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of some of their owne side, that there was a knowne time, when those Tenets were not certainly known, or generally received by the Romane Church.

The Marriage of Priests was not altogether forbidden, till the time of Gregorie the seventh (saith Polydore*), and this was above a thousand yeeres after Christ. The number of seven Sacraments was not expressly defined, till the dayes of Peter Lombard (saith Cassander†), and this was 1140 yeeres after Christ. The Doctrine of Transubstantiation was not received for a poynt of faith, till the Councell of Lateran (saith Scotus), and this was above 1200 yeeres after Christ. The power of Indulgences extending to soules in Purgatory, was first decreed by Boniface the eighth (saith Agrippa |), and this was 1300 yeeres after Christ. The Communion in one kinde began to bee generally received but a little before the Councell of Constance (saith Gregory de Valentia¶), and this was almost 1400 yeeres after Christ.

* De Rer. Invent. l. 5. c. 4. Bellar. de Euch. lib. 3. cap. 23.

§ Scotus in 4. Sent. dist. 11. q. 3.

+ Cassand. de num. Sacra.

De Van. Scient. c. 61. ¶ De legit, usu Euchar. c. 10.





BUT since these men are so inquisitive to know of us the first Authors of their Religion; I will tell them of their predecessors, and give them a short Pedegree both of their Romane faith, and our Protestant doctrine; that it may appeare, from whom they and we are lineally descended. And first touching the succession in person and doctrine, I will examine it, Ordine retrogrado, by ascending upward.

Latine Service and Prayer in a strange tongue came into the Church by Pope Vitalian (saith Wolphius*), and this was about the yeere 666. If wee ascend higher, the Heretikes, Osseni, taught in the first ages, that there was no need to make a Prayer in a knowne tongue, saith Epiphanius t. If you will ascend to the Apostles' time, and claime Antiquitie in the highest degree;


Wolphins Lect. Memorah. Centenar. septim. p. 189. Numerus Bestia, Apoc. 13.

+ Epiph. hæres. 19.

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There were certaine Jewes (saith Ambrose) amongst the Grecians, as namely the Corinthians, who did celebrate the Divine Service, and the Sacrament, sometimes in the Syriack, and most commonly in the Hebrew tongue, which the common people understood not*. For which cause Saint Paul wrote, that whole chapter of the fourteenth of the first to the Corinthians, which is wholly and expressly directed against Prayer or divine Service in an unknowne tongue. Here you have the Romish succession in doctrine and person derived from Jewes and Heretikes: heere is our Protestant doctrine derived from Saint Paul the Apostle : Pray with the spirit, pray with the understanding also.

The doctrine of Transubstantiation was first decreed at the Councell of Lateran, about foure hundred yeeres agoe: If we ascend higher, it was set on foot by Damascen and Epiphanius the Deacon, for bringing in the worship of Images, at the second Councell of Nice: If wee looke further, it was practised by the Helcesaita †, which fained a two-fold Christ, one in Heaven, another in Earth: like the Masse-priests, who admit one bodie with all his dimensions and properties in Heaven above, another body in the Sacrament here below, which hath no properties

* Ambr. in ep. 1. ad Corin. cap. 24.

+ Heleesaitæ duplicem Christum faciunt, alium supra, alium infra. Theod. hæret. fab. lib. 2. tom. 2. p. 300. Lat. Colon.



of a true bodie. If wee looke higher, it was delivered by Marcus* the Heretike, who by his invocation over the Sacramentall cup, caused the wine to appear like blood. If you will looke into the Apostles' time, the first authours were those disciples, that beleeved the grosse and carnall eating of Christ's flesh, which murmured against him, and forsook him. Here is their succession in doctrine and person, derived from Idolaters, from Heretikes, from Capernaitės. Here is our faith delivered at the same time by Christ himselfe The words I speake are spirit and life. (John vi. 63.)

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The Pope's Supremacie was confirmed at the Councell of Lateran, and the Councell of Trent. If wee ascend higher, it was first granted by Phota's t the bloody Emperour, to the Bishop of Constantinople, 600 yeeres after Christ. If they claime antiquitie from the time of the Apostles, the Gentiles were their first Founders and Benefactors: For (saith Christ) the Kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and they that exercise authoritié upon them, are called Benefactors. (Luke xxii. 25.) Here is their succession in doctrine and person, derived from blood-suckers and Gentiles, in usurping power over Kings and Kingdomes in things spirituall, in things temporall. Heere is our received Doctrine from Christ himselfe; Whosoever will be great among you, let him

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Irenæus, lib. 1. cap. 9,

Uspergensis in Phoca. fol. 149.

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bee your Minister: and whosoever will bee chiefe among you, let him bee your servant. (Matt. xx. 26, 27.)

The worship of Images was decreed at the second Councell of Nice, almost eight hundred yeeres after Christ. But if you claime Antiquitie (because it is a poynt of faith), Irenæus* tells us, the Basilidians, and Carpocratians in the Primitive times did worship Images, and professed, they had the Image of Christ made by Pilate. Here is their succession in doctrine and person, derived from the Heretikes, Basilides and Carpocrates: heere is ours, derived from the Doctrine of Saint Paul, (Rom. xii. 3.) and from the lesson given by Saint John, (1 John, v. 21.) yea, from the mouth of God himselfe, Thou shalt not make to thy ́self any graven image, &c. (Deut. iv. 15, 16.)


The Communion in one kinde was decreed at the Councell of Constance above 1400 yeeres -after Christ. Yet if you stand upon Antiquitie, because it is now an article of faith; P. Leo tells you, the Manichees†, a sort of Heretikes, in his time used the Sacrament in one kinde, viz. in bread onely. If you ascend to the time of the Apostles, the Nazarites (saith Bellarmine) had made a vow, not to drink wine, and therefore in all likelihood they tooke the Sacrament in bread onely‡.


Irenæus, lib. 1. cap. 23, 24.

+ Leo Ser. 4. de Quadrages.

Non est credibile Nazareos contra votum suum bibisse de calice. Nec tamen credibile est, eos omninò à communione

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