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death has produced the most fatal ef altogether unexpected, to the applicafects, "those persons most dreading tions of art.' This patient,' says Dr. their departure from life, to whom it Reid, was one of the society of has proved least productive of enjoy- Friends; a society whose peaceful tement," Doctor Reid goes on to give nets and habits prove as favourable to some illustrations of the powerful ope health as they are to piety and virtue; ration of this morbid feeling. Intro with whom Christianity consists prinducing this part of the subject, he ele- cipally in composure; and self-regulagantly says; "an indulgence in this tion constitutes the essence of religion.' morbid excess of apprehension not only The Essays on Pride and Remorse embitters a man's existence, but often abound with just remarks and prescrip tends to shorten its duration. He has- tions both moral and medical. Pride tens the advance of death by the fear is not only a sin, but may become a with which his frame is seized at the disease, and health as well as virtue appearance of its approach. His trem- suffer from its hateful influence. bling hand involuntarily shakes the morse, also, is not of itself a compenglass in which his hours are numbered." sation for misconduct. Where it is an As, however, we have not room to unproductive feeling merely, and not a dwell as long as we could wish on any regenerating principle, instead of mitipart of the book, we will quote some examples offered, and proceed.

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gating it can only serve to aggravate our offences. Repentance, sentimenThe well attested instance of the tally indulged, often stands in the way younger Lord Lyttleton is mentioned, of a practical reformation. The erwho expired at the exact stroke of the rors of our past life are not to be atoned clock which, in a dream or vision, he by wasting the remainder of it in a had been forewarned would be signal of sedentary grief, or in idle lamentations. bis departure;' and that of a man who Active duty alone is able to counteract was sentenced to be bled to death. In the injury, or to obliterate the stain, of stead, however, of the punishment be- transgression.' In short, Doctor Reid, ing actually inflicted, he was merely in leading us from the broad and fremade to believe that it was, by causing quented road of physical ill, brings us water, when his eyes were blinded, to into the path of duty and enjoyment. be poured down his arm. This mimicry, The remaining essays are on Solihowever, of an operation, as completely tude; on Excessive Study, or applicastopped the movements of the animated tion of mind; on Vicissitude, as a machine, as if an entire exhaustion had cause and characteristic of intellectual been effected of the vivifying fluid. malady; on Want of Sleep; on IntemThe man lost his life, but not his blood.' perance; on the Excess of Abstinence ; Another person had been condemned on Morbid Affections of the organs of to lose his head. The moment after sense; on Mental Derangement not init had been laid upon the block a re- dicative of constitutional vigour of mind; prieve arrived; but the victim was al- on Physical Malady, the occasion of ready sacrificed. The living principle mental disorder; on the Atmosphere of had been extinguished by the fear of London; on Dyspeptic and Hepatic the axe, as effectually as it would have diseases; on Palsy, idiotic and spasbeen by its fall. In connexion with modic affections; on the hereditary nathis subject, an instance is mentioned ture of Madness; on Old age; on Luof restoration from an apparently natic Asylums; on the importance of hopeless disease,' which was ascribed counteracting the tendency of Mental to the tranquil cheerfulness of the pa- Disease; on Bleeding; on Pharmacy; tient. which powerfully aided the ope- on Ablution; on Bodily Exercise; on rations of nature, and gave an efficacy, Real Evils, a remedy for those of the

Imagination; and on Occupation. In experiment, urges, from motives of pothe treatment of all these subjects, Dr. licy as well as duty, an observance of Reid has manifested much philanthro- the same rules of conduct that had bepical feeling and elegance of mind, as fore been dictated by speculative reawell as an extensive range of observa- son and enjoined by religion, how tion, and a profound acquaintance with much is the cause of virtue strengththe theory of human life and duty. ened? Men then find that the laws of nature and providence grant no immunities to transgression, no pardon, but to reformation; and that with one accord they all cry out, by the immutability of God, that self-control is wisdom; that the infallible consequence of righteousness is happiness, and that,

Such books are eminently calculated to do good. The precepts and exhor tations of the moralist are too apt to be unavailing. In early life, when sense is young and appetite keen, before truth has been enforced by stern experience, there is ever indulged an obscure hope that the connexion between moral and physical ill is not absolutely inseparable; that passion may be indulged and But duty neglected with impunity. when, in aid of the moralist, the physician comes forward, and by the strong evidence of facts, on the stable basis of

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1777) was remarkable for a circumstance of private distress too peculiar and affecting to be omitted. The circumstance to which I allude is Lady Harriet Ackland's passage through the enemy's army to attend her wounded husband, then their pri


"The progress of this lady with the army could hardly be thought abruptly or superfluously introduced, were it only so for the purpose of authenticating a wonderful story.It would exhibit, if well delineated, an interesting picture of the spirit, the enterprise, and the distress of romance, realized and regulated upon the chaste and sober principles of rational love and connubial duty

MESSRS. EDITORS, MONG the romantic incidents of real A life, few surpass the adventures of lady Harriet Ackland, who accompanied her husband Major Ackland in General Burgoyne's unfortunate campaign, of 1777. An entire generation has nearly passed away since the declaration of American Independence. The events of our revolutionary war, familiar to those who were actors in its scenes, are becoming, like the tales of "the days beyond the flood," to the existing race. The memory of those times that "tried men's souls" is revived by the perusal of General Wilkinson's Memoirs, who corrects a mistatement in the pathetic tale of Lady Harriet's story, so admirably delineated by General Burgoyne in his "Lady Harriet Ackland had accompanied "State of the expedition from Canada, as her husband to Canada in the beginning of laid before the House of Commons in the year 1776. In the course of that cam1780." Should the Editors of the American paign she had traversed a vast space of Monthly Magazine consider the narrative country, in different extremities of season, comprehended within their plan, they will and with difficulties that an European trano doubt amuse and gratify their read- veller will not easily conceive, to attend, ers by its insertion. The account of in a poor hut at Chamblee, upon his sick General Burgoyne is first introduced, and

General Wilkinson's relation concludes a

scene unrivalled in interest by any section
of ancient or modern romance.
General Burgoyne's Narrative of Lady Harriet
Ackland's Adventures.

"Besides the continuation of difficulties and general fatigue, this day, (9th October,


"In the opening of the campaign in 1777 she was restrained from offering herself to a share of the fatigue and hazard expected before Ticonderoga, by the positive injunctions of her husband. The day after the conquest of the place, he was badly wounded, and she crossed the Lake Cham plain to join him.

"From the date of that action to the 7th of October, Lady Harriet, with her usual serenity, stood prepared for new trials! and it was her lot that their severity increased with their number. She was again exposed to the hearing of the whole action, and at last received the word of her individual misfortune, mixed with the intelligence of the general calamity: the troops were defeate, and major Ackland, desperately wounded, was a prisoner.

"As soon as he recovered, Lady Harriet two British officers, major Hanage and proceeded to follow his fortunes through Lieutenant Reynell; but in the event their the campaign, and at Fort Edward, or at presence served but little for comfort. the next camp, she acquired a two wheel Major Hanage was soon brought to the tumbril, which had been constructed by surgeon very badly wounded; and a little the artificers of the artillery, something time after came intelligence that Lieutensimilar to the carriage used for the mail ant Reynell was shot dead. Imagination upon the great roads in England. Major will want no help to figure the state of the Ackland commanded the British grena- whole group. diers, which were attached to General Fraser's corps; and consequently were always the most advanced post of the army. Their situations were often so alert, that no person slept out of his clothes. In one of these situations a tent, in which the Major and Lady Harriet were asleep, suddenly took fire. An orderly sergeant of grenadiers, with great hazard of suffocation, dragged out the first person he caught hold of. It proved to be the major. It happened, that in the same instant she had, unknowing what she did, and perhaps not perfectly awaked, providentially made her escape, by creeping under the walls of the back part of the tent. The first ob ject she saw, upon the recovery of her sense, was the major on the other side, and in the same instant again in the fire, in search of her. The sergeant again saved him, but not without the major being very severely burned in his face, and different parts of his body. Every thing they had with them in the tent was consumed.

"This accident happened a little time before the army crossed the Hudson's river, (13th Sept) It neither altered the resolution nor the cheerfulness of Lady Harriet; and she continued her progress, a partaker of the fatigues of the advanced corps. The next call upon her fortitude was of a different nature, and more distressful as of longer suspense. On the march of the 19th Sept. the grenadiers being liable to action at every step, she had been directed by the major to follow the route of the artillery and baggage, which was not exposed. At the time the action begun, she found herself near a small uninhabited hut, where she alighted. When it was found the action was becoming general and bloody, the surgeon of the hospital took possession of the same place, as the most convenient for the first care of the wounded. Thus was this lady in hearing of one continued fire of cannon and musketry, for four hours together, with the presumption, from the post of her husband at the head of the grenadiers, that he was in the most exposed part of the action. She had three female companions, the Baroness of Reidesel, and the wives of VOL. I. NO. IV.

"The day of the 8th was passed by Lady Harriet and her companions in uncommon anxiety; not a tent, not a shed being standing, except what belonged to the Hospital, their refuge was among the wounded and the dying.

"When the army was upon the point of moving, I received a message from Lady Harriet, submitting to my decision a proposal (and expressing an earnest solicitude to execute it, if not interfering with my design) of passing to the camp of the enemy, and requesting General Gates's permission to attend her husband.


Though I was ready to believe, (for I had experienced) that patience and fortitude, in a supreme degree, were to be found, as well as every other virtue, under the most tender forms, I was astonished at this proposal. After so long an agitation, exhausted not only for want of rest, but absolutely want of food, drenched in rain for twelve hours together, that a woman should be capable of such an undertaking as delivering herself to the enemy, probably in the night, and uncertain of what hands she might first fall into, appeared an effort above human nature. The assurance I was enabled to give was small indeed; had not even a cup of wine to offer; but I was told she had found, from some kind and fortunate hand, a little rum and dirty water. All I could furnish to her was an open boat, and a few lines, written upon dirty and wet paper, to General Gates, recommending her to his protection.

"Mr. Brudenell, the chaplain to the artillery (the same gentleman who had officiated so signally at General Fraser's funeral) readily undertook to accompany her, 2 M

and with one female servant, and the major's valet-de-chambre, (who had a ball which he had received in the late action then in his shoulder) she rowed down the river to meet the enemy. But her distresses were not yet at an end. The night was advanced before the boat reached the enemy's out post, and the sentinel would not let it pass, nor even come on shore. In vain Mr. Brudenell offered the flag of truce, and represented the state of the extraordinary passenger. The guard, apprehensive of treachery, and punctilious to their orders, threatened to fire into the boat if it stirred before day-light. Her anxiety and sufferings were thus protracted through seven or eigt dark cold hours; and her reflections upon that first reception could not give her very encouraging ideas of the treatment she was afterwards to expect. But it is due to justice at the close of this adventure to say, that she was received and accommodated by General Gates with all the humanity and respect that her rank, her merits, and her fortune deserved.

"Let such as are affected by these circumstances of alarm, hardship, and danger, recollect, that the subject of them was a woman; of the most tender and delicate frame; of the gentlest manners; habituated to all the soft elegancies, and refined enjoyments, that attend high birth and fortune; and far advanced in a state in which the tender cares, always due to the sex, become indispensably necessary. Her mind alone was formed for such trial."


"The day, (9th Oct.) wasted without a movement to the front, excepting parties of observation, and the night found us on our old ground. About ten o'clock I was advised from the advanced guard on the river, that a batteau under a flag of truce had arrived from the enemy, with a lady on board, who bore a letter to General Gates, from General Burgoyne, of which I shall here record a fac-simile,* in honour

*Gen Burgoyne's Letter to Gen. Gates. SIR

Lady Harriet Ackland, a lady of the first distinction by family, rank, and personal virtues, is under such concern on account of Major Ackland, her husband, wounded, a prisoner in your hands, that I cannot refuse her request to commit her to your protection.

Whatever general impropriety there may be in persons acting in your situation and mine to solicit favours, I cannot see the uncommon preeminence in every female grace and exaltation of character of this lady, and her very hard for

of the sensibility which dictated it, and as a testimony of that supreme degree of fortitude, resignation, constancy, and affection, which is most frequently discovered under the most tender forms; and I will add, from my own observation, and I will do it with lively satisfaction, that in the exercise of these duties and these virtues which ornament and sweeten the married life; in every trial of adversity, the fair and feeble sex show themselves superior to the lordly animals of the creation, and furnish examples of tranquil firmness and resolution to their protectors.

"Major Henry Dearborn (since Major General) who commanded the guard, was ordered to detain the flag until the morn. ing; the night being exceedingly dark, and the quality of the lady unknown. As this incident has been grossly misrepresented to the injury of the American charac ter, which in arms is that of courage, clemency, and humanity; to correct the delusions which have flowed from Gen. Burgoyne's pen, who, although the vehicle could not have been the author of the calumny-I am authorized by General Dearborn to make the following statement, in which I place entire confidence. His guard occupied a cabin, in which there was a back apartment appropriated to his own accommodation: the party on board the boat attracted the attention of the sentinel, and he had not hailed ten minutes, before she struck the shore; the lady was immediately conveyed into the apartment of the Major, which had been cleared for her reception; her attendants followed with her baggage and necessaries, and fire was made, and her mind was relieved from the horrors which oppressed it, by the as surance of her husband's safety; she took tea, and was accommodated as comforta bly as circumstances would permit, and the next morning when I visited the guard before sunrise, her boat had put off, and was floating down the stream to our camp,

tune,without testifying that your attentions to her
will lay me under obligations.
I am, Sir,

Oct. 9, 1777.

M. G. Gates.

Your obedient Servant,

The original of this highly interesting letter, together with several other important MSS. documents relating to the campaign of 1777, has been deposited, by Gen. Wilkinson, in the archives of the New-York Historical Society as well as an elegantly bound presentation cop of his Memoirs.

where General Gates, whose gallantry will not be denied, stood ready to receive her with all the respect and tenderness to which her rank and condition gave her a claim indeed, the feminine figure, the benign aspect, and polished manners of this charming woman, were alone sufficient to attract the sympathy of the most obdurate; but if another motive could have been wanting to inspire respect, it was furnished by the peculiar circumstances of Lady Harriet, then in that most delicate situation, which cannot fail to interest the solicitudes of every being possessing the form of a man: it was therefore the foulest injustice to brand an American officer with the failure of courtesy, where it was so highly merited. Major Ackland had set out for Albany, where he was joined by his lady." I am, &c. July 4, 1817.


We are much obliged to our correspondent for bringing together the particulars attending an adventure, which, we doubt not, has engaged the sympathies of our readers. We will complete the history of these lovers. The circumstances attending the wound and capture of Major Ackland, will be found in our Review of General Wilkinson's Memoirs, page 41 of this volume. We are enabled to add from the same authority, (Gen. W's Memoirs,) the tragic sequel of this interesting story. In consequence of the situation of Lady Harriet, General Wilkinson used his endeavours, with success, to procure the conditional exchange of Major Ackland, with permission to remove to New-York. There, Major Ackland effected his exchange against Major Otho Williams, at that time a prisoner on Long-Island. Pending the negotiation for this purpose, Major Ackland made this wounded officer an inmate of his house, where Lady Harriet's attentions alleviated his sufferings. We approach with reluctance the catastrophe of our tale. General Wilkinson has feelingly related it.

"But unfortunate was the destiny of this gallant, generous, high-minded gentleman; and it cannot be listened to by an American without deep regret, when it is known he gave his life in defence of their honour. I have the following detail from an English gentleman in whom I place confidence:-Ackland, after his return to England, procured a regiment, and at a dinner of military men, where the Courage of the Americans was made a

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The American Museum has been removed from Chatham street to the NewYork Institution, in Chamber street; and was opened for exhibition the first time on the afternoon and evening of the 2d July, 1817. The brilliant display made on this occasion, gave an opportunity for many to admire the taste of Mr. Scudder (the pro prietor) in the disposition of his natural curiosities, and the elegant manner in which he has prepared and preserved them, and varied their natural attitudes to give the strongest impressions, and produce the most lasting effect upon the beholder. His skill is unequalled in preparing subjects of natural history so that they shall retain their original characteristic expression,and appear in their native beauty or deformity. It was the opinion of several gentle, men present the first exhibition, that neither London nor Paris, which they had visited, possessed specimens in such high state of preservation; and that as he already excelled in the preparation, he would soon exceed in the number of his subjects, and the extent of his Museum, any similar establishment. It was thought by some, that nothing was wanting but a little more time and due encouragement, to make the American Museum the first establishment of the kind in this or any other country. Not an individual appear ed dissatisfied with this appropriation of the building in which the Museum is now established. On the contrary, all express ed their satisfaction that Mr. Scudder had received public patronage, and thought that he had shown himself worthy of it. Former attempts had been made in NewYork to establish a Museum of natural and artificial curiosities, but they failed for want of public patronage. Notwithstanding these discouraging circumstances, Mr. John Scudder began, about the year 1800, while he was yet in the employ of Mr. Savage, at monthly wages, to procure specimens for a new collection. The

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