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Dermicio Magro tenetur ad xls. viiid. Item, famulis vigilantibus circa villam tenetur ad iis. Item, ingi myechayn tenetur ad ii. mensuras frumenti, et alias ii. mensuras manseti evene. Item, uxori Johannis Reddemer tenetur ad i. sulcum madri. Item, fratre ymananayn tenetur ad viiis. et iiiid. Item, Waltero Blake tenetur ix. et iiiid., cum duabus virgis, cum quarterio panni Anglicani.

Christi nomine Ihu invocato, et ejus auxilio postulato, Ego reverendus ac discretus vir, Johannes Blake, jacens egrotus, viam universe carnis aripere estimans, testamentum meum congruo modo condere cupiens, et dicens in forma subsequenti.—In nomine sanctissime trinitatis ac individue, unius patris, et filii et spiritus sancti. Inprimis, lego animam meam summo creatori sue, qui hominem ad ymaginem et similitudinem suam fecit et creavit; at lego corpus meum ad sepeliendum in loco predecessorum meorum, in ecclesia fratrum minorum ville de Galvy. Item, lego mecum ubi requies mea erit et resurrectio, de bonis prescriptis valorem v. marcarum, secundum communem estimacionem, fratribus predictis. Item, lego pro decimis meis oblatis ad fabricam capelle Sancti Nicholay, et ad fabricam capelle Sancte Anne ville de Galvy, eque inter easdem dividendo, valorem x. marcarum de bonis predictis, sicut executor subscriptus poterit expedire et exigere. Item, lego domino Rectori, et domino vicario ejusdem ville, precium vs. Item, lego ad exequias meas precium xl3. cum i. pipa vini. Item, lego fratribus Galvye xxviii. virgas de lytys. Item, lego duobus filiis meis xl. marcas de predictis. Item, fratribus de Clar lego valorem xx3. de predictis; et sic omnibus pauperibus et secularibus subsequentibus, a principio usque ad finem testamenti mei, lego communem estimacionem ab executore meo recipere et nichil ultra exigere volo ab eodem. Item, fratribus lego de Athnaryg x. Item, lego fratribus de Kenalheyn i. nobilem. Item, lego fratribus Killchony i. nobilem. Item, fratribus de lochryach lego i. nobilem. Item, canonico O gillarayn lego xld. Item, lego ad decenciam altaris beati Antonii ii. marcas. Item, lego ad fabricam ecclesie parochialis de Athnaryg x3. Item, lego fratribus de Mylyuch i. nobilem. Item, lego fratribus de lochthra i. nobilem. Item, lego fratribus de Phortdompna i. nobilem. Item, lego fratribus de Roscomayn i. nobilem, Item, fratribus Athlethayn lego i. nobilem. Item, fratribus de Roba lego i. nobilem. Item, lego Margarete Blake ii. marcas. Item, lego Sile Blake i. marcam. Item, lego duabus filiabus Blak et Annon ii. marcas. Item, lego Kateline et Aveline Blak ii. marcas. Item, lego duobus filiis meis ii. loricas et scapularia ii., ac ii. galeas. Item, lego Willielmo, Walteri Blake filio, iii. marcas. Item, Ricardo flavo, Johannis Blake filio, lego iii. marcas. Item, lego Thome Blake ii. marcas. Item, fergallo anchorite lego mensuram frumenti, et i. vas butiri. Item, Ane lego ii. mensuras frumenti. Item, lego bachachin Blake x. Item, filie Mic Richaryd lego vi. marcas de predicta, sicut

ceteri habent, estimacione, et equum vel iii. marcas pro equo. Item, lego fratri Thome O clumayn ii. nobilia. Item, lego aliis vi. fratribus, viz., Donato O Neyll, Davidi OM'chony, Nicholao OKeryn, Donaldo O M'heach, Odoni O Neyll unicuique istorum unum nobilem. Item, lego ad domum pauperum i. mensuram frumenti, aliam pissarum, et ii. mensuras evene. Item, lego Ane cece i. nobilem. Item, lego Margarete Sortret precium vs. de bladiis. Item, lego Margarie Stondun et Katerine socie sue precium vs. de bladiis. Item, lego Roys ni Dathuch precium xld. de bladiis. Item, Theobaldo Johannis filio, et Thome flavo colactaneo meo, lego precium xis. Item, lego alatrici mee iiiior. evene mensuras.

Med. est, quod prefatus Johannes Blak, coram testibus subscriptis, omnia ista legata superaddita aliis primis legatis, sana mente, licet eger corpore, personis quoque infrascriptis in hunc modum fecit et legavit dicens. Inprimis, lego Edmundo Kar dimidiam dosseli panni, cum ii. quarteriis salis. Item, lego Theobaldo M'Seayn glays iii. caballos. Item, lego Johanni O Lorchayn i. caballum, et ii. mensuras evene. Item, lego Dermicio lyncas i. mensuram evene. Item, lego fratri Thome Maglynn ii. buselas salis. Item, lego Thome Othyarnayd ii. quarteria salis et i. virgam panni cum quarteria. Item, lego Willielmo Martyn dimidiam quarteriam salis. Item, Cronyn O Mulraty i. mensuram evene lego. Item, lego henrico bodekyn i. quarteriam salis, cum i. virga et dimidia panni. Item, lego pro habitu meo tempore mortis recepto, v. virgas vestium. "Data et acta sunt hec Anno Domini м°.cccc°.xx. In vigilia nativitatis virginis gloriose, in loco ffratrum minorum de Galvya, coram hiis discretis ac fide dignis testibus, viz. henrico Baudekyn, henrico Blake, fratre Thoma O Clumayn ordinis minorum, Thoma O floyn, Willielmo Walteri blake filio, Ricardo blake, Thoma claudo, ac pluribus aliis ad premissa rogatis et requisitis.

"Nos Johannes, Dei et Apostolice sedis gratia, archiepiscopus Tuamensis, istud testamentum Johannis blake, coram nobis exhibitum in ccclesia parochiali de galvy, cujus inventarium una cum tabula testamentaria legimus, vidimus et diligenter inspeximus, in omni sui parte tenore presentium confirmamus, ratificamus et approbamus. Et data est administracio bonorum dicti Johannis defuncti, executori infra scripto. Data et acta sunt in ecclesia parochiali predicte ville.

"Hujus autem testamenti mei executorem instituo, ordino, facio atque denuncio, viz. Walterum blak Galfridi filium, cujus dispocicioni et ordinacioni omnia supradicta per me legata, sicut ipse melius et utilius a prefatis debitoribus exigere poterit, etc."—Orig.

"Laudum Wil. de Burgo sue nacionis capitanei, et aliorum, inter Henricum,

Willielmum, et Sily Blake. A. D. 1424.

"Omnibus christi fidelibus has literas visuris vel audituris: Nos Willielmus de Burgo meeque nacionis capitaneus et miles, Johannes Mc Huug dicte nacionis, Williel


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mus de Valle, Edmundus Mc Mic Ricard, Johannes filius Mileri magni, Walterus Me Thiboth, Henricus Ruffus de burgo, salutem et subsequentibus fidem indubiam adhibere: Noveritis quod pro bono pacis inter ipsos qui se naturaliter, et secundum sanguinem invicem attigisse noscuntur, reformande et imposterum fideliter et firmiter observande, viz. Henrico Blake filio Johannis Blake de Athnarydh ex parte una, Willielmo Blake ex alia, et Sily Blake ex parte tercia, dictis partibus circa successionem hereditariam tocius hereditatis Henrici Blake senioris nuper defuncti, utroque dicente se altero de jure potiorem, nimium contendentibus seu litigantibus, rogati et requisiti per predictas partes, prius se invicem sub pena perjurii manifesti, tactis sacro-sanctis Dei ewangeliis, obligantes stare nostris arbitrio, compositione sive ordinacione, et earum successores et heredes, imperpetuum: et eciam quod quisquis ex predictis Henrico juniori et Willielmo, quovismodo contraveniret alter alteri ad summam centum librarum constituto de contravencione hujusmodi eo ipso firmiter fuisset obligatus, nostras partes interposuimus, sufficienti caucione fidejussoria et juratoria prius, ut premissum est, ab eisdem recepta, prefatorum Henrici, Willielmi, et Sily qualitatem considerantes, antedicto Henrico juniori, nostra oppinione et judicio, digniori et magis merito totum illud tenementum per longum et latum, cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, in quo predictus Henricus defunctus nuper inhabitabat, heredibus et assignatis suis habendum et tenendum quiete et pacifice concessimus, composuimus et arbitrati fuimus, et per presentes, concedimus, componimus et arbitramur; et eciam assignamus dicto quoque Willielmo, heredibus et assignatis suis, in recompensacionem dicti magni et principalis tenementi, assignamus, componimus et ordinamus duo tenementa jacentia inter domum lapideam Johannis Blake junioris nuper defuncti ex parte una, et terras Johannis Fyche ex parte altera. Prefate vero Sily, ad terminum vite sue, pro sua honesta sustentacione, assignamus omnia illa et singula tenementa, jacencia inter ten. nuper Dominici Lynche, et terras Thome Penryse; item, unam gurgitem anguillarum communiter nominatam in Nuntinach, ita tum quod post decessum dicte Sily, omnia et singula per nos sibi assignata revertantur equaliter inter predictos Henricum juniorem et Willielmum, heredes sive assignatos suos. Item volumus et ordinamus qui filii dicti Johannis junioris, et Thome nigri Blake habeant omnia terras, tenementa et gurgites, que predicti Johannes et Thomas dum vixerant possidebant. Item, volumus et ordinamus quod secundum quantitatem porcionis sibi assignatam, predicti Henricus, Willielmus, et Sily solvent omnia debita dicti Henrici senioris, et incumbencia onera supportabunt. Hec presens ordinacio facta est apud Galviam, decimo die mensis Septembris, sub testimonio sigillorum nostrorum, anno Domini M.CCCC.XXIIII. anno vero regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum tercio.”—Orig.

The four documents which immediately follow, are among the earliest specimens of

of written English found by the Editor in this district. When we call to mind that it was only in the fourteenth century the people of England began to speak in a language which may be called English, though even that cannot now be understood without the help of a glossary (see Henry's Hist., Part V. p. 498) and that Chaucer, who died A. D. 1400, is unintelligible without similar aid, it must be confessed that the


comen Englishe tong" is of respectable antiquity in the west of Ireland.

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"Dede of delyveraunc of vi. marc x. to Sandere lynche & al.

"A. D. 1430.

Knowynge be thus to alle men yn time to comyng that y henry Blake and Walter Blake custumers of pe Kyng & John Rede countroller of pe porte of po Galvy & of Slego haye ymade delyveraunce to Saunder lynche et Davy Botyller vi. marc x3. pe wych p for sayde Saunder lynche & Davy Botyller was owing of a tayll of xx. marc to Mc Wylliam p' now ys and of pe wiche some above ysayde we knowlich Saunder lynche & Davy Botyller full payde & pe for sayde henry Blake Walter Blake & John Rede pere of quyte. In pe wyttenys her of Soverayne and portreve of pe Galvy & many mo. And her to pe for sayde Saunder and Davy have put to har seals. Iwrote at pe Galvy pe xx". day of August. The zere regnyng of Kyng henry pe VI. after pe viii. zer.-Orig.

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pe conquest

'Betwyxt Wil Blake f. Gefferey and hary Blake fz John for the devittion of all ther lands. “A. D. 1445.

"To alle trew Cristen peple that pis present writyng schulle se or hire that for as moche as certeyn discordis strifes and debatis have been now late Imevid and Ihad bitweene William Blake fe Geffrey burgeys of the towne of Galvy of pat one party and harry Blake fe John Blake of Athenry and John his sone of pat other party as for certayn londis and tenementis with hare aportenaunce in Galvy and in the subarbis of pe seide towne nevertheles pe seide William Blake harry Blake and John his sone of pe seide discordis stryves and debatis bi mediacion of hare frendis goyng by twene in eschewyng of grevows costagis and hurt of bope parties compromitted ham to stonde to pe dome and Iugement of Willug Burke Justice and Sheref of Conoght lorde of Glanricard and maister Iohn fferere generall of pe frere prechours under the forme as hit schewith here after write which pat is regestred in pe comyn paper of pe towne of Galvy in these wordis etc.

"Med that pe iii. day of Octobr the zere of Kyng harry the vish, after pe conquest of Englond the xxiii". William Blake fe Geffrey of pat one party and his heiris and assignys

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assignys and harry Blake fe John Blake and John his sone and hare heyris and hare assignys of that oper party havyth ensured ham a fore Willug Burke lorde of Glanricard Walter ffrensche soverayn of pe Galvy maister John fferere Generalle of the frere precheres and all the comborgeys of pe towne of pe Galvy under hare othis of the masse boke and the holy crosse and the foresaide lorde borow the maister and all the comburgeys pat pey both foresaide parties schalle stonde ferme and stable for now and evermore of alle hare contraversy abowt the londe and pe anheritaunce pat was sum tyme harry Blake pe elders with Inne and with owt the towne of Galvy to pe dome of the foreseide Willug Burke and maister John fferere Generalle of pe order with owt frawde or gile or after clappis of sotilte by eny of the foreseide parties above saide etc and pat pis is sothe and in witnesse of trowthe Nicholas Skyret sovereyn of the Galvy Walter Ffrensche Saundye lynche harry lynche William lynche Stephen lynche Robert lynche and Walter Athy to this present wrytyng have put to hare selys. Iwrite at Galvy the last day of Septembre in pe yere of pe regnyng of Kyng harry pe vi. pe xxiiii"."-Orig.

"Arbitryment inter William fy Geffray et Johan fy Henry Blake.

A. D. 1445.

othe of


"To all cristen pepill that this present endentours partys shall hire or se bet y cnow that x day of pe munth of novembre pe zere of oure lord Kyng henry pe vi aftir pe conquest xxiiiit William fy Geffray Blake yn pat onn parti his heris & his assignys & Johan fy henry Blake his heris & his assignys yn pat opir parti cumpromitid aboute all londe and parte pat Henry fy Johan Blake hilde & had pe his oune possession yn pe towne of Galvy witin & witout undir pe pe masboke & pe holy crosse & vnto Willok Borke lord of Clan rycarde, Rycard Borke fy William maister John fyrere Saundre Lynche William Lynche Water Blake & Thomas Lynche & undir pe suirte of je same wit pe soverayn & portrif & his comburgens of Galvy to stande now & ever to harre acorde & arbitryment aftir pe forme & pe poynts pat herafter folayt undir pe payn of an hundird pounte bornys Edmunde Athye & Thomas Lynche for William fy Geffray Blake William Lynche & Robert Lynche for Johan fy Henry Blake In primis pat Johan fy henr Blake shall have pe tenement pat sumtyme wassh Masstir henr Blake pe yldir sumtime burges of Galvy wit all hes oportnans fram pe plase of Nicholas Skyret unto je plase pat Denys rono sumtyme dvellid yn & so fro pe hye strete unto pe toune walle wit an ele vere mecallet Correcalle & a parcel of londe mecallit Gortledrine pat his fadir hadde Item of


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