praised both the power and the good. ness of the goddess, by which this famous Fort stands to this day, and the liberality and good faith of the Government by which the vow, made in the time of distress, is so punctually fulfilled in the time of prosperity. It is very true, Mr. Editor, that wisdom is stronger than valour; and so we have here, Sir, the proof in this because that Government listened to the words of the wise men, and beseeched the assistance of Yagattee, therefore he succeeded to keep his power. Do not doubt this history, because it is certainly true. Very respectable Brahmins have told me of it; and, moreover, it is plain, that the Honourable Company would not give the offering without just reason. An English Padre gentleman says to me, that to join so in our religion, and to give offering to an image, is an exceeding great sin against the will and commandments of Christians' God; and moreover, also, he says, that this his tory is all nonsense, because Yagattee is only an idol, and has no power and no sense. But I do not believe this; because if it be not true, why does the Honourable Government do so? Therefore, as you are very liberal and enlight

ened gentlemen, you will be pleased to insert this history in your paper. "I have, &c.,




As a contrast to this letter, I may be permitted to produce other opinions. In a late Bengal native newspaper, the Editor of which is, by family, of high caste, the following sentences are found: "If there be anything under heaven that we look upon with the utmost abhorrence, it is Hindooism. If there be any thing which we regard as the worst instrument of evil, it is Hindooism. there be any thing which we behold as the greatest promoter of vice, it is Hindooism. If there be any thing that we consider as most hurtful to the peace, comfort, and happiness of society, it is Hindooism. And neither insinuation nor flattery, neither fear nor persecution, alter our resolution to destroy that monstrous creed !" Such is the language of men who commenced life as members of families that, from time immemorial, have derived a luxurious living by the popular superstitions. These men are not, indeed, as yet, Christians, but give every possible evidence of being sincere inquirers after truth; and discover to us what noble powers of intellect they can bring to propagate Christianity, when they shall deliberately embrace it. testimony of Captain Harkness, before a Committee of the House of Commons, July, 1832, was as follows:-"I have frequently visited congregations of native Christians: during the progress of Bishop Heber, in his last visitation, I had opportunities of seeing many thousands of them. I have a favourable opinion of the character of the native Protestants, as a moral, wellbehaved people; both those born of Christian parents, and those who themselves have been converted from idolatry to the Christian faith. I know but little difference between them, and a corresponding number of Christians in England." I hold in my hand an extract from a Collector's Journal, containing some most disgusting statements respecting the minute interference of the British Government, in connexion with the details of idolatry; showing that scarcely a step is taken, with reference to those degrading superstitions, except by the direct command, or with the tacit consent, of the English Government. It is very true, that Hindooism is, in its extent and dimensions, still a giant ; but in its power it is not a giant. It has always leaned upon the arm of State for its sup

port; and it still continues to lean upon the arm, I regret to say, of the British Government, which has been even officiously thrust forth to sustain it. I trust the day is not far distant, when the church of Christ in this favoured land will arise in her mighty strength, and, in one consentaneous voice of demand for

the dissolution of this unhallowed connexion of British power with the idolatry of the East, will be heard; and that the tables of Parliament will groan beneath the petitions that shall be poured in, until this disgraceful and unholy union shall be severed for ever.



WE very gratefully record the following summary of the pecuniary proceeds of our recent Anniversary, including collections, donations, and some legacies, just paid in.

Collections after the three annual sermons on the 29th and
30th of April, and on the 1st of May.

Collections on Sunday, May 30, and on Sunday, May 17th.
Collection at Exeter-Hall Meeting, May 4th

Collection at Great-Queen-street Meeting, May 18th..
Various Donations and Subscriptions announced at Exeter-
Hall, May 4th, and received in connexion with the
Anniversaries, including the legacies mentioned in the
detailed account as just paid in

£. S. d.

116 1 11



200 0 0

57 0 0

2,793 17 8

3,795 9 5

For the particulars of donations, &c., we refer to the statement of moneys recently received.


Wesleyan Mission-House, 77, Hatton-Garden, London, May 21st, 1840.


SOUTH-AFRICA MISSIONS.-On the 16th of February, the Rev. W. J. Davis and family, and the Rev. Messrs. Smeeth, Pearse, Gladwin, Holden, Taylor, John Smith, Thornley Smith, and Stewart Thomas, and their wives, arrived safely at the Cape of Good Hope, and were about shortly to proceed to Algoa-Bay.

WESTERN AFRICA. The Rev. David Jehu arrived at Sierra-Leone, on the 23d of December.

The Rev. William Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. James, Mr. English, and Mr. Crowley, with Kakouta Sonko, and others, arrived at St. Mary's on the Gambia, on the 15th of March.

WEST INDIES. The Rev. Richard Weddall and Mrs. Weddall arrived at Belize, Honduras-bay, on the 7th of March.

HUDSON-BAY-COMPANY'S TERRITORY, NORTH AMERICA.—The Rev. Messrs. Barnley, Mason, and Rundle arrived at New-York, on their way to the territory of the Honourable the Hudson's-Bay Company, on the 12th of April.

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