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one of us free to make his special contribution to all the rest.

Take the pupils to see a factory or a department store; let them make a list of articles in a grocery and tell where each comes from and what labor it involves. Connect with the ethical talks their lessons in geography and in the history of their town and state.

Finally, as the school year closes, let them catch, without sound of drums, the final chords of the lesson that only through service can we express our gratitude and our loyalty to the world which has given us all we possess.

The material for the subject of patriotism is unusually rich and accessible, yet much of it is too mature, too fragmentary, too scholastic for boys and girls of twelve and thirteen. General essays on patriotism do not strike home; concrete examples of how we can help will make loyalty real.

William DeWitt Hyde's School Speaker and Reader (Ginn & Co.), Richman & Wallach's Good Citizenship (American Book Co.), and Gulick's Town and City are valuable; on the historic side, delightful suggestions for compositions are found in Eva March Tappan's American Hero Stories (Houghton, Mifflin Co.).

In the latter months, the children may be led directly toward civic responsibility. Let them, if possible, organize for themselves a Good Citizens' Club to help their school and town. Miss Jane Brownlee's paper on Child-Training gives excellent suggestions from her experience in organizing a Young Citizens' Club at Toledo.


Read: Edward Everett Hale's The Man Without a Country.

Questions: Was Nolan too severely punished for having cursed his country? Why or why not? Give a list of all the people you can think of, on whom we depend for safety, health, knowledge, and comfort. What can we do to help any of them in return? If your town were cut off for a month from all supplies, in what ways would it suffer? Is there any part of the country that does not need the help of the rest? If all the tradespeople became untrustworthy at once, what would happen? In what ways do the members of a football team depend on one another? Why is it unfair to give up playing in the middle of a game simply because you are tired of it?

If these questions are answered in writing, so that the children have time to think them over carefully, the illustrations will be better and the memory of the discussion more lasting.

Read: The "Journal" of Robinson Crusoe, by Defoe.1

Bring out the worthlessness of gold to Crusoe: "Oh drug, what art thou good for? Thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off the ground." Notice his comfort in the Bible: "I will never forsake thee." Point out his longing for comrades: "I cannot explain by any possible energy of words what a strange longing and hankering of desire I felt in my soul upon this sigh

1 See Robinson Crusoe: Riverside Literature Series.

of a ship." Make the class feel how safe, and how fortunate we are to have helpers all around us and comrades everywhere.

Read: Rudyard Kipling's "The Ship that Found Herself," in The Day's Work. It will require preparation to get the best out of this story, for it has many technical nautical terms, but it is well worth study. Its motive is the value of working together and doing each his part without complaint or shirking. At first, the different bolts, rivets, and planks in the ship complain of one another and of the hardships they meet in the surging waves. Gradually, they discover that they must all pull together, all share the strain, and all work for the ship, and they arrive in port triumphant.


When we see a fire company dashing on its way in answer to an alarm, we stop to admire the stirring picture that it presents. . . . Then we pass on our way, and in the whirl of city life this incident is soon forgotten. And yet this company may return with many of its members bruised and sore, while others are perhaps conveyed to near-by hospitals, mortally wounded. It is not always the fire that makes the biggest show that is the hardest to fight. The fire that goes roaring through the roof of a building, lighting up the city for miles around, is sometimes much more easily subdued than the dull, smoky cellar or sub-cellar fire that forces the men to face the severest kind of “punishment," the effects of which are felt for weeks afterward, before it is controlled.

1 From Fighting a Fire, by Charles T. Hill. Copyright, 1894, 1896, 1897, by The Century Co.

At a sub-cellar fire that occurred one night, a few years ago, on lower Broadway, I saw over a dozen men laid out on the sidewalk, overcome by the smoke. A gruesome sight it was, too, with the dim figures of the ambulance surgeons, lanterns in hand, working over them, and the thick smoke for a background.

These were brave fellows, who had dashed in with the lines of hose, only to be dragged out afterward by their comrades, nearly suffocated by the thick, stifling smoke that poured in volumes from every opening in the basement. Over one hundred and fifty feet of "deadlights," or grating, over the sidewalk had to be broken in that night before the cellars were relieved sufficiently of the smoke with which they were charged to allow the men to go in and extinguish the fire. This required the combined work of the crews of five hook-and-ladder companies, who broke in the ironwork with the butt ends of their axes, the hardest kind of work. But the newspapers the following morning gave this fire only a ten or twelve line notice, mentioning the location and the estimated loss, and adding that "it was a severe fire to subdue." No word of the suffering the men were forced to face before this fire was under control; no mention of the dash after dash into the cellar with the heavy line of hose, only to be driven back to the street by the smoke, or to be dragged out afterward nearly unconscious; nor of the thud after thud with the heavy axes on the thick iron grating that required twenty or thirty blows before any impression could be made on it. This was muscle-straining, lung-taxing work that the average man has to face only once in a life-time; but the firemen in a large city have it always before them; and each tap on the telegraph may mean the signal to summon them to a task that requires the utmost strength and nerve.

While speaking of cellar fires, let me relate an incident

that happened to some companies in the down-town district. It was in the sub-cellar of a crockery and glass warehouse, amid the straw used to pack the glassware. It sent forth a dense, stifling smoke, and was an ugly fire to fight. I will relate it in the way in which it was told me by a fireman in one of the companies that were summoned to subdue it.

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"The station came in one night at 11.30. We rolled, and found the fire in Barclay street, in a crockery warehouse, — burning straw, jute, excelsior, and all that sort of stuff in the sub-cellar. Smoke? I never saw such smoke since I've been in the business. We went through the building, and found the fire had n't got above the cellar. We tried to get the line down the cellar stairs, but it was no use. No one could live on that stairway for a minute. The chief then divided us up, sent out a second [a second alarm], and we sailed in to drown it out; 27 engine got the rear; 7 engine the stairway, to keep it from coming up; and our company, 29, got the front. We pried open the iron cellar doors on the pavement, only to find that the elevator, used to carry freight to the bottom, had been run up to the top. Here were four inches of Georgia pine to cut through! And phew! such work in such smoke! Well, we got through this, opened it up, and out it all came! No flames, just smoke, and with force to suffocate a man in a second. We backed out to the gutter and got a little fresh air in our lungs, and went at it again. We brought a thirty-five foot ladder over from the truck and lowered it through this opening, and found we could n't touch bottom. A fortyfive foot ladder was put down, and only three rungs remained above the sidewalk; this showed that there was over forty feet of cellar and sub-cellar! And down to this place we had to go with the line. Well, the sooner we got at it the sooner it was over, so, shifting the line over the top rung of the ladder, so it would n't get

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