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it is our duty, and ought to be our happiness, to endeavor to attain to the utmost pitch of excellence of which our nature is capable; and that universal benevolence will make us bear fome faint resemblance of our merciful God, who is good and gracious to all the works of his hands.

Our Lord defires that his difciples might see his glory. As they were witneffes of the infults and fufferings he submitted to, in his ftate of humiliation, he lets them have the fatisfaction of hearing him pray (who never prayed in vain,) that they might be with him and see his glory; not merely have a tranfient view of it, but to fee, enjoy, and partake of it, for ever and ever, in the manfions of blifs. What an unbounded reward is here presented to all who faithfully love and obey God, and his Son, Jesus Christ, whom he hath fent! for this reward is not confined to the apostles, but extends to all his true disciples to the end of the world.

Could we but be perfuaded to set our affections upon things above, this great duty

duty of prayer would not be fo much neglected, or performed with fo much careleffness and inattention, as is too often the cafe. Ignorance is another great bar to the fervency of our addresses to our Maker, both public and private. I trust, therefore, it will not be deemed improper in me, before I quit the subject of prayer, to make fome few comments upon that most excellent form taught us by our bleffed Lord this appears to me the more neceffary, as, in the intercourfe I have had with the lower order of young people, (and, I am much afraid, it is not confined to them,) I have generally found them repeat this divine compofition, plain and eafy as it is, without affixing any precise meaning to it, or feeming to understand what they applied for, or the duties required of them. As this moft excellent form of prayer always constitutes a part of our devotions, I flatter myself, if I can perfuade my readers to attend seriously to it, it may be the means of drawing their attention, in like manner, to every other


form of prayer, or praise, which they may address to the Deity. With this hope, I shall proceed, without further preface or apology.

"Our Father, who art in Heaven,"

When we confider the honor conferred upon us, in being commanded to addrefs God by that most affectionate and most revered name of Father,' are we not aftonished at his condefcending goodness ? Should not this goodness raise our thoughts to the throne of grace with humble gratitude, and unbounded love and veneration, for the ineftimable privilege of being permitted to apply to him who is the Lord of the universe, by so distinguishing and endearing a title ?

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May thy name be honored (or hallowed) throughout all the world; may the whole race of mankind unite in thy worship; and may we never presume to use thy 4 E holy

holy name lightly, or without the utmost reverence and respect, but glorify thee, O Lord God, in every thing wherein thou hast been pleased to make thyself known to us.

Who can repeat this petition, yet think themselves at liberty to take the name of the Lord their God in vain, as too many do in their common conversation?

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Let the Lord rule over all the nations of the earth; and let the Gospel be published, fpread, and profper, throughout all the world; that all mankind may become one fold under one fhepherd, Jefus Chrift; may each of us receive fresh supplies of thy holy Spirit; and may the kingdom of grace come and dwell in our hearts here upon earth, that we may be constantly prepared for thy kingdom of glory hereafter.

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Thy will be done in earth, as it is in "heaven."

May we conftantly follow the bright example of the bleffed above; and, though


we cannot in this world attain to their height of perfection, grant us grace that we may, to the utmost of our power, strive to copy their excellencies, in our ready and cheerful obedience to thy will, that, through the merits of Chrift, which have raised those faints to the height of that exaltation and happiness they now enjoy, we, thy finful creatures, always remembering that thou haft opened the gates of eternal life to us alfo, may enter therein, and with them become partakers of thine everlasting kingdom,

"Give us this day our daily bread.". Give us, O God, every thing that thou feest to be needful for us, both temporal and spiritual. On thee alone we depend; and, without thy constant support, we must fall again to the duft from which thou formedft us.

In this moft excellent prayer, which no Chriftian fhould omit to address to the throne of grace every morning and evening, we are reminded of our conftant dependance

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