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pressed on our arrival was constantly manifested during our stay.

The three of us intended for the Canarese work had the advantage of Mr. Crowther's company on the journey to Bangalore. And neither in justice to my own feelings, nor in gratitude to him, can I refrain from saying, that, both in his own house and on the journey, his kindness was so uniform and affectionate as to be more truly described by the term "fatherly," than by any other I can apply. Towards him I must ever entertain feelings of sincere gratitude and attachment.

Shortly after we reached Bangalore, a Moonshee was engaged for me, with whom I studied daily during our stay.

On the 9th inst., Mr. Jenkins left for Goobee, bringing me with him. We arrived on the morning of the 11th. So that nearly six months from the day of embarkation, preserved by sea and land, in perfect health, with the glad assurance that in the God of heaven I have a Friend and Father, and that to the work for which I am come hither he has called me, I find myself at the appointed destination. And so far as the country and people are concerned, no place (at least in India) can be more delightful as a residence, or better calculated to call forth the zeal and effort necessary to a successful Mission. The site of the Mission-house commands a very extensive prospect; and the country around, with its rich vegetation, its tanks, villages, and trees, presents a scene uncommonly peaceful, verdant, and lovely. The house itself is neat and comfortable in the extreme. Of the character of the people, and prospects of the work, of course, I can know nothing as yet by personal observation. I have been a few times with Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Franklin when they preached in Goobee; and twice to neighbouring villages. The people, in general, have listened with attention, some apparently with deep interest; and the whole face of things, so far as I can see, is eminently calculated to excite to ardent zeal and diligent labour. The population is very numerous, wholly given to idolatry, sunken in all sin; yet willing, if not anxious, to hear words whereby they may be saved. The work is great; the way to it open; and it only wants, that men "filled with faith and with the Holy Ghost" should proclaim to the people that salvation which their souls need, but which their system has not to present. O how different are my feelings as to the qualifications of mind and heart necessary for

a Missionary to the Heathen, now that I can see his work with my own eyes, from what they were when that work could be known only from conceptions formed at a distance! And I feel my own want of these qualifications, both of one class and the other, with a bitterness which sometimes almost forces me to wish I had never engaged in a work for which I am so unfit. May my blessed Master pour on his unworthiest servant the Holy Ghost, so as to sanctify me from all sin of my own, and endue me with divine power to point out its malignity to others! Since leaving home, my state of soul has sometimes been, comparatively, very barren; little faith, little love, little of joy or the peace of God. But, through the abundance of divine mercy, from time to time, seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord have been vouchsafed; and, hitherto, grace enables me to retain my sense of sins forgiven; to look on my Saviour, and cleave to Him as my all in all; to determine to know nothing among men but Jesus Christ and him crucified; and to feel that in his love I have far more than ample compensation for the home and the dear connexions from which I have been separated by its constraining power. But yet I come far, deplorably far, short of the Gospel standard in faith, in love, in practice.

You will doubtless be anxious to know something concerning my progress in Canarese. I fear that the usual standard of slowness-a snail's pace-is much too rapid to describe my rate of travelling. Hitherto, by advice, my attention has been principally turned to reading and pronunciation; and, consequently, I have translated very little. In the study of it, I feel nothing but pleasure. The labour is in no way irksome; and the difficulties are relieved by keeping in view the object for which I work. It makes one's heart sore to see such multitudes crowding the broad road, rushing to its end, and yet not be able so much as to cry, "Turn ye, turn ye! Why will ye die?" I often think, that, were I again among my Christian friends, I should urge them, with feelings vastly more intense, to make prayer and supplications for those who seek to save the Heathen. There is a vast difference between the feelings produced by the, most affecting description of the work, its importance, its necessity, and its difficulties, and those excited by standing on the very field, personally witnessing the thousands upon thousands of the Heathen, beholding the darkness and the cruelties (I have witnessed the Swinging


Feast) of their system, finding out one by
one the different features of their degra-
dation and sin, and seeing them worship-
ping the work of their own hands.
goes more directly and more deeply into
the heart. It forces one to earnest prayer
to Him who creates light out of darkness,

that he may here utter his omnipotent "Be," and cause the gloom that sits so sadly on the multitudes of India, to give way to the light and glory of that Gospel day, which shall ultimately shine on every heart, house, and hamlet.

CANARESE MISSION:-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. John Jenkins, dated Goobee, November 9th and 14th, 1839.

I AGAIN, with much pleasure, address you on the subject of your Canarese Mission. Through the mercy of God, my health has been uninterruptedly good since my last communication; and few things have occurred to hinder the regular progress of my work.

In the beginning of August, our hearts were cheered by the intelligence that our new brethren had safely arrived in Madras. On the 6th of September, the three appointed to help us in the Canarese work reached Bangalore, accompanied by Mr. Crowther; and each is now settled down to work on his particular station. You will receive intelligence respecting the brethren Squarebridge and Garrett, from their respective Superintendents. Concerning Mr. Arthur, my colleague, I have every thing to say that is good. He has begun to work in right good earnest, and with a zeal for God and for souls worthy of imitation. He devotes the whole of his time to the study of the language, and to visiting the town and villages, either with Mr. Franklin or myself. His progress in Canarese is satisfactory and gratifying to me; for already he is able to give short extemporaneous addresses to the people after our sermons. It will, I am sure, be equally gratifying for you to receive, as it is for me to communicate, this intelligence.

In the month of September, I was desired by Mr. Crowther to accompany himself and Mr. Cryer, in making a tour of the Canarese stations. I very willingly acceded to his wish; and, about the middle of the month, we left Bangalore for Mysore, whence (after spending a few days there) we journeyed across the country to Coonghull and Goobee, and from this we returned again to Bangalore. I was glad of the opportunity, thus afforded, of seeing a part of the country which I had not previously visited; and, especially, of being an eye-witness to Mr. Hodson's operations at the important station of Mysore. I much enjoyed the privilege of being the companion of brethren so experienced, and of joining in conversation with

them on the most important subjects connected with our work. The benefits which I have derived are very great. I seem to have obtained enlarged views of the work, a clearer sense of my own duty in that work, and a more fervent zeal for the salvation of the souls of the Heathen. I took many opportunities of declaring the name of Jesus in the different towns and villages through which we passed. Mysore is rising in importance as a station. It is certainly a fine field for Mission labour. Mr. Hodson receives far more encouragement than was to be expected, where idolatry and vice have so strong a hold. All Mr. Hodson's plans appear to be admirably adapted to the promotion of God's work; and his prospects of usefulness are very cheering. I preached once in Canarese to a very large congregation, in a preaching-room situated in one of the most populous parts of the city.


In my last letter I informed you of the opening of a place for public worship in the Pettah of Goobee. During Mr. Crowther's stay here, we opened another such place, only larger, in our own village. Mr. Cryer preached in Tamul, and I in Canarese. Since the opening, our congregations have been good. Last Sunday, we had about ten or twelve Tamul people, many of whom understand Canarese; and twenty Canarese people. Some of the latter came from the Pettah, a distance of nearly half a mile. are some encouraging circumstances connected with this congregation, one of which I will mention. An old man, who came to live in our village a few months ago, has been a regular hearer ever since the chapel was opened. He has brought his family also, containing three or four grown-up persons, and generally two or three friends from a distance. Since he heard us, he has given up idolatry, and declares that he will no longer put the heathen mark on his forehead. I had a conversation with him yesterday. There was no mark to be seen. In answer to a question which I put to him, he said that he prays every morning and evening to the great God. He is still very ignorant: I have great hopes, nevertheless, both of

him and his family. He is nearly seventy years old, I should think, and is one of the lowest caste. Even for this measure of success, we would thank God, and take courage; though I trust we shall never be fully satisfied, until persons are savingly converted to God.

At Singona Hully, a village about one mile distant from the Mission-house, we have a more cheering prospect of success, than that to which I have just referred. In that place, the people generally profess to have given up idol-worship. The temple and altar, which were visited twice every day by the Priest, and by several worshippers, for the purpose of presenting offerings to Ranga-swami, are now forsaken. Two months ago, they neglected to celebrate the annual feast to their tutelar deity. If you ask them why they have forsaken all this, they reply, "Because we believe the Padres' words, that all such service is vain and useless." On Monday morning last, I paid them a visit, in company with Mr. Arthur and Mr. Batchelor, who has come from Bangalore to spend a few days with


At the close of my address, while exhorting them to receive the truth into their minds, they replied, "Have we not done so? Have we not given up idolworship? Have we not given up our feast? Have we not in these things done as you have told us?" I then directed them again to Jesus Christ as the only Saviour from sin, and Mediator between them and an offended God. We pray for an abundant outpouring of the Spirit of God upon these people, so that they shall be constrained to cry out, "What shall we do to be saved?" The time, I think, is not far distant, when you will receive intelligence of some of these having placed themselves under regular religious instruction, as candidates for baptism. I shall direct my attention to this immediately.

Since writing the above, I have again visited this people. While declaring to them the plain truths of the Gospel, and praying in their midst for God's blessing upon them, and upon their families, it appeared as if the Lord were, then and there, working in their hearts by his Spirit. They continually declare their hatred to Heathenism, saying, "It has never brought us any fruit, nor any profit." "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name, give glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth's sake!"

In others of the villages, the minds of the people are as indifferently disposed towards Heathenism. Although so public a demonstration, as that referred to

above, has not been made elsewhere, yet we perceive that the Lord is with us. Our congregations are particularly attentive; and, lately especially, while talking of the nature of God, his hatred of sin, and the only way of salvation, I have observed a sacred awe pervade our congregations, which has been very encouraging. Our prospects of success are brighter than they have ever been, and we have good ground to expect prosperity. I have never once doubted that success will attend our labours. When appearances have been least encouraging, I have been enabled to rely on the promises of God. But now that I witness such signs as these, like the traveller who beholds the first dawnings of the morning, my heart is cheered, and I have increased confidence that even I shall see the bursting forth of day, "the Sun of righteousness" shining forth in all his brightness on the moral darkness that envelopes us, "with healing in his wings."

Last week we held our regular monthly school-examination. Through the bad conduct of a Schoolmaster, one of the schools has been given up. The four remaining ones still continue to be carried on; and, in some instances, we have ground for satisfaction. But I am persuaded that our school-system, generally, cannot prosper, until we have in all our schools thoroughly-converted Christian Masters to take charge of them. Such, as you are already aware, we cannot procure. The school at Biddiri, seven miles north of Goobee, is the best on the station. The progress of the boys, principally Brahmins, has surprised me. The two little girls who come to us from Singona Hully, the village above-mentioned, continue to be instructed. They have lately commenced reading the New Testament, and can repeat from memory our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, and our First Catechism.

November 14th.-I finish this letter in Bangalore, whither I came a day or two ago, to take back Mrs. Jenkins, who has been staying here during her confinement. Through the mercy of our heavenly Father, she has nearly recovered, and our infant daughter is healthy and thriv ing. The temporal blessings, and especially those of health, with which we have been so highly favoured, we are endeavouring to look at in their proper light, as reasons for a more complete consecration of ourselves to our Master's work.

I shall conclude this letter with

extracts from another received last even-
ing from Mr. Arthur, now at Goobee.
The circumstance referred to occurred
the day after I left. The lad, who is a
Brahmin, is about eighteen years of age,
and well known to me. At one time he
came to Mrs. Jenkins daily to study
English. Mr. Arthur says: "Yester-
day afternoon a nice-looking young man
came into the verandah. Your Moonshee
told me, that he was an acquaintance of
yours, and that you had once lent him a
book to help him in learning English.
His name is Rama-swami. He remain-
ed for some time after the Moonshees
had gone.
I was then in the verandah,
and he looked very timidly, till they
had got some distance down the hill.
He then at once began to talk on
religious subjects, and, seeming very
earnest, asked me to tell him the way to
obtain forgiveness of sin. He readily
acknowledged that the Hindoo gods were
no gods; and, after looking round with a
very timid glance, as if to make sure that
no one heard, he said, he had a great
wish to leave the bad way, and do as we
taught him. He then very seriously
asked, if he became of our caste, must he
eat flesh? I showed him the beginning
of Romans xiv. Having tried to make
him understand what some of the princi-
pal requirements of Christianity are, he
again expressed a strong desire to serve
God in the Christian way; but said his
friends would beat him, and cast him
out, and he should have no means of

livelihood. He asked repeatedly if we could not give him rice and cloth. He came again this morning about sunrise, when our conversation was renewed. He asserts, that, on account of sin, he has much sorrow; that he has a great desire to obtain forgiveness; that he has quite given up idol-worship, and makes prayer through Christ to the eternal God; that he is willing to leave father, mother, brothers, and sisters, if he can only get food and clothes. I dwelt much on the necessity of not fearing persecution, and the certainty that God will provide food and raiment. This morning he had no heathen mark on; and said, he would not wear it any more, because I had told him last night it must be given up, as being the sign of idolatry. I, in spite of all his urgency, refused any answer on the food, &c., question; but directed him to trust in God."

I hope to see this young man myself next week. His friends are very respectable, and some of them rich. I am not at all surprised at his asking for food, nor am I prejudiced against him on that account. I think he may be sincere, and yet press that question.

I must now conclude. I have no room to comment on the circumstances mentioned in my letter. That they will be mostly gratifying to you, I am well assured. I believe that we shall see prosperity in the Canarese Mission ere long. "Pray for us."

MELNATTAM :-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Robert Carver, dated
Melnatlam, October 7th, 1839.

IN the months of May and June last,
our religious services on this station
were greatly owned of God, and many
persons seemed to hear the word with
deep interest.
Several candidates for
public baptism gave us sufficient proof
of their sincerity; and about twelve of
that number, including children, were
admitted to the sacrament of baptism.

About this season we had to celebrate twelve or thirteen marriages, many of the young people being of our Melnattam congregation. Mrs. Carver had, for many months, taken great care to instruct the females, reading with them daily in the holy Scriptures, and catechising them. With many portions of the Old and New Testament they became very familiar, and also with the substance of our First and Second Catechisms.

The circumstance of several adult persons being brought out of darkness into the light and influence of Christian

teaching, alarmed many of the Heathen around us, who had hitherto viewed our labours with complacency or indifference; but now that the strong man was spoiled of a part of his goods, they arose to preserve Heathenism, and oppose, by every hinderance they could devise, the progress of the word of God.

One day, an interesting day to us.nine couples were married. The chapel was crowded, and many filled the doors and windows. Great decorum was preserved, although some of the people were from the wildest parts of the jungle. Much pains were taken to explain different parts of the excellent Service read from the Liturgy. On this day, the Heathen could no longer restrain themselves. Stirred up by the apparent inroad into their customs, they assembled outside the village, to take counsel against this new way that now threatened the very existence of the superstitions of their

fathers, who had gods many and lords many. Some of that heathen assembly had heard the Missionaries proclaim with holy confidence the redemption which is in Jesus, and that there is but one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Saviour of all and for all.

In the month of June we were surrounded by much affliction in this small village and neighbourhood. The weather was unusually wet, and the rains heavy, at a time when the hot winds generally prevail. Of forty children in a school, twelve or fourteen would be afflicted with dreadful sore eyes. Little thinking that we should become subjects of the disease, it first appeared in the most painfully inflamed eyes of our dear child, which became so alarming, that we were glad that the examination of the head native-school at Negapatam gave us an opportunity for a change of air. The few days' stay greatly benefited our little boy, and we returned in hope that all would be well in future. On reaching Manaargoody, to our great surprise, we found Mr. Best afflicted with great inflammation of the eye. At Melnattam, on our return, every thing indicated that the disease still extensively prevailed; and I regret to say, that our dear child caught it again with ten-fold virulence. His eyes, we thought, were utterly destroyed: a second removal seemed the only hope.

Going over to preach at Melnattam, before we left Manaargoody, I unhappily caught the same infection, and was led into Negapatam on horseback, quite blind. My horse-keeper was nearly blind, and twenty of our people and children were all subjects of the same malady at the same time. Leeches and medical aid being at hand, in about three weeks I was able to bear the light again. My eyes are now much recovered; but they will require care and some time to recover their wonted strength. Mrs. Carver and the child have been obliged to remain in a small house taken in Negapatam, as little doubt was expressed, by our medical advisers, of the most imminent danger of total injury to sight by a present return.

I returned, however, at all hazards, preached, and gave tickets, September 29th; and having put all things in order, during the past week, and preached and met the classes yesterday, I am now about setting out for Trichinopoly, where upwards of thirty members of our society are looking for the usual Quarterly Visitation of the Minister. I am happy to

be able to leave on the station a steady native Assistant, whom I engaged this year. As he has been brought up in our own Mission, and has considerable talents, joined to an excellent spirit, I have the more satisfaction during necessary absence. By a letter received today, (Oct. 7th,) I find Mr. Best and his family are going to Negapatam this evening, as Mrs. Best needs medical attention, which cannot be had where we are stationed. He, no doubt, will have communicated his sentiments to you on the necessity for that visit.

Perhaps I ought to observe, that, on my second visit to Negapatam, I was enabled to attend the quarterly examination of the head native-school; and as Mr. Best was not able to leave his station, that circumstance was the more timely, that the brethren connected more immediately on the station with the school might receive advice and encouragement in their arduous and very responsible duties. At the examination in September, the Rev. Mr. Thompson, Church Missionary, with others, was present, and expressed much satisfaction with the progress of the students. I felt gratified especially with the three boys whom we last sent from Melnattam school, whose progress since they joined this institution was very pleasing. We suffer loss for a time when our best boys are taken away from the head of our country schools; but it becomes gain to the students, and to the church at large. May the Lord bless the lads thus brought under special instruction; and crown the labours of our brethren, in forming them for future usefulness, with great success!. Great as is the distance between these humble institutions and that princely one which you are, under God's blessing, fixing on so permanent a basis in London, we rejoice in all! Each has its place, and all these blessed endeavours have one design;-to furnish armour for the spiritual warfare, sharp weapons to pierce the hearts of the adversaries of our heavenly King.

You will hear from me again soon ; and, in my future correspondence, I may be able to give you some account of our visit to Trichinopoly, a place where loud calls are made for our effectual and regular labours. I need only say, that, if Madras and Bangalore have our attention, surely the third division of the Presidency, the emporium of Heathenism, demands your prayers, your Missionaries, your most effectual aid !

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