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sterling yerly within and without Galway, upon the veray sam lands and tenements as mak mencon in the said colladge is bowke, any clames, titells, challandgs or rights that we have had, or that hierafter our heirs or assignis might have hadd, or of right ogt to have in any the said yerly rents, to the contrary notwithstanding. And lyck as our said predeccessours willed and comaunded us to obey and perform ther wills, upon payn of ther mallediccon or curs, lyckwiss we do chardge and comaund all or heirs, successours and assignis, into whoss hands any parte or parcells of the said lands or tenements cometh, to obey and performe this our donacon, ffrom tyme to tym, and pay the said anuall rents as in the said colladg bouk menconed, and this upon payn of our curss and mallediccons. Alwais requiering thordinary for the time beinge, to causs the sam to be observed, and lick wiss comaunding the maior for the tyme being to se the same put in execucon accordingly, upon payn menconed in the said old donacons. To have and to hold the said yerly rents perpetually for evermore, to the said wardian, vicariis and to ther successours, of and from us our heirs, executours and assignis for evermor be theass presents. In witnes hierof, we not only confirmid the said arbitrement with our hands, but also and for the more assuraunc set hierunto our signis and sealls, and willid the notary to writ and sign the sam, at Galway the third day of Marche, annis r. r. Phi. et Marie quarto et quincto, MDLVIII. Being present, the Reverend father in God Cristopher archebusopp of Tuamencis, Mr. Jamy Linch fitz-Ric. maior, Ric. and Walter Linch bailivis, Jamy Kyrevan and David Kyrewan proctouris of the said churche, Thomas Martin Johnneg and Nichas Linch fitz-Stephen, Thomas and Nichas Blak, and Thomas Colman Notary, and other divers. -per me, Richard Blake fyz-Sefre-per my, John Blake fyz-Rychard.”—Orig.

"Order touching Srowher, etc.
"A. D. 1569.

"By the L. Presydent and Counsell of Connaghte.

"Where as complaint hath bene made unto us by the Warden and Collegiatts of St. Nycholas churche of Galway, that John Boorke, nowe Cheryfe of Connaght, and Walter and Willm. Boourke fitz John fitz Meyller wrongfully dispossessed them of the profitts and fruicts of the vicaradges of Srowher, Skryne in Tome, and Kenlagh (parcell of the lyvinge united unto their sayd colledge), pretending title there unto in the right and behalf of Sir John mc Willm prest, Dermot O Rowan and John O Doroghe: against whome the sayd Warden and collegiats produced an order before us, in the deffence of their title, passed and geven by Sir Thomas Cusak and others her Mat" comyssioners; whereby it dose appeare that the sayd John m Willm, Dermot O Rowane and John O Doroghe had not any lawfull title or intereste, in or to the

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said premysses, and the above named deffendants, being also called, to answere before us, cowld shewe nothing matteriall to deffeat the same. We, therefore, after due hearing and examenyng of the matter, do confyrme and rattiffie the sayde order taken by the sayd Comyssioners, as just, and agreeing with equit & good conscyence. And also, do, by theis presents, order, adiudge adwarde and decree that the sayd John Boorke, sheryfe, and Walter and Willm. Boourke shall hensfourthe in no wyse interupte or moleste the pls; of or in their quiet and peaceable possession and enjoying the vicarrodgs of Srowher, Skryne in Tome, and Kenlagh aforesayd, but shall suffer them or their assignes, in quiet and peaceable maner, to receve, perceive, and tak up, from tyme to tyme, all such fruicts, profyts and comodyties, whatsoever, to them belonging, without eny theire lett or ympechment. And further, it is orderd that the sheryfe, John Boorke, shall sattisfie the sayd complaynents of or for all things taken up by hym, synce the date of the above menconed order (which was takene the vii. of January 1568.) savinge for such of the sayd profitts as he enjoyed by the graunt of John Mo Willm prest, who served as currate in the sayd viccaradge of Skryne, (under the sayd pls.) being the iiii. parte of the profitts of the Benefice aforesayd (and this in consyderacon of a contract made with the sayd John Boorke) whych iiii. parte also he shall only have for the tyme paste, and hensfourthe shall forgoe and disclayme frome the whole, permytting the p'. the quiet and peaceable possession & sysyne of the premysses, without his disturbanc, so as the said p". viz. the Wardene and collegeats, and their successours, have not further cause to complayne. Yeven at Gallway the x. th of December 1569.

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"Concordat cum originali.

"JOHN CROFTON, Cons. Con."--Orig.

Inquisittio of the Duties and Rights of St. Nicholas his Churche.

“A. D. 1609.

"Visu ffranci plegii of our Soveraigne 1. and kinge, James, in the yeare of his raigue of Englande, France and Irelande, and of Scotland the xliit. tacken before Oliver Brown mayor of the town of Galwey, Nicholas Ffrench fitz-Peeter, and Dominicke Browne, bailiffs of the same, by thinquisittione and oath of the persons following, tutching such duties as belongeth unto the parishe churche of Saint Nicholas in Gallwey aforesaide, according the old ancient coustome, tyme out of mynde, used, to be collected and tacken up by the Church Wardiane, for the tyme being, towards the reparacione of the said church, viz.

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1. Ulicke Lynch fitz-Edd. of Gallwey, alderman.

2. Thomas Browne of the same, alderman.

3. Anthony Kirvane of the same, merchaunt.

4. James Lynch fitz-Henry the younger of the same, merchaunt.

5. Arthur Lynch fitz-James of the same, merchaunt.

6. Patricke Blake fitz-John of the same, merchaunt.

7. Edmund Athie of the same, merchaunt.

8. Martine Lynch fitz-Martine of the same, merchaunt.

9. Arthur Bodkyne of the same, merchaunt.

10. Nicholas Martyne fitz-John of the same, merchaunt.
11. Christophor Bodkyne fitz-Richard of the same, merchaunt
12. Clement Kirvane fitz-Patrick of the same, merchaunt.

13. Martine Bige of the same, merchaunt.

14. Teig Ballaghe of the same, showmaker.

15. Gillepatricke m° Coghlane of the same, weawer.

16. Dermott m° ffollane of the same, brogmakere.

17. Willm O Many of the same, cottner.

18. Walter Shoy of the same, Taylour.

19. Nicholas Nolane of the same, Goldsmyth.

20. Muriertagh M Inylley of the same, Glower.
21. Donnell O'Mollhane of the same, Cooper.
22. Connor Duffe of the same, Fisherman.
23. Davy O'Ffodaghe of the same, Boathman.
24. Loughlin of the same, fresh-water fisherman.

1. First, we fynde, that according the olde ancient custome, the heires or exec. of every gent. fremane, Burgesse or merchaunt of this towne, their wiffs or children, of what degree soever he or they be, that shall departe this worlde, is to deliver or pay unto the church wardain, towards the reparacon of the church aforesaid, the second best garment (viz. gowne or cloke) he, or they soe departed had at the tyme of his death, or the value thereof, at the choies or discretion of the said heire or exec.

"Item, we ffynd that all the comonaltie or laymen of the said towne, which hath or would have there buriall within the body of the said parish church, are to pay or deliver the best cloacke or maunttell he or they soe departed had at the tyme of his death, or the just value thereof, to the church wardian, towards the reparacion aforesaid, or otherwise to be buried in the church-yard.

"2. Item,

"2. Item, we ffynd, that all and every yong artificer of the inhabitants of this towne or the subarbes thereof, viz'. as massons, carpenters, joyners, houppers, fresh watter and salt watter fishers, gold smythes, blake smythes, brassers or pott makers, tinckers, peatterers, English and Irish tayolors, Irish and English showmakers, glowers, weawers, and cottoners, with all and every other craft, science or trade what soever he or they be of, shall at his first coming to be free with the rest of his professed occupation, before he exercise, or occupie his arte, sattisffie and pay unto the church wardeine, fiv shillinges ster. towarde the reparacion aforesaid.

"Item, we ffynde it convenient, that all and every such person or persons whatsoever from hence fourth, in this towne, as shall tacke chardge uppon hime or them to be masters of a boath, either by sea or river, shall sattisfie and pay, for his income to the church wardiane, fiv shillings ster. towards the reparacion aforesaid, excepting such fishermen as formerlye paied the same.

"3. Item, we ffynde it lickewise decent, that all and every such backers, as are at this present or hereafter shalbe in this towne, or the subarbes thereof, and chiefflye Walter Shoy, Humphrey Poinard, William Reagh, Dermott O'Nolane and Moyller O'Hallorane, and ther successors backers, shall pay unto the church wardiane aforesaid, towards the foresaid reparacone, the some of ffyve shillings sterl. yncome, apice, forbyding any other hereafter to use or occupie that traid, without the speciall liscence, and agreement of the said church wardian, and the rest of that company.

"4. Item, we ffynde it meette, that Walter Costelly, Margrett Coocke widow, and Raffe the candell makers, shall pay unto the church wardian aforesaid, fiv shillings ster. the yire, to the use aforesaide; inhibiting any other what soever hereafter, to use or occuppie that trade, without the speciall liscence and agreement of the forsaid company and church wardiane.

"5. Item, we ffinde in like manner, that Donnell mo Robage now tannere, and all others that is, or shalbe hereafter of that trade, shall according the rest of the artificers, sattisffie, and pay unto the church wardian aforesaid fyve shillings ster. apice, towards the reparacion aforesaid; forbiding any other hereafter to use or occupie that trade without the liscence and agreement of the foresaid church wardiane, and the rest of that company of tanners.

"6. Item, we ffynd, that in the old ancient tyme, it hath been used and acoustomed in this towne, that every manner of persone or persones what soever, which did, or should brywe within this towne or the suborbes thereof, aille or beere to sell, should pay unto the church wardiane aforsaide, one pottell of the said beere or aille, for every brywing; which we doe lickewise confirme and alowe hereby; And for that, in consideracione as the same cannott be tacken up and reared by the church wardiane, we

thinke it ffitt that every such brywer, shall at allhallontyd and May, by even portiones, yearlie for ever more hereafter, sattisfie and pay twelf penc a pice in liew of the said beere, towards the reparacion of the parish church aforsaid.

“7. Item, we ffynde, that there is due to the church wardiane, towards the raparacion aforesaide, out of every vessell of acquvittir which is or shall be retaylled in this towne, one pinte thereof, so as allwaies the said vessell, exceede fower gallones; and if the same be a hogsett or a butte there is noe more due there uppon, which we doe lickewise confirme.

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8. Item, we ffynd, that there is due to the church wardiane uppon any townsman, or merchaunt straunger what soever, which bringeth or procureth any shippe, or barke, be it great or small, into this towne or port of Gallwey, ladden with what comodities soever, one peny for every tone of her said ladding; and also wine, salte, irone, Batry and Honny (for which there is two pence a tone due) to be collected by the church wardian duley, towards the raparacion aforesaid.

“9. Item, we ffynd, that there is due to the church wardian three shillings four penc ster. upon the tatch house, next adioyning unto the great stone house, wherein now dwelleth John Nolane, belonging unto Marcus Duffe Lynch, which diew was left thereupon by Mr. Stephen Lynch fits-Arthur of Gallwey alderman deceased, towards the reparacion of the parish church aforesaid, to be yearlie collected and tacken up by the church wardian for the tyme being, for ever, at allhallontyde, per annum.

"10. Item, we ffynde, that Nich's Blake of Gallwey aforesaid merchaunt, deceased, by his last will and testament, bequeatted and leifte towards the reparacion of the church aforesaid, to the church wardiane for the tyme beinge every allhallontyde for ever, out of the high tatch house, right against Peetter oge French fitz-Petter is mansione stone house, which thatch house is now in the possession of Richard Lynch fitz-James Roe. "11. Item, likewise we ffynde, that Mr. Domnick Browne of Gallway alderman, deceased, by his last will and testament, leift towards the reparacion aforesaid, the some of three shillings and fower pence ster. to be yearlie received and taken up for ever, by the church wardian for the tyme beinge, out of the rent of the land called Athey Thomas reagh, in the west syde of Gallwey aforesaid.

"12. Item, we ffynde, that by comone consent of all thinhabitants of this towne, it hath bene grauntted, and thereuppon acoustomed, that at all tymes, when any massons or glassiers did, or hereafter shall, woorke uppon the parish church aforesaid, the wholle gents and merchaunts of the said town, are by tournes to fynd them diett, and the common or lay men to fynde woorkemen, or labourors during the said woorke. 13. Item, we ffynd, in like manner, that is acoustomed of ancient old tyme, that when there is any worke of reparacion or glassing uppon the said parish church, the wardiane


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