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ABBADISTS, a denomination which arose in the seventeenth century; so called from their founder, John Labbadie, a native of France, a man of no mean genius, and remarkable for a natural and masculine eloquence. He maintained, a mong other things, that God might, and did on certain occasions deceive men-that the holy scripture was not sufficient to lead men to salvation, without certain particularilluminations and revelations from the holy Ghost-that in reading the scripture, we ought to give less attention to the literal sense of the words, than to the inward suggestions of the Spirit; and that the efficacy of the word depended upon him that preached it-that the faithful ought to have all things in common-that there is no subordination or distinction in the true church of Christ-that Christ was to reign a thousand years upon earth-that the contemplative life is a state of grace and union with God, and the very height of perfection-that the christian, whose mind is contented and calm, sees all things in God, enjoys the Deity, and is perfectly indifferent about every thing that passes in the world that the christian arrives at that happy state by

*Mosheim, vol, v. p, 63.

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the exercise of a perfect selfdenial, by mortifying the flesh and all sensual affections, and by mental prayer.*

LAMPETIANS, a denomination in the seventeenth century, the followers of Lampetius, a Syrian monk. He pretended that, as man is born free, a christian, in order to please God, ought to do nothing by necessity; and that it is therefore unlawful to make vows, even those of obedience. To this system he added the doctrines of the Arians, Carpocratians, and other denominations.† Arians and Carpocratians.


LATITUDINARIANS, a name which distinguished those in the seventeenth century who attempted to bring Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Independents, into one communion, by compromising the difference between them. The chief leaders of this denomination were Hales and Chillingworth, men of distinguished wisdom and piety. The respectable names of More, Cudworth, Gale, Tillotson, and Whitchcot, add a high degree of lustre to this eminent list.―They were zealously attached to the forms of ecclesiastical government and worship which were established in the church of England; but they did not look † Broughton, vol. ii. p. 31.


author of all human actions.

upon episcopacy as absolutely and indispensably necessary to (2.) That consequently the

the constitution of the christian church: hence they maintained that those who followed other forms of government and worship, were not on that account to be excluded from the communion, or to forfeit the title of brethren. They reduced the fundamental doctrines of christianity to a few points. By this way of proceeding, they shewed that neither the Episcopalians, who, generally speaking, were Arminians, nor the Presbyterians and Inde pendents, who as generally adopted the doctrines of Calvin, had any reason to oppose each other with such animosity and bitterness, since the subjects of their debates were matters of an indifferent na ture, with respect to salvation; and might be variously explained and understood without any prejudice to their eternal interests.*

LIBERTINES, a denomination which arose in Flanders about the year 1525. The heads of this party were one Copin, and one Quintin, of Picardy. The doctrines they taught are comprised in the following propositions:-(1.) That the Deity was the sole operating cause in the mind of man, and the immediate

distinctions of good and evil
that had been established with
respect to those actions, were
false and groundless; and that.
men could not, properly speak-
ing, commit sin.-(3.) That
religion consisted in the union
of the spirit, or rational soul,
with the supreme Being.-
(4.) That all those who had
attained to this happy union
by sublime contemplation and
elevation of mind, were then
allowed to indulge, without
exception or restraint, their
appetites and passions, as all
their actions were then per-
fectly innocent.-(5.) That
after the death of the body,
they were to be united to the

This denomination permitted their followers to call themselves either Catholics or Lutherans.+



LUCIANISTS, so called from Lucianus, a disciple of Marcion. See Marcionites and Cerdonians.

LUCIFERIANS, a denomination in the fourth century; so called from Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari. They are said to have maintained that the soul was transfused from the parents to the children.‡

* Mosheim, vol, iv. p. 535. Burnet's History of his own Times, p. 186. + Broughton, vol. ii. p. 543. Mosheim, vol. iv. pp. 122, 123, Mosheim, vol. i. p. 314.

LUTHERANS, those who follow the opinions of Martin Luther, an Augustine friar, who was born at Isleben, in the country of Mansfield, in the circle of Upper Saxony, in the year 1483. He possessed an invincible magnanimity, and an uncommon vigour and acuteness of genius.

are made use of in their defence.

1. That the holy scriptures are the only source whence we are to draw our religious sentiments, whether they relate to faith or practice. For the apostle declares that the scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation; and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. (2 Tim. iii. 15-17.) To which may be added a cloud of divine witnesses to the same effect.* Reason also confirms the sufficiency of the scriptures: for if the written word be allowed to be a rule in one case, how can it be denied to be a rule in another? For the rule is but one in all, and is perfect in its nature.

This denomination took its rise from the distaste taken at the indulgences which were granted in 1517, by Pope Leo the tenth, to those who contributed towards finishing St. Peter's church at Rome. Those famous indulgences administered remission of all sins, past, present, and to come, however enormous their nature, to those who were rich enough to purchase them. At this Luther raised his warning voice; and in ninety-five 2. That justification is the propositions, maintained pub- effect of faith, exclusive of licly at Wittenberg, on Sep- good works; and that faith tember 30. 1517, exposed the ought to produce good works doctrine of indulgences, which purely in obedience to God, led him to attack the autho- and not in order to our jusrity of the pope. This was the tification :† for the doctrine of commencement of that memo- the gospel attributes all things rable revolution in the church to God, and nothing to man. which is styled the reformation. Paul, in his epistle to the The capital articles which Galatians, strenuously opposLuther maintained are as fol- ed those who ascribed our low; to which are added a justification partly to works. few of the arguments which He asserts that if righteous

*Prov. i. 9. Isai. viii, 20. Luke i, 4, John v. 39. xx. 31. 1 Cor. iv. 6.

Luther constantly opposed this doctrine to the Romish tenet, that man by works of his own, prayer, fasting, and corporal afflictions, might merit and claim pardon: he used to call the doctrine of justification by faith alone the article of a standing or falling church.

ness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. (Gal. ii. 21.) Therefore it is evident we are not justified by the law, or by our works; but to him who believeth, sin is pardoned and righteousness imputed.

3. That no man is able to make satisfaction for his sins. For our Lord expressly tells his disciples, When ye have done all ye are unprofitable servants. (Lukexvii. 10.) Christ's sacrifice is alone sufficient to satisfy for sin, and nothing need be added to the infinite value of his merit and sufferings.

In consequence of these leading articles, Luther rejected tradition, purgatory, penance, auricular confession, masses, invocation of saints, monastic vows, and other doctrines of the church of Rome.

The Lutherans differ from the Calvinists in the following points (1.) The Lutherans have bishops and superintendants for the government of the church. But the ecclesiastical government which Calvin introduced was called Presbyterian, and does not admit of the institution of bishops, or of any subordination among the clergy.-(2.) They differ in their notions of

the sacrament of the Lord's supper. The Lutherans reject transubstantiation; but affirm that the body and blood of Christ are materially present in the sacrament, though in an incomprehensible manner; and that they are really exhibited both to the worthy and unworthy receiver. This union of the body and blood' of Christ with the bread after consecration, is by the Lutherans called consubstantiation. The Calvinists hold, on the contrary, that the man Christ is only present in this ordinance by the external signs of bread and wine.-(3.) They differ in their doctrine of the eternal decrees of God respecting man's salvation.* The Lutherans maintain that the divine decrees, respecting the salvation and misery of men, are founded upon a previous knowledge of their sentiments and characters. The Calvinists, on the contrary, consider the divine decrees as free and unconditional. See Calvinists.

For an account of the particulars in which Luther differed from Zuinglius, see Zuinglians.

The Lutherans are generally divided into the moderate and

Luther himself strongly maintained the doctrines of grace, original sin, and predestination. Hence they have been called the doctrines of the Reformation. But, as the Lutherans afterwards abandoned them, they are now generally known by the name of Calvinistic doctrines,

A a

the rigid. The Moderate Lutherans are those who submitted to the interim* published by the emperor Charles the fifth. Melanchthon was the head of this party: they were called Adiaphorists. The Rigid Lutherans are those who would not endure any change in their master's sentiments. Matthias Flacius was the head of this party. To these are added another division, called


ACEDONIANS, a denomination which arose in the fourth century; so called from Macedonius, bishop of Constantinople. He considered the holy Ghost as a divine energy diffused throughout the universe, and not as a distinct person proceeding from the Father and the Son.f

MANICHEANS, a denomination founded by one Manes, or Manicheus, in the third century, and settled in many provinces. He was a Persian by birth, educated among the magi, and himself one of the number before he embraced christianity. His

Luthero-Zuinglians, because they held some of Luther's tenets, and some of Zuinglius's. --The Lutherans are also subdivided into a variety of denominations.+ See Amsdorfians, Calixtins, Flacians, Osiandrians, Synergists, and Ubiquitarians.

For an account of the extent of the Lutherans, see Part the Second.

genius was vigorous and sublime, but redundant and ungoverned. He attempted a coalition of the doctrine of the magi with the christian system, or rather the explication of the one by the other; and in order to succeed in the enterprize, affirmed that Christ had left the doctrine of salvation imperfect and unfinished : and that he was the Comforter whom the departing Saviour had promised to his disciples to lead them into all truth.

The principles of Manes are comprehended in the following summary :-That there are two principles from which

*This was a name given to a confession of faith enjoined upon the protestants after the death of Luther by the emperor Charles the fifth: it was so called, because it was only to take place in the interim, till a general council should decide all the points in question between the catholics and protestants.

Luther on Galatians, pp. 142-144. History of Popery, vol. i. p. 226. Mosheim, vol. iii. p. 331. vol, iv. pp. 108, 109. Robertson's History of Charles the fifth, vol. ii. p. 42. Broughton, vol. ii. pp 33-36. History of Religion, number xiii, pp. 121-128. Christian Magazine, vol. i. pp. 4—5. Priestley's Corruption of Christianity, vol. i. p. 320,

+ Mosheim, vol, i. p. 546.

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